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Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis


This flyer proposes that fluffies not be given the right to vote, that only responsible adults earn that right. Since fluffies are considered by masculists to be irresponsible child-women, who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, and hence have child minds, they are considered to be unfit to be citizens worthy of being given the right to vote.

This flyer gives reasons why the above proposal is made, and then discusses how in concrete terms such a new voting law could be implemented, i.e. the concrete steps needed to make it happen.

To start with, a bit of background. The hated feminazis, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, because they have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that two thirds of young men now in many countries refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They reject being manslaves to parasitic fluffies, preferring to go their own way as MGTOWs (men going their own way), and hence are directly wiping out whole populations, due to their rejection of paternity.

But, these young MGTOWs are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts. The root cause of the “rejection of paternity problem” lies with the feminazis.

Masculists despise fluffie feminists and spit at them for their hypocrisy and child-mindedness. These fluffie feminists want their cake and to eat it too, by wanting the best of both worlds for themselves, i.e. equal rights for women, and keeping men as their manslaves, working for women, so these fluffie feminazis can stay at home, living in a middle class house, raising HER kids, that he pays for. If there is a divorce, then her ex-husband, i.e. her manslave, will remain a manslave to her, by being forced to keep paying for her.

He will lose his kids with 90% probability, he will lose half of his possessions, and his house that goes to his fluffie ex-wife, so that she can raise her kids in it. He will pay child support and often if his ex-wife is a real fluffie, then he may have to pay her alimony for life, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up, i.e. get a career competent education and get a job to become a responsible adult FIP.

Masculists and MGTOWs are so hatefully angry at fluffie feminist hypocrisy that they are now talking seriously about taking way the right to vote from fluffies, punishing them for behaving as irresponsible, parasitic children, abusing men by destroying them in the divorce  courts and having no qualms about doing so. Masculists have a hatred of fluffies for their amorality regarding their ex-husbands, and towards men in general, treating men as cash machines to be sexploited by fluffie parasites. Masculists have a hatred of such women.

There is a limit to the patience and tolerance of men regarding this divorce massacring and ruining the lives of millions of men in western countries. In the limit, if this massive gender injustice does not stop, there will be a sex war. Feminazi bitches, especially the divorce court judges and lawyers, and especially the gender politicians, who set up these criminally unjust gender laws in the first place, will be murdered by masculists and men in general.

Already, in the US, it is estimated that several hundred such divorce court judges and lawyers are murdered each year, by the men these courts financially massacre and whose lives they destroy. These divorce court judges and lawyers keep these statistics quiet, because they don’t want divorced men, who are close to suicide, switching their depression into murderous hatred and seeking their bitter revenge on the hated feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers.

Responsible thought leaders of the masculists and MGTOWs are trying to avoid such a sex war that will see men murdering the prominent feminazis, for the sake of the liberation of men. Masculists see manslavery as slavery, an issue that rouses passions. Look at the American civil war that was essentially about the immorality of Negro slavery. It was an issue that roused passions.

Things cannot continue as they are. Men cannot continue to be financially massacred and have their lives destroyed in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts. Things have to change or there will be war, a sex war, and thousands of women will be murdered, as men take back their rights, and restore some measure of common sense in the relations between the sexes.

It is the inevitability of a sex war if things do not change, that has motivated the leading thinkers of the masculists and MGTOWs to devise ways to avoid a sex war that would kill thousands of prominent feminazis.

One such proposal, contained in this flyer, is that only FIP women be given the right to vote, i.e. that the right to vote has to be earned, by proving oneself to be a responsible adult, having bothered to get a career competent education, so that an individual can be a FIP as an adult, and not parasite off the money of a man.

Those women who think that they can parasite off the money of a man, i.e. fluffies, by definition, are considered by this proposal to be irresponsible child–women, and hence rejected as being eligible to vote, as being too irresponsible, too child-like.

How would this work in practice? How could women be judged to be fluffies or FIPs, especially given that women’s abilities, their IQs, their levels of ambition, etc., vary widely, following the usual bell curve in terms of performance distribution.

The problem boils down to how to define a fluffie legally, so that the right to vote can be denied her. Selecting criteria for such a judgement, will be a topic for debate, a topic that the MGTOWs and masculists need to devote some considerable energy and effort to, to come up with a workable and effective approach.

Here are some early attempts at such criteria.

The core idea is to deny fluffies the right to vote. Fluffies are seen by masculists and MGTOWs as parasites, so the first target, i.e. the first category of women to be denied the vote, should be obvious parasites, e.g. welfare mothers, who rely on the government to get money, instead of working for it themselves.

Another category of women would be those who don’t have job experience before having a kid. The masculists push the slogan on women that they are to be FIPs and mothers, if society is not to wipe itself out. The slogan is “FIP up and mother up!” The model that masculists see for women, is that they get their career competent education at high school, similarly at college, and then work for a few years to pick up career experience.

Then they drop out of the workforce for a few years, say 7, to raise their two kids, getting pregnant at age of about 25, not much later, because later, their fertility drops off, and they will not be fertile for long enough to have two kids, thus having a negative effect on the birth rate of the culture they live in.

Women who don’t bother to get a career competent education do not deserve to be given the right to vote, so at high school and college, two categories of academic subjects could be made, the voters list, and the nonvoters list. Topics in the nonvoters list, would be those considered by the economy to be of low value, e.g. at high school – foreign languages, English literature, history, etc. and in the voters list – math, physics, chemistry, computer science, economics, etc.

If a young woman studies only subjects in the nonvoters list, then at 18 she is not given the right to vote.

