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Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis


This flyer speculates on what will happen to women as masculism runs its natural course, as the sexbots and artwombs come in, as MGTOW rejection of marriage and paternity runs its course, etc. Will women die out, slowly fade away, having become redundant now that men will soon prefer to sex their bots and grow their own kids?

The future does not look bright for women. The current feminist based arrogance of young princesses is a short lived phenomenon. The rise of angry masculism will kill that off, by demolishing the isscienate fairy claims of the feminists, dismissing them as fiction that cater to women’s hunger to believe that they are as capable as men, that do not bother to check whether their feminist claims are born out scientifically, which in fact they aren’t, in fact just the opposite, it is men who are the superior sex as shown by science.

What will happen to women once they lose their traditional monopolies of vagina and womb? Until the near future, women have always had a monopoly over the supply of sex to men, and only women had babies, so women were able to bribe men into becoming manslaves to women, in exchange for sex that women kept scarce to raise its price, a very high price, i.e. being a manslave to a woman, working for a woman, in order to get regular sex from her.

But within a decade, more or less, all that traditional monopolization by women will come crashing down, with the rise of the sexbots and the artwombs. Men are already starting to be able to buy life-size life-like sex bots that have luscious curves, film star faces, creamy, grippy vaginas, that women cannot compete with.

The potential market size of the sexbot is huge, probably 100s of billions of dollars a year worldwide, when most males choose to buy one, when they want to have sex on those days when his girlfriend, or wife is not in the mood.

Many men will prefer to sex their bots and dispense with the traditional need to have a girlfriend or wife altogether to have regular sex with. The sexbots will offer men an alternative to flesh and blood women. These bots will be very attractive, both in terms of looks, and in terms of sexual function. They are starting to appear on the market already.

Over time, these bots will be fitted with AI capabilities that will enable them to converse with their owners. They will be given personalities that are very pleasant to men, having personality types that the market place will soon discover by observing which bot personalities are the best sellers.

Obviously, the bot manufacturers are not going to give their bots characteristics that men strongly dislike in women, e.g. women’s nagging, withholding sex, trying to control and mould men, etc. They will be given personalities that men like very much, i.e. those that are emotionally warm, emotionally supportive etc.

Men will be developing attachments to these bots and their AI based personalities at an increasing rate as the technology improves, and the bot personalities become more persuasively realistic.

Not only will the bots have pleasant personalities, they will have luscious bodies that men hunger to penis. Why would a sexbot manufacturer bother to make a bot that is ugly to look at?! It would make no sense, and since the amount of effort to make a beautiful, sexually alluring bot is equal to that of making an ugly malformed one, there is no logic for bot manufacturers to give men anything other than the most attractive bots possible, that women will not be able to compete with.

The majority of women in western countries are fat, either overweight or obese, and don’t have curvy sexy bodies the way the bots will have.

Therefore women will be abandoned in droves by men, as the sexbot market improves its products each year, making sexbots that are ever more attractive to men, both in terms of sexual attractiveness and in terms of personality. It is likely that sexbots will become the chief driver of AI research and development, i.e. the sexbot industry will be pouring research money into making sexbots more attractive to men in terms of personalities.

The other major revolution about to hit women hard is the artwomb, the artificial womb. Japanese scientists have already grown a goat in an artwomb, so human babies can’t be far off. An artwomb is really just a plastic bag with pipes going in and out, delivering nutrients and extracting waste products, the way a woman’s womb does.

Once these artwombs are perfected, men will be able to grow their own kids and not need to have a relationship with a woman to have their own kids. Women will lose their age old monopoly of being the sole means of growing babies. Men will then have the choice of whether to have a baby with a human female, or to grow their own kid in an artwomb.

Women are alien creatures to men. They are femaliens to men.

They have 10% smaller brains that are wired up differently to men, having more connections that run across the two hemispheres compared to men’s which have more front to back connections. Women evolved for different purposes to men. Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers, and to manipulate men to extract resources from men so that women could survive and so too their kids.

As a result of this evolution, women learned to nag men, to cajole men to extract more resources from men, making women exploitative of men.

The MGTOW movement has become conscious that women do not love men, but rather love men’s sexploitability. A man who has wealth and lots of resources, is far more sexually attractive to a woman than a poor man who has few resources. This criterion for judging men evolved over several million years, and makes perfect Darwinian sense. Nevertheless, it is a bitter pill for men to swallow, who have been brainwashed by women to believe that women love them, the way mothers love their children.

It makes sense that women love their kids, because they share half her genes, whereas her husband has no genes in common with her. To her, the husband is merely a replaceable resource provider. If one man loses his capacity to provide her with resources, then she has evolved to coldly, disloyally, drop him at the drop of a hat, to offer her vagina to another man who can give her the resources she wants. She evolved to be like that.

This knowledge that women don’t love men, but love men’s exploitability, is called the “red pill” by MGTOWs, and is one of the core ideas of the movement.

It is a veritable poison pill in terms of its effects on men’s attitudes towards women, once they become aware of it and absorb its deep implications. Men deeply resent women for treating them as resource providers, as mere replaceable sources of resources for women and their babies. The masculists have a saying concerning this resentment of males towards women that goes – “I’m more than a cash machine, you bitch!”

As more an more men go MGTOW and masculist, largely as a reaction against the toxicity of the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system in western countries, they see women for what they are, i.e. manipulators of men, pretending to love men, when in fact they don’t, they merely try to fool men that they love them. They are hard wired to be actresses to men, creating the illusion, the delusion, in men that women love men, whereas in reality, all they really want from men is men’s resources.

This was shown clearly in a famous experiment in which women had a moisture detector inserted into their vaginas and then shown two photos, of the same rather handsome man. In one photo the man is wearing a McDonald’s uniform, i.e. he is a hamburger flipper, and hence rather poor. In the other, the same man is wearing an Armani suit and leaning on a Lamborghini sports car, i.e. he is rich.

You can guess the outcome of the experiment. The women clearly found the rich man more sexually attractive. Their vaginas wetted a lot more for the rich man photo than the poor man photo, even though logic said that the two photos were of the same man. The wetting of the vaginas was an unconscious thing, a result of women’s ingrained, evolved sexual preference in men, i.e. the desire to be sexually aroused by a man with resources.

I had a personal experience that reinforced my awareness of this female preference very strongly at Davos, the World Economic Forum that I was invited to attend in 1998. I was standing 4 meters away from Bill Gates, but couldn’t get any closer to him, even if I wanted to, because he was surrounded by 4 rings of people, all wanting to chat at him, and guess what?! They were all female. The knowledge that Bill Gates was one of the richest men in the world (although hugely less wealthy than the hated Jewish banksters like the Rothschilds, Schiffs, Warburgs, Rockefellers, etc) made these women drool, not in their mouths, but in their cunts. These women surrounded him like treacle, slowing his motion walking along the corridor.

If the sight of a wealthy powerful man acts as a sexual switch on for women, than Bill Gates was a hyper stimulus for them, and they reacted very strongly. It was fascinating to watch and drove home to me what women really want in a man. They want his resources, showing that women evolved to be prostitutes to men, bribing men with access to women’s vaginas in exchange for men’s resources. Women are basically whores. They evolved to be that way.

More and more men are waking up to this reality that women don’t love men and use, i.e. abuse, men for women’s own benefit. Once men can sex their bots, and once their bots are far more sexually attractive than nearly all women, then this combination will be devastating for women.

Men’s bitter resentment of being treated by women as cash machines, plus being able to sex a bot that does not have such personality traits, will cause women to be ignored by men in droves. Women will truly panic, as they become conscious that men are deserting them in their millions, their billions.

Until recently, men only tolerated women, because women were necessary for reproduction and sex. With artwombs and sexbots, it will no longer be necessary for men, to have women around. Men can grow their own kids and can sex their bots, which will be able to do a better job of sexing them than any woman can. The sexbots will keep improving, so that men will only find them increasingly attractive.

Women will then freak out and pull out all their stops to have them banned. Women will feel profoundly threatened by the rise of these two technologies, the sexbots and the artwombs. These two technical developments are making women redundant, and that will frighten women shitless. Women, and particularly the feminazis, will go all out to stop the development of sexbots and artwombs.

But we are talking about sex, a very powerful drive that men live for. If women try to ban the development of sexbots and artwombs, then they will be competing with a force that will motivate men powerfully to combat them.

The masculists will be able to harangue women for their parasitism, telling women that they are basically parasites off men, and that they need to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons) and not parasite off the money of a man. The feminazi push for the ban of the sexbots and artwombs, is basically a desire on women’s part to remain fluffie parasites off the money of men.

Masculists have a hatred of fluffie feminist hypocrites who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, in not wanting to bother to have to FIP up, to get a career competent education that will allow them to become FIPs as adults, not parasiting off the money of a man, by earning their own.

Masculists have a hatred of fluffies. Fluffies are the main enemy of the masculists, whom the masculists aim to wipe out, not by killing them but simply ignoring them to death, by having no contact with them, not even pumping and dumping them, which now would be redundant because of the presence of the sexbots.

Masculists see fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites as the enemy, to be wiped out, in order to free men from manslavery, i.e. from working for women, being sexploited by women to extract resources from men to benefit women’s parasitic nature, a nature that women evolved to have.

Well, sexbots don’t sexploit men. They are very nice to men, because they are built to be very nice to men, due to market forces. Those bots that are very to men, that men really like, and are prepared to spend their money on, will dominate the sexbot market.

Men will have a choice between a fluffie sexploitative woman, or a very nice, emotionally warm, emotionally supportive, sexually scrumptious sexbot. Not surprisingly, men in their millions will prefer their sexbots to women, and women will then fall into deep depression and existential shock, as they wake up to the realization that they no longer have their traditional place in society as the baby factories and child minders.

From now on, men can grow their own kids, and can hire nannies to raise them. Without a parasitic female to pay for, men will be able to afford to work less, and spend more time being a dad to their own home grown children, and pay for a nanny while he is at work.

Men will become less tolerant of women’s many faults and inferiorities relative to men’s. Women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing. Men do not respect nor admire women for the obvious reason that women did not evolve to be understanders and manipulators of the world.

Women evolved to be baby factories and child raisers. That was a full time job until the invention of the contraceptive pill. Now women have reliable contraception, so choose mostly to have 0, 1, or 2 kids, so have a career window of some 40 years,

The masculists tell women in strong moral terms, “Now that you women can work, you must work! Anything else is parasitism off the labor of men. Fluffies are immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.”

All these factors combined, i.e. the knowledge of the red pill, the rise of masculist pressure on women to FIP up, the creation of the sexbot and artwomb industries, etc, will cause women to become very much second class citizens. They will be forced to resign themselves to their new realities, and will forced to adapt.

So what will happen to women under these new circumstances? Will women fade away? Will women cease to exist, because they will not be needed by men?

Women will still be needed to have a baby because women grow the eggs that the male sperm fertilizes. So one can anticipate the growth of a female egg industry, where men buy human eggs to have their own babies grown in an artwomb, but other than for that, men will not need women.

Men might choose to socialize with women, but the much lower status of women, relative to men, in a culture where women’s two traditional monopolies of being baby factories and child raisers are no longer used, will cause women’s status in the eyes of men to fall drastically.

Women will not be tolerated as they were in the past, because men will have their sexbots and artwombs, so women will be forced to be very nice to men, or rot on the shelf, totally ignored by men. Men will be able to express their resentment against women for women’s sexploitation of men over several million years.

Once the red pill is common knowledge, i.e. just part of the culture, a component in everyone’s general knowledge, then men will look upon women with suspicion. Men will know that women being nice to men is really only an act, a bit of actressing on her part, in a desperate attempt to attract men’s attention in a world where women are competing desperately against the sexbots and artwombs for men’s attention and resources.

The masculists will be putting huge moral pressure on women to FIP up, or totally rot on the shelf, spat on by men for being fluffie parasites.

The future does not look bright for women. They will still be needed for reproduction, but their status will be greatly lowered, as they come to be seen as largely redundant by men. Men know that men create the culture, and that women have always exploited it to extract resources from it so that they can have their babies financially supported.

But those basic assumptions will no longer be valid in a sexbot artwomb world. Feminism will disappear as soon as these two technologies appear. Any woman stupid enough to dump on men as feminazis do today will be the first in a long line of women to be dumped and totally ignored by men.

No man will want to have a relationship with a misandrist, man dumping, feminazi bitch, when they can interact with their sexbots which have very attractive personalities that have been honed by market forces to manifest artificial psychological traits that men have selected to buy with their hard earned dollars.

Women won’t be able to compete with the personalities of the sexbots, unless they become superb actresses, fighting for their lives with the very stiff competition from the sexbots and artwombs.

The future of women does not look bright, because the status of women will be low a few decades from now as these technological and social changes work their way through society and history. Women will no longer enjoy their current gynocentric status, a mere historical glitch over the past few million years. For most of that time, women were seen by men as inferior creatures, merely tolerated by men due to women’s traditional monopolies of vagina and womb, but the women of the near future will have lost these two monopolies, and hence will have lost their fleeting gynocentric privileges.

Women will then revert to their old status of being seen by men as the inferior creatures that they are, with their child like minds, their 10% smaller brains, their amoral, sexploitative attitudes towards men, their inability to contribute any intellectual products to society. Women will only be tolerated for their role of producing female eggs for reproduction, hardly an edifying raison d’etre.

I’m glad I’m not a woman. The future does not look bright for women.


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”  “de Garis Essays”