
Species Dominance, Artilects, Artilect War, Cosmists, Terrans, Gigadeath, Essays, Media, etc



I’ve coined two words in the title, which is just a compact form of the idea that men’s libbers will NOT be able to resolve their gender issues by trying to degynocentrify our culture, because our culture is dictated to by Jewish central banksters who are ultimately out to rule the world, and to destroy the goy (Jewish word for non Jew.) (For those of you who find such an idea indigestible, look at the evidence on YouTube from reputable scholars, e.g. Eustace Mullins, Jeff Rense, Chris Jon Bjerknes, etc.) These Jewish banksters (whom I label MEjews (massively evil Jews) have taken control of our money supply, Hollywood, the media, publishing, the court system, education, the drug industry, the medical profession, the arms trade, etc. They are indirectly responsible for the deaths of over 200 million people in the 20th century, with their engineering of two world wars, the great depression, continuous modern wars, the (so called) Russian revolution, communist purges, etc.

These MEjew banksters took the right in 1913, when they created the US Fed, to issue the country’s money, so they were able to bribe all the politicians to do what the MEjews wanted. They founded the NAACP to foster strife between blacks and whites. They changed the immigration laws so that the white European majority would eventually be outnumbered, and I’m deeply suspicious they were behind the creation of the viciously unfair divorce laws that massacre men financially on a daily basis, thus sowing total dissension between the sexes.

The MEjews do this to distract attention from their massive crimes against humanity. They have control of Hollywood and the media, so they fill peakers’ (people of average ability, lying in the peak of the Bell curve) minds with dumbed down garbage, so that they lose their capacity for critical thinking. These MEjews deliberately complexify the dealings of the Fed so as to make most people give up trying to understand them.

But stripped of its obscurantist trappings, the MEjew created Fed is a means to rob the US public of their federal taxes. It works as follows. When the government has a deficit (i.e. it is spending more money that it raises in taxes) it has to borrow extra money. Nowadays, it borrows almost exclusively from the Fed, because foreigners are no longer prepared to lend to the US.

The Fed then “prints” dollars out of thin air (i.e. costing the Fed nothing) and “lends” them to the government, which then taxes the people to pay back the Fed. The Fed consists  of Jewish banksters, i.e. Frankist Satanists, who pocket what the government gives it, i.e. the principal PLUS interest. This is pure theft by the Fed, by the MEjews.

The alternative, is that the government does not borrow money, or if it does, then it prints its OWN money to pay its debts, and then taxes the people to pay back only the principal, with no interest. Since the total interest on a debt is usually about equal to the principle, the population would be paying a lot less tax. JFK tried to give back to the government the right to issue money, which would have cost the MEjew banksters trillions of dollars, so they assassinated him. (The MEjews have assassinated 6 US presidents, 4 successfully, and 2 almost, and for the same broad reason, i.e. to keep their monopoly control of the issuance of the country’s money, so that they can steal Americans’ taxes. The MEjews set up the Fed, and the IRS (and the ADL, and the FBI) all in the same year 1913-1914.)

I consider it a CIVIC DUTY, that every intelligent person (of bachelor degree level of intelligence and above) to make themselves aware of how criminal the MEjews who control the Fed are; that MEjews should be sent to the Hague and be executed for their massive crimes against humanity.

I’m assuming that these MEjews who rule the US and most of the world (Europe, Japan, etc) are deliberately fostering dissent between the sexes to distract attention away from their crimes, so if they want the menunfair divorce laws to remain in force, they only have to bribe a handful of gender politicians who make the divorce laws, to keep them unchanged, so that men’s lib organizations like MGTOW, the herbivores (in Japan), masculists, MRAs, etc, refuse to marry and have kids, which ultimately will wipe out the US population (plus Japan, Europe, etc.)

