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Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis


The feminazis have become genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, as a consequence of having taken over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men under 35 in many countries, now refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves, i.e, they have gone MGTOW (men going their own way) in practice, if not in philosophy. Within a decade, it is likely that more than 90% of young men will be MGTOWs, thus crashing the birth rate and within a century, directly wiping out whole populations.

However, these men are reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts generated by the hated feminazis, who control them, who have made divorce, and hence marriage, so toxic for men, that men refuse to accept the institution, and make a rational cost benefit decision, not to marry, not to have kids, because these men are not fools. They know that a man who is stupid enough and ignorant enough to marry and have kids, faces a one in four chance of being financially massacred and have his life ruined in the fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system.

The root course of this paternity rejection by the vast majority of MGTOW oriented men (i.e. soon to be over 90%) is of course the feminazis, so the feminazis have to be stopped. They have become genociders, so how to stop them?

Do we shoot them on the spot in the street the moment we learn that they are feminazis? Do we bitch slap them to oblivion? Do we strip them of the right to vote? Do we destroy their belief system that sustains their attitudes towards men?

This flyer is about the last mentioned option, i.e. about destroying the belief system of the feminazis, i.e. essentially the belief that women are as capable as men, but have much lower status in society, due to the prejudice of men’s resistance against allowing women to rise to positions of authority, of power over men.

How do you fight a quasi-religion that has such a hold over women’s minds, as does feminism, which preaches to women, just like religion, that women are the equal of men, that anything a man can do, a woman can do as well. This doctrine is intoxicating for women, because at the back of their minds, they actually feel the opposite.

Young women growing up, can’t help but notice that virtually all the science Nobel prizes each year are won by men. The engineers who build everything are men. The politicians are nearly all men, the authority figures in society are men, the creators are men, the builders are men, the inventors are men.

Women live in a male dominated society, and that gives them a sense of inferiority. It creates in them a deep-felt sense of inferiority towards men, and then they discover feminism, which preaches to them, that “No, women are the equal of men. Women can do anything and as well as men. Young women, liberate yourselves!

You have men in your power, at your fingertips. They drool over you, because as a young woman, you are at the pinnacle of your sexual attractiveness, you have men swarming over you like flies because they want to put their penises in your vagina, so you can use your sexual attractiveness to manipulate men to do for you what you choose for them to do.”

This feminist doctrine goes to young women’s heads. It is precisely what they want to hear, because it counters the private doubts they have about the inferiority of women, as judged from their observations about the world, the male dominated world, the vastly superior performance track record of men, compared with women.

Nearly all young women in most countries today have absorbed feminist ideas, and believe strongly in the idea of equality between the sexes, not only in terms of legal rights, but in terms of performance abilities, that women can do anything, that women can compete with men, and win, that women are a sex to be admired, that women are admirable, to be respected both by women, and by society at large.

The above attitudes and ideas are very powerful for women. Women hold on to them with passion, because they are so flattering to women’s fragile egos, because at a deeper level, most women know that there is always the lingering doubt about women’s relative status compared with men, given women’s greatly inferior performance record in the real world.

So, how do masculists and MGTOWs combat this powerful ideology, this quasi-religion of feminism, and its powerful hold over women’s minds? The answer is, with an even more powerful ideology, namely masculism.

Masculism fights fire with fire. It beats women at their own game. Masculism is superior to feminism, because it is scientifically based, i.e. its statements are backed up with scientific evidence, whereas so many of feminist ideas are merely wish fulfilment on the part of women, i.e. women believing ideas that make them feel good, and whether the feminist ideas are factual or not is almost a matter of irrelevance to many feminists, which is an attitude that scientifically minded (i.e. scienate