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Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis


This flyer is concerned with the question whether women can be induced, as a sex, to grow up, to behave like responsible men, and if not, then what should men do about it. Should men take away women’s rights, if men eventually become convinced that women are incapable of behaving like responsible adult males, for example, taking away women’s right to vote, which would go a long way towards removing  the afflictions perpetrated upon men by women in today’s gynocentric society.

Quite frequently, I find myself having rather condescending attitudes towards women. In many respects, I just don’t take women seriously. I see them as children that I, as an adult male, with a good mathematical male brain, cannot take women as equals at all.

I say this because, I spend hours every day absorbed in the study and reflection of pure math and math physics texts at PhD level, and from time to time, I notice that there are no women in this activity. All the texts I’m studying are written by male genii, the smartest men on the planet, the “one in a million” males, meaning, there are only a few thousand such individuals, virtually all males.

If I ever come across one who is female, it is rare. If I do come across one who is female, then I expect her text to be rather mediocre and not cutting edge, but derivative, a rehash of a well-established and understood subject that has already been well explained by men, so that a women can cope with it.

Anyone reading the above sentence, will agree that it expresses a condescending attitude towards women’s math and physics abilities, and I would agree.

Now, if a feminist were to read it, then she would probably get angry, and then I in turn, as a masculist, and as a scientist, who spends his time on math and physics, would get even angrier at the feminist, dismissing her as an isscienate fairy, and accusing her of living a delusion, of behaving like a child for holding the misandrist attitudes that she has, that in my view are simply delusional.

This imaginary confrontation, gets me thinking. It can’t happen for real with me in my current situation, because I’m in China, where there are no such feminist organizations.

Spontaneously organized large groups of people that are independent of the Chinese government, i.e. the CCP (Chinese Communist Party) are not allowed by the CCP. The last such spontaneous organization to appear was the Falun Gong (a quasi-spiritual, deep breathing, movement, with millions of followers) that was banned by the CCP.  Its members then joined hands, encircling the political center of the CCCP and scared the communist leadership shitless.

A bit over a century previously, something similar occurred in China that led to the Taiping Rebellion, when the Ch’ing dynasty was almost toppled by a leader who thought he was the little brother of Jesus Christ.

That rebellion was going on at the same time as the US civil war. If the Americans were traumatized by their civil war, then the Chinese were hugely more so, because their casualty figure was a massive 20 million, compared to America’s piddly 600 thousand.

So the CCP, in its usual thuggery, suppressed the falun gong movement, imprisoning its leaders, torturing them, killing them, to prevent another Taiping. So there is no feminism in China, so I can’t have a real conversation with a feminist to justify my condescension towards women.

I will have to wait a year from the time of writing, to arrive in Melbourne, Australia, where I will live the next block of my life (and perhaps later, spending some years, probably in Cambridge, England, which is something I can do, because I’m a dual citizen.)

So I’ve been thinking about my condescending attitude towards women and generalizing that feeling to men in general, i.e. men’s condescension towards women, and about feminists’ reactions towards male condescension. I’ve been having thoughts lately along the following lines.

I wonder how much longer men will tolerate our current gynocracy, before men lose patience and put their foot down, and perhaps take away women’s rights, particularly, stripping women of their right to vote, with the justification, that women’s societal track record, since they have obtained the vote, is so appalling, and so destructive to men and to society, that all that women are doing is proving to themselves and to men, that women are not responsible adults, they women behave like children, and hence need to be treated as children by men.

Men do not give children rights. Children do not have the right to vote, simply because they are children. They do not have the maturity of mind, to be able to make adult level decisions that are considered, informed, reflected upon, weighed, and reasoned.

A case can be made that women are somewhat in the same boat. This is not a new debate. Men were arguing along the same lines a century or more ago, when the suffragettes were pushing for the female suffrage.

The main difference now, is that we have had a century of experience with women having the vote, and they have abused that right severely, so should men strip women of the suffrage, the right to vote?

Why do I say this? Because women, or rather feminists, have become genociders. They are now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, and are financially massacring one father in four, ripping his kids away from him, with a 90% probability, forcing him to give his house to his fluffie ex-wife, half of his possessions, forcing him to pay child support to kids he will barely see, and often paying his ex-wife alimony, and often for life, with no obligation on her to FIP up (become a FIP, a financially independent person) by bothering to get a career competent education, and pulling her own financial weight.

This massive injustice is committed by women, in the divorce courts. Remember a quarter of married mothers will do this, and many of them will even hold “divorce parties” to celebrate their financial crucifixion of another human being, their ex-husband, ruining his life, and have no feelings of regret, no remorse for having done this.

This kind of amoral behavior is not worthy of an adult human being. It would be despised by men, if it were done by another man. It would be considered by men to be immoral, reprehensible, and definitely not responsible to society as a whole.

No culture can survive, that financially massacres and ruins the lives of a quarter of its fathers. Eventually, men will lose tolerance and patience (and remember men have a lot of tolerance towards women, because men want to fuck women, so men have to be nice to women, so that women will permit men to penis them. A man who is not nice to women, who expresses objective male condescension towards women’s many inadequacies, will not get his penis wet in a woman, so men have to pretend that they like and respect women, whereas in reality, men usually don’t. )

Once men do lose patience, and it is likely that that will occur within about a decade, due to the rise of the sexbot and the artwomb (i.e. the sex robots and the artificial wombs) that will be with us soon. The sex bots are starting to appear on the market now, which are life-size, life-like, with luscious curvy bodies, movie star faces, creamy grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.

A third of women in western countries are fat, and another third are obese, so two thirds of women are sexually repulsive to men for that reason, i.e. too much blubber to be cock raising.

Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off.

When men can grow their own kids and prefer to sex their bots, men will no longer have to pretend to women that men respect women and like them, for the simple reason, that men will no longer need women, who until now, have had a monopoly over vagina and womb.

Men have had to tolerate women’s 10% smaller brains, their irrationality, their emotionality, their hysterics, for the simple reason that men wanted to fuck women. Men evolved to do that, i.e. having strong libidos that cause men who do not get their penises in women, to feel miserable and depressed.

So, in about a decade, once the sexbots and artwombs are with us, there will be a shift in men’s attitudes towards women. Men will take a harder line towards women’s inferiorities and be far less motivated towards being nice to women.

The masculists, like myself, will be telling society, that women have become genociders, wiping out whole populations, because of their takeover of the divorce courts, causing young men to reject marriage and paternity is large proportions, i.e. 2/3 of young men under 35 in many countries now do this, thus crashing the birth rate and in time will wipe out whole populations.

Directly, men are doing this, but they are simply reacting to women’s takeover of the divorce courts, making them toxic for males, and hence young men reject marriage and paternity, spending their money on themselves. Men have gone MGTOW (men going their own way)

Feminism is seen by men as being more of a religion for the modern woman than a science. So much of what feminism claims just does not stand up to scientific scrutiny.

Of course, there is some truth to feminism, when feminists say that men have blocked women’s rise into the work force and to positions of leadership, through male prejudice and male conservative attitudes.

I don’t deny that, but too many feminists are not being scientific and hence critical of feminist doctrines, i.e. that the primary cause of women’s problems in the modern age are due to men.

This attitude of “blame men for everything” of the feminists is simply childish, because children will blame anyone but themselves for their problems. Children are not capable of looking at themselves coldly and objectively and seeing their own limitations.

Feminists are like this too. So are Jews on the whole. All three groups blame anyone else but themselves.

Jews are notorious for playing the victim role, and rarely consider the question, “What is it about the behavior of Jews and their attitudes towards the goy that generates such anti -Semitism, wherever they go? Could it be that Jewish antigoyism, that their main religious document, the Talmud, is full of, i.e. expressions of vitriolic hatred of the goy, that religious Jews are pumped full of in their synagogues, the reason why Jews are history’s most hated people?

If your very religion teaches you as a religious Jew to hate the goy, then of course, the goy, i.e. 99.8% of the world’s population, will hate you back. Your antigoyism will generate an anti-Semitism. Jews have been thrown out of cities, regions, dukedoms, countries over 100 times according to Jewish scholars over the past 1000 years in Europe.

The common factor in all these expulsions of Jews, is the Jews. They only have themselves to blame, but Jews don’t blame themselves, they blame the goy. They play the victim card every time, pissing off the goy each time.

Similarly with feminists, who rarely ask the question, “What is it about female behavior that makes men behave so condescendingly towards women?” In a word, men will answer, because of women’s “inferiority” i.e. women’s inability to perform at male levels, and hence men’s condescension, and often contempt at women’s inability to step up to the plate.

There is plenty of evidence, scientific evidence, to show women’s inferiority relative to men. Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers, not to manipulate and hence the need to understand the world.

Women stayed at home to mind small children, which is what women are happiest at doing, and are miserable if they are unable to do this. Modern feminism, has taught women to concentrate on their careers, so that millions of women make the mistake of waiting too late to have kids, often well into their 30s, by which time their fertility has dropped, so that they only have time to have one baby, or even none, so that the birth rate tumbles and the population begins to seriously fall.

These women who have careers and no children, which is what many feminists espouse, are in fact miserable, as modern experience of millions of women shows. Women need to have their two kids earlier in life, i.e. in their later 20s.

Men evolved to understand the world, in order to be able to be effective hunters. Men’s brains are evolved for being doers. Women’s brains are evolved to raise the next generation.

Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s brains, a most damnable fact for any man who wants to put down women with a quick, cutting remark. 10% is a lot. It’s like taking an ice cream scoop out of the male brain. That’s 10 billion neurons, i.e. 10% less neural processing capacity than men’s brains, so it’s not surprising that women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing.

When I see construction crews building things, e.g. I live near a culture center where frequently teams of men assemble scaffolding for lights, and stages, and then disassemble them. These teams are always men, never women. Women seem incapable of building such things, as though their brains are not capable of planning out how to design things, how to assemble things, to construct some edifice that one has in one’s mind’s eye.

Women are dumber than men on average. Women have an average IQ inferiority compared to men of 4 IQ points. Women have a 10% lower IQ variance then men, so the morons and the genii are males, so men win 99% of the science Nobel prizes.

Men have much higher testosterone levels than women, so are much more aggressive, more ambitious, more dogged, more persistent, so finish difficult tasks much more readily than women, so that men outperform, and accomplish far more than women, resulting in the fact that in all cultures, boy babies are more valued than girl babies, because from long experience, all cultures know that a boy baby will grow up with far greater probability to become a highly valued member of the culture, than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory and child raiser, which is not a status worthy task, because all women can do that.

Given women’s greatly inferior performance record compared to men, it is not surprising that men have condescending attitudes towards women. Men see women more as children than as responsible adults, as like males. That is how women evolved. It would actually be counterproductive for the survival of humanity as a species, if women had a male level of interest in raising kids.

If women cared as little for raising kids as men do, then we humans would have died out millions of years ago. Women need rather childlike minds, to be able to enjoy raising creatures with vocabularies of 100 words, and not be bored out of their adult minds, the way most men are.

Men evolved to understand and manipulate the world, and women didn’t.

Male genius liberated women from household drudgery in the 20th century. Men invented household gadgets, higher education, and particularly the contraceptive pill, that gave women, for the first time in history, a reliable means of contraception, so that women could reliably choose the number of kids they want, and they wanted 0, 1, or 2, on the whole.

This drastic reduction in the number of kids that they had, and thanks to modern male medicine, their kids survived, so this meant that women now had  some 4 decades of career time.

Masculists now point the finger at women and tell them, “Now that women CAN work, women MUST work. Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men.” Masculists tell women that fluffiedom is manslavery. (A fluffie is a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite of the money of a man. Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists who treat fluffies as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out, by being totally ignored my men, not even being pumped and dumped, left rotting on the shelf to extinction, removing their fluffie genes from the gene pool.)

So, instead of being preoccupied all day by household chores, household drudgery, women were “liberated” by men, who gave women the means to become like men, i.e. to have careers, to work outside the home, to have few kids, and to be able to invest in themselves, develop themselves, into becoming whatever they, i.e. the women, chose to become.

BUT, and there is a big but, and that is, that women did not evolve to be understanders and manipulators of the world. Women have childlike brains. Women’s brains are 10% smaller than men’s so it is not surprising that women cannot perform as well as men at the top end of the scale.

Women need to recognize this simple fact, but they refuse to on the whole. Feminists certainly refuse to accept male dominance and male superiority, and fight it tooth and nail.

Feminists claim that “Women can do anything that men can do!” and to some extend that is true. There is quite a considerable overlap between the male and female performance score distribution curves, so for most of the population, women can perform at male levels, but not at the top end, where it really matters, i.e. where the prestige resides.

Feminists complain bitterly of the “glass ceiling” i.e. the inability of women to penetrate the top levels of organizations, and institutions, complaining that male prejudice prevents women from attaining a 50:50 ratio of men to women at all levels, especially at the top levels.

Masculists on the other hand, accuse the feminazis of being isscienate fairies, i.e. ignorant of science, being unable to reason scientifically, believing what they want to believe, without evidence, i.e. their feminist dogmas that women can perform at male levels even at the top end of the scale, which runs flat in the face of the scientific evidence, as mentioned above.

This inability of women to face up to their inadequacies, simply reinforces men’s condescension of women, and tightens an already vicious circle, i.e. women push hard to penetrate the top levels, they fail, due to their inabilities, their inferior capacities that are genetically based, e.g. their lower average IQs, their lack of genius, their lower testosterone levels, their desire to quit their jobs to have babies, their lower levels of ambition, their laziness at not bothering to acquire career competent educations, so then expect to be able to parasite off some manslavable fool, etc.

With the sexbots and the artwombs coming, with masculist ideas spreading throughout the culture, women will be pushed hard to FIP up, and to vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men can be persuaded to be fathers again, otherwise we wipe ourselves out.

In other words, women will be sorely tested over the next few decades. The current situation, where one father in four is financially crucified by a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, cannot continue.

With men having their sexbots and artwombs, men will put enormous pressure on women to grow up, to behave as responsible adults, by voting with men to menfair the gender laws, and bothering to acquire career competent skills, so that they can pull their own financial weight and not parasite off a manslave the way the hated fluffies do.

In the next few decades, women will need to show men that they are capable of behaving as responsible adults, i.e. showing that they have grown up, and no longer behave as fluffies, the way their grandmothers did in the 50s and 60s, the way my own mother did.

IF, and I emphasize that word, by putting it in capitals, IF women do NOT FIP up, do not vote with men to menfair the gender laws, do not act as responsible adults, i.e. do not GROW UP, then men will run out of patience with being financially massacred, with the plummeting of the birth rate and the population drop. Men will then put their foot down, start seeing women as truly hopeless, as being incapable of behaving as responsible adults, and hence will be seen as children. Men will then be a lot more motivated to take women’s rights away.

Men will have to do this, if the population continues to fall as a consequence of the fluffie feminist dominance of the divorce courts, resulting in the MGTOW (men going their own way) rejection of marriage and paternity.

Women will then become legal children, and not be given adult rights. Women will be treated as beings somewhere between children and adult males, but not the female equivalent of adult males, because women were given the test of adult responsibility for a century, and they failed. Women’s societal track record is appalling.

Women so far have shown themselves to be merely solipsistic, amoral creatures, with childlike brains, with 10% smaller brains, who care nothing about financially massacring their ex-husbands, taking his money, his kids, his house, and then holding divorce parties to celebrate their solipsistic amoral attitudes.

This type of female behavior is so contemptible and so amorally irresponsible, that men will be fully justified to strip women of their rights, unless women show themselves capable of growing up.  The clock is ticking.

In the coming few decades, the masculists will push women hard to grown up, to FIP up, to mother up (i.e. have their two kids starting in their later 20s) and behave as responsible adults, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, menfairing the divorce courts, to make them no longer toxic for males, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, so that populations do not crash.

If women fail this test, if women show themselves that they are truly incapable of behaving as adults, of growing up, then men will strip women of the right to vote. Then, with only men voting, MEN WILL MENFAIR THE GENDER LAWS and solve men’s awful gender problems that currently afflict us.

SO, women, be warned. Like I said above, the clock is ticking.


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”  “de Garis Essays”