Remember, these MEjews are (Frankist) Satanists. They are deeply religious, and want to see their Judaic (Talmudic) prophecy fulfilled, i.e. that (a Rothschild descendent) Jewish messiah will rule the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then wipe out the goy (i.e. the non Jews, i.e. 99.8% of the world population.) By tweaking the divorce laws a little, they have found a way to wipe out the goy, by having men’s lib organizations do it for them by refusing paternity. Brilliant!

I predict that the divorce laws will not be reformed to make them menfair, because the MEjews will continue to bribe the gender politicians, and bribe them increasingly richly, as social and political pressure grows from men, from women (who are not getting a man), from the media (as it becomes alarmed that whole populations are being wiped out, due to the paternity strike by men). Only under extreme pressure from society, will the gender politicians eventually concede and pass menfair gender laws, reforming divorce law, and passing the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. As social/political pressure on the gender politicians increases, so too will the MEjew bribes given to them, toughening their resolve to keep the divorce law status quo, and continuing to reject passage of the Parer.

So, a necessary condition to have menfair gender laws, will be to dejudaicentralize our culture, i.e. to send the MEjews to the Hague (the International Criminal Court) and see them executed. The MEjews need to be stripped of their power. The Fed needs to be abolished. The media needs to be deJewed, so too Hollywood, publishing, etc. In other words, the US needs its own Hitler, to rid the US of Satanist, MEjew criminals against humanity. Synagogues need to be censored, so that rabbis are unable to preach hatred of the goy, and if they do, they will be prosecuted as “hate speechers.” (The Talmud, the religious Jews main religious document, is full of vitriolic hatred against the goy. The Jewish religion is deeply anti-goy, which explains why Jews have been the most hated people in history.)

Fortunately for the planet, Jews, like everyone, are secularizing, i.e. rejecting religious ideas, that cannot compete with modern science, which ridicules religious ideas as ignorant twaddle. 85% of Israelis today are non religious. 80% of US Jews marry non Jews, so the trend is that Judaism, will die out. There is a race between Judaism (and its Satanist variant, i.e. Frankism) dying out faster than the MEjews can control the world, by censoring the internet and then destroying the goy (by destroying economies by destroying the value of their currencies, imposing police state dictatorships, then herding off their opponents to FEMA camps and killing them.)

If the MEjews don’t censor the internet soon, there will soon be millions of educated people like myself who have learned to hate them, and want them sent to the Hague. So, if these MEjews do not manage to censor the internet, it will mean their deaths. The educated, intelligent, informed, portion of the population will either prosecute them legally, or pogrom them.

Either way, once the MEjews are out of the picture, our democratic process (that has been so MEjewed, made such a moral disgrace, enraging those who are informed and not dumbed down by the peakered media) can then be reformed. The current batch of MEjew bribed politicians will be thrown out in a wave of popular rage against them, as will the MEjews who controlled them, so that a new batch of politicians can come in, with much higher moral standards, who will menfair the gender laws, and give men justice.

To get rid of the MEjews who indirectly caused the rise of the men’s lib movement (and the women’ lib movement too, in the 60s) will require education. You wont get anti-MEjew material on the main stream media, because the MEjews control it, and Hollywood, and publishing. You can only get it on the internet and from obscure books, that the MEjew controlled publishing houses refuse to publish. You can bet your life, that the MEjew dictators are working on ways to censor the internet (e.g. contained in the TPP (Trans Pacific Partnership) proposals) so as to save their own skins. If they fail, they know that there will be a pogrom in the US, and they will be killed. There is now so much anti-MEjew material on the internet, that anyone who does not know even the basics of anti-MEjewry (e.g. that the Fed is not a federal agency, but a private company consisting of MEjew bankster Satanists, such as the Rothschilds, Warburgs, Rockefellers, Schiffs, etc, that the media, courts, commercial banking, arms industries, political donations, etc are all dominated by MEjews) should be ashamed. Such people are not responsible citizens. They have been MEjewed, the way MEjews want. They have been MEjew mind controlled.

In short, to free men, we have to deMEjew our culture.


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis
