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Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis


This flyer is another in a series with the title “Masculisting the …” This one deals with men, all men. The masculists and MGTOWs have lessons that need to be learned by all men, because not knowing these lessons can badly impact one’s life as a male, falling into traps that an enlightened man can avoid.

This flyer deals with a list of the core ideas of the MGTOWs and the masculists that all men need to learn. I will list them first in bulleted form and elaborate later.

  • 1 Don’t marry, don’t have kids.
  • 2 The red pill, i.e. women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.
  • 3 Women are hypergamous.
  • 4 The male frontal lobe switch-off.
  • 5 Hate the feminazi genociders.
  • 6 Punish fluffies by totally ignoring them.
  • 7 Educate other men into MGTOW/masculist ideas.
  • 8 Twaytwef only FIP women.
  • 9 Approach the broadcast media to teach it masculist ideas.
  • 10 Set up masculist groups in high school and colleges.
  • 11 Push universities to create Men‘s Studies courses.
  • 12 Give big masculist talks on campus.
  • 13 Educate women to become female masculists.
  • 14 Force the gender politicians to vote for menfairing the gender laws.
  • 15 Educate your daughters to FIP up.
  • 16 Educate the teachers to socialize young women to be FIPs.
  • 17 Harangue the feminazi bitches, to shut them up.

  • 1 Don’t marry, don’t have kids.

Probably the very first idea that men, all men, need to know about in western countries, is not to marry and not to have kids, until the gender laws are men faired. The hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, the feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males, that any man who marries now is considered a fool by his peers who know about MGTOW/masculist ideas.

Any man stupid enough to marry and have kids will then subject himself to a risk of about one chance in four of being financially massacred in a fluffie feminist dominated divorce court, where the divorce laws have been made so menunfair that men are rebelling in their millions.

A divorcing man will lose his kids with 90% probability. He will lose his house to his fluffie ex-wife, and half his possessions. He will pay child support to his kids he will hardly see, and if the ex-wife is a real fluffie, he may have to pay her alimony for life, with no moral or legal obligation on her to get off her fat parasitic arse and FIP up by getting a job.

This is such a rotten deal for men that two thirds of young men under 35 in many western countries, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. They have gone MGTOW, i.e. men going their own way. They have done a cost benefit analysis, and come to the obvious conclusion that marriage and paternity are hazardous, so they refuse this traditional manslave to a fluffie role.

When masculists give talks on masculism to university students, this is one of the first things they say, due to its critical importance.

  • 2 The red pill, i.e. women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability.

Pretty much the core idea of the MGTOWs, from a psychological point of view, is that women do not love men. Women evolved to use men to extract resources from them, particularly scarce male hunted meat, bribing men with access to their vaginas, in exchange for meat, thus increasing the odds that they and their babies would survive.

It was not in a woman’s self-interest to remain loyal to a man who lost his exploitability. That would be life threatening to her. She could not hunt, because she was tied down with useless infants so her very survival depended on getting access to a man’s hunted meat. So women evolved the capacity to coldly disloyally dump a man who lost his exploitability.

This is the way women are, the way they evolved, so men need to be conscious that women do not love men the way men love women, i.e. with a much higher degree of loyalty and consistency. Women’s top priority is to their own survival and to that of their babies. If one man doesn’t deliver the meat, then she will coldly drop him quickly and find another man who will, by offering him her cunt.

Men need to know this about women, i.e. that women are essentially exploitative prostitutes. They evolved that way. Men need to learn that they are deluded if they think that women feel about men the way men feel about women. It’s just not true, and can be a very bitter pill to swallow, i.e. difficult to accept emotionally, that women will never love you as a man, only for your exploitability.

A woman will judge you using exploitative criteria, “How many resources can I extract from this man? If none, then this man is useless (to me), therefore I will not give him my cunt.”

Accepting this idea creates real anger in men, called by the MGTOWs the “red pill rage”, which is a phase that MGTOWs have to go through, as they come to terms with the reality of female evolved psychology. All men need to know about this.

  • 3 Women are hypergamous.

Female hypergamy is an extension of women’s red pill psychology. Not only will a woman coldly, disloyally, dump a man who loses his exploitability, from her point of view, she goes a step further, always being on the lookout for a MORE exploitable male, who might be able to provide her and her babies with MORE resources. If a realistic opportunity arises, she will coldly, disloyally, dump her current meat provider male in favor of a “better” one, i.e. a male who will give her more.

In modern terms, that would be a man who is richer, more handsome, more powerful, etc. Women evolved to be hypergamous, i.e. desiring to monkey branch, holding on to one branch while seeking another to get a good grip on, before letting go of the current branch. Women do this with men. They evolved this way. It is in their nature. They can’t help it.

  • 4 The male frontal lobe switch-off.

Nature has conspired against men, to make it easier for women to sexploit them. When a man sees his regular female sexual partner, the frontal lobes of his brain switch off. The frontal lobes are responsible for long term planning and critical thinking.