A similar story could occur at college as well. It is possible that a young woman, might be made eligible to vote at 18, at high school, but then goes on to study fluffie crap at college, where the nonvoters list would include subjects such as – English literature, foreign languages, women’s studies, psychology, philosophy, history, anthropology, fine arts, etc. The voters list would include such topics as – math, physics, chemistry, geology, computer science, economics, engineering, law, medicine, dentistry, architecture, etc.

If a young woman, studies only topics from the nonvoters list, then she is stripped of her right to vote, because she is highly likely to become another hated fluffie parasite on men.

This raises the question, “Should young men be subject to the same treatment?” This is a topic for debate. If the answer is yes, then disgruntled men may join forces with disgruntled women to pressure the gender politicians, so it is probably not a good idea to subject men to the same treatment.

The whole point of this forcing women to be FIPs in order to be able to vote, is to cause the percentage of women in society who are FIPs to rise, so that such women will be a lot more adult in their attitudes towards men, and not parasite off them.

As women are socially and morally pressured to FIP up, the percentage of voters, both men and women, who want to see the gender laws menfaired, will go over 60%, thus forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.

The ultimate aim of this scheme to give only FIP women the right to vote, is to cause the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, by increasing the percentage of women who are responsible adults, i.e. FIPs, who take responsibility for their own lives and do not parasite off the money of a man.

With fluffie women removed from the voter population, the proportion of voting women who are FIPs, and hence more adult in their attitudes towards men, will increase, thus increasing the likelihood that over 60% of the total male and female voters vote for the menfairing of the gender laws.

The above suggestions on my part, on which categories of women are not to be given the right to vote, are given to launch the debate on the criteria for defining a fluffie. This debate will obviously continue, both in the masculist and MGTOW communities, and also within myself, as I give the issue more thought.

Now, let’s turn to the mechanics of implementation of this proposal, to deny fluffies the right to vote. How could it be implemented, given that all women have the right to vote today, including fluffies, so the fluffies  would not accept being denied the vote, and would vote against any such “no fluffie vote” scheme. So how to get the scheme off the ground?

By using MGTOW tactics of depriving women of men and babies. This tactic is a masculist political strategy, using MGTOW techniques as a political tool of the masculists. MGTOW is a component, a subset, of masculism, as is also what the MRM (men’s rights movement) guys are trying to do, i.e. fight for men’s right, but the MRMs have been hopelessly unsuccessful, due to using inappropriate tactics.

Today in many countries, two thirds of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids. So young women are waking up that they will not have babies, and that is making them crazy, because having babies is a woman’s dominant raison d’etre.

Masculists need to get on the broadcast media and really push the idea that if women don’t FIP up by getting a career competent education and become FIPs as adults, then they won’t get a man, nor a baby. Sure, a woman can pick up some trash male at a local pub and have a one night stand with him, but since women are hypergamous, most women will not do this because their hypergamy will preclude them from having a trash kid, who will have half the DNA of the trash father.

So, since women value having a kid, more than they value the privileges of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce courts, they will eventually vote with men to menfair the divorce laws, and to deny fluffies the right to vote, so as to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, otherwise our populations get wiped out, which is the bigger picture, that everyone needs to keep in mind.

All these strategies of the masculists are ultimately about stopping whole populations from being wiped out, as the hated fluffie feminazi bitches are now doing, not caring about the longer term, being child-like in their immediate gratification and not seeing the big picture, so typical of child-minded females, with their 10% smaller brains, not taking a broader view of the population crash problem, that they, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, have caused, and hence need to be punished, which is what the “no votes for fluffies” campaign is all about.

Once women really start screaming that they can’t have babies, they will come around to accepting the masculist message that women must vote with men to menfair the gender laws. Women will do this eventually, because if they don’t, they will all go into a collective psychosis, a collective madness, as millions of women are denied having babies. This collective female madness will push them to accepting masculist terms.

We men have the financial power to force women to accept these terms, since nearly all men are FIPs and can survive financially on our own, whereas fluffies need a manslave to parasite off to be able to survive financially.

Thus if men choose, in their large majority, which is already the case, to go MGTOW, then women can do nothing about it. Women will be forced to accept men’s terms, and will then FIP up and agree to deny fluffies the vote. Women cannot fight their strongest instinct, i.e. to have babies. If they do, then they will be like the millions of careerist women who left it too late to get pregnant, due to concentrating on their careers, and became infertile in their mid-30s, when they felt the time had come for them to be mothers, but they couldn’t. It was too late for them, so they became depressed and utterly miserable, millions of them.

All these masculist schemes depend on women and society in general being aware of them, so the masculists have a hefty education task ahead of them, to educate women that they are to FIP up and baby up (i.e. have their 2 kids in their 20s, while their biological click is not ticking too hard), so that the population does not get wiped out.

Governments and society will put strong moral pressure on women to FIP up and to mother up, as their civic duty. Masculists will put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, otherwise these women will just not get a man, not even be pumped and dumped. That is masculist policy, to punish fluffies for being the immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin that they are.

To be able to educate society and women into what the masculists want, the masculists first need to break the broadcast media barrier. The feminazis have largely taken over the media, so that task will be more difficult for the masculists, but there are still male journalists, who can be persuaded to take up the masculist story, if not, then whole populations get wiped out, so it is only a question of time before everyone becomes conscious that the total population is falling, so measures have to be taken to stop it.

Once public consciousness of the population collapse problem is strong enough, the masculists will be strongly listened to and their schemes implemented, otherwise we wipe ourselves out, so the motivation to solve the problem will be very strong.

Thus the masculists have time on our side. We have to win eventually. The feminazis will need to be smashed, the fluffies will need to rot on the shelf to extinction, and be denied the vote, so that the gender politicians menfair the gender laws, so that men can be liberated and be willing to be fathers again, without paying the evil price inflicted on them by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites.


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”  “de Garis Essays”