You have probably heard the expression, “If the sex is good, a man can tolerate almost anything in a woman.” This is a result of the frontal lobe switch-off, making it much easier for a woman to manipulate her man into providing more resources for her and her babies. Those men who had their frontal lobes switched off were better meat providers and so their kids were more likely to survive.

Men need to know about this very important physiological phenomenon, so that they do not make important relationship decisions in the presence of a woman they regularly penis, because if they do, their decisions will be of much lower quality and objectivity.

  • 5 Hate the feminazi genociders.

The essential difference between the MGTOWs and the masculists, is that the former are more psychologists, and the masculists are more the politicians. The above points in this list were more of the psychological type, whereas those that follow are more political in nature, i.e. more along the lines of what the masculists want.

The two men’s lib movements, MGTOW and masculism, share a lot in common, but there are differences. The MGTOW are usually politically passive, a point of sharp confrontation between these two men’s lib movements.

As a case in point, the masculists explicitly hate the feminazis, calling them fluffie feminist hypocrites, due to their hypocrisy of wanting to have their cake and eating it too, i.e. wanting equal rights with men, but rejecting equal obligations with men, particularly regarding the moral obligation to share equally with me, the burden of earning the living, so that women bother to get a career competent education at high school and college, so that they can become FIPs as adults.

The fluffie feminists are feminists when it comes to their rights, as voted in by the gender politicians, but are fluffies in the divorce courts, expecting to be able to continue parasiting off men’s money after a divorce, the way she was parasiting off him before the divorce.

The hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists makes masculists despise them, hate them, for their massive crimes, as committed in the divorce courts, by the lack of a Parer (paternity rejection right), etc.

The first category of female to be rejected by men are the hated fluffie feminist/feminazi bitches. Men won’t go near them. Such women are doomed to rot on the shelf, removing their feminazi bitch genes from the gene pool, so that such women die out. These feminazi bitches have become genociders because they are the root cause why men have gone MGTOW in such large numbers, rejecting paternity, and hence in time wiping out whole populations. As genociders, these feminazis have to be stopped. They have to be hated or they will wipe out humanity, the worst of crimes.

  • 6 Punish fluffies by totally ignoring them.

The masculists have several main enemies. The most important of these are the fluffies (traditional women who expect to be able to parasite off the money of a man, by not bothering to become FIPs) and the fluffie feminist hypocrites.

The masculist strategy against fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, is to refuse to have anything to do with them, not even pumping and dumping them. Such women are severely punished by masculists and MGTOWs. They will be manless, loveless, sexless, BABYLESS, poor, and increasingly spat at by a culture that is ever more informed and sympathetic to masculist and MGTOW ideas.

Another main enemy of the masculists are the gender politicians, who made the divorce laws in the first place, causing tens of millions of US men to be financially massacred and having their lives destroyed in the divorce courts.

Masculists actively hate, arguing that what they are hating deserves to be hated, because these crimes committed against men are truly hatable.

  • 7 Twaytwef only FIP women.

Masculists have a policy of only having relationships with FIP women. MGTOW ideas are a component of masculism, so masculists will have nothing to do with fluffies. They will however twaytwef with a FIP woman. Twaytweffing (= 2A2F = two apartments, two FIPs) where the man and the woman are both FIPs with their own apartment each.

When the relationship goes sour, as most do, then the man just walks away to his own apartment, cost free to him, no divorce, because no marriage, no child payments, because no kids, no alimony because the woman is a FIP, etc.

The added plus of Twaytweffing is that it forces the woman to remain nice to the man. If she starts nagging, withholding sex, trying to mould him, etc., he can so easily walk away, at no cost to him, and she knows this, so that she is motivated to always be nice to him or he walks.

Masculists and MGTOWs will not marry nor have kids, but they want regular sex from a woman, so twaytweffing is designed to give that to a man. Fluffies are punished by not getting a man at all. Masculists will not go near them, punishing them for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin to men, to be wiped out by being totally ignored.

  • 8 Educate other men into MGTOW/masculist ideas.

Masculists, being political animals, are very conscious of the need for education of males, so spend a lot of their time educating other males into masculist/MGTOW ideas, so that other men do not fall into the traditional traps of marriage and paternity, and hence become subject to the one chance in four risk of being financially massacred and having their lives ruined in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court.

Masculists have many ways to educate men, e.g. approaching the broadcast media, setting up masculist groups at high schools and colleges, pushing universities to set up Men’s Studies courses, giving big masculist talks on campus, etc

  • 9 Approach the broadcast media to teach it masculist ideas.

Masculists are very aware that to teach the masses, i.e. the millions, the billions, about masculist ideas, then the mass media people need to get involved. So masculists particularly, rather than the apolitical, passive, MGTOWs, approach the media to educate them to teach masculist/MGTOW ideas to the masses. Education is a top priority to the politically minded masculists.

  • 10 Set up masculist groups in high school and colleges.

From the masculists perspective, most of the fluffie damage is done in the high schools, because three quarters of young women at age 16, choose to study what the masculists call “fluffie crap” i.e. career incompetent majors that will not allow a woman to become a FIP as an adult.

She chooses to study the intellectually easy, intellectually lazy options that are memory based, such as English literature, history, languages, etc, instead of the analytically based majors like math and the sciences. Having not studied the analytic majors, she will then be excluded from studying them at college, because she does not have the prerequisites for STEM fields (science, tech, engineering, math) and the professions, so will be forced to study more fluffie crap majors at college and end up with a fluffie crap diploma, that the economy does not value, so that she ends up a fluffie parasite as an adult, expecting to be able to parasite off a manslave in her 30s when her biological clock is ticking.

She will realize she cannot afford with her fluffie crap diploma to buy her own middle class house to raise her kids in. She will expect some manslave to do that for her, but the supply of manslavable men is drying up due to the spread of MGTOW/masculist ideas, motiving men to see such fluffie crappers as parasitic vermin, to be wiped out.

  • 11 Push universities to create Men‘s Studies courses.

Women have Women’s Studies, or Gender Studies (as though there is only one gender!) on many campuses across the western world. They teach women about feminist ideas, so that women are now getting a biased picture of the relationship between the sexes, due to the biased nature of feminism, not taking into account the idea that women can oppress men too, e.g. in the parasitic nature of women’s traditional role of being parasites off men’s money.

Men’s Studies professors need to write text books on men’s lib issues, so that men on campus can take these courses as minors in their studies, not as majors, since there is no career competence taught in such knowledge, unlike many women who major in women’s studies, then wonder why no male employer wants to hire them.

  • 12 Give big masculist talks on campus.

Masculists know that universities are hot beds of ideas for fresh young minds, who absorb ideas that they take with them often for life, so getting a prominent masculist to give a big talk on campus, will influence 1000s of young minds, both male and female. Organizing such big talks is an important part of the general education process as pushed by the masculists.

  • 13 Educate women to become female masculists.

Masculists are very conscious that it is not enough to educate men. Women also need to be educated about masculist/MGTOW ideas so that women can become allies with the masculists in becoming sympathetic female masculists, using two different approaches, i.e. the carrot and the stick.

Some women, simply by listening and absorbing masculist/MGTOW ideas, will be sympathetic to them and become female masculists. Other women can be given the stick, using MGTOW tactics, i.e. be scared into becoming female masculists or be threatened with babylessness, as millions of men go MGTOW, refusing to give women their sperm, so that women go babyless.

  • 14 Force the gender politicians to vote for menfairing the gender laws.

Masculists, being political animals, are aware that women are 51% of the voters and vote more than men, so that the gender politicians are not going to menfair the gender laws, e.g. by menfairing the divorce laws, if the female bloc vote will vote them out of power, if they bring in menfaired gender laws.

So the masculists know they have to convert women into female masculists so that the combined vote of the men plus the female masculists is about 60%, then the gender politicians will be forced to menfair the gender laws, e.g. in the divorce courts (i.e. no alimony, automatic joint custody of the kids, the original owner of the house keeps it, etc) bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right, so that a man has the right to reject an unwanted pregnancy that women have, but men don’t), and by menfairing the gender laws across the board.

  • 15 Educate your daughters to FIP up.

Masculists want masculist ideas to be so prevalent in our society, that parents are very conscious that they need to socialize their daughters to be FIPs, otherwise they will pay a heavy price as adults, by being rejected by men, not having one, and hence living a miserable lonely life, spat at and being rejected by men and society, for not being a responsible adult minded FIP.

Parents will not wish this upon their daughters, so they will push their daughters to choose career competent majors at high school, so that their daughters can be FIPs as adults, and not be rejected by men.

  • 16 Educate the teachers to socialize young women to be FIPs.

Masculists also want teachers in primary and secondary schools to teach young women to be FIPs, pushing them to make the effort to study career competent majors, so that they can be FIPs as adults. Today’s education at primary and secondary levels is heavily biased by feminists, so boys are feeling alienated by not being understood or being catered to.

Bringing masculist/MGTOW ideas into the schools will remove this bias and give boys their own perspective and goals.

  • 17 Harangue the feminazi bitches, to shut them up.

Once boys and young men have a good dose of masculist/MGTOWs ideas under their belt, they will be in a position to harangue back at the feminazi bitches, telling them about women’s genetically based inferiority and parasitism that men despise.

A woman who publically expresses feminazi ideas to a mixed audience, can be expected to be harangued back by highly intelligent, articulate, masculists, who can smash her feminazi isscienate garbage. This counter force will cause feminazis to shut up through fear of being confronted by angry masculists, who being male, will be brighter on average, and a lot more verbally aggressive, due to men having larger doses of testosterone flowing through their veins.

The above are the main ideas of the masculists and MGTOWs that men need to be taught. Once nearly every man knows these things, as part of his general knowledge, society will be very different. It will no longer be the gynocracy that our current culture has largely become. Masculist/MGTOW ideas will restore the gender balance, so that men have a voice, that is listened to by society, and is reflected in the gender laws, so that men are treated fairly, are given menfaired gender laws, which is something that is far from being the case today.

Masculists have a lot of work to do to menfair our current culture, so guys, roll up your sleeves and get to work!


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers”  “de Garis Essays”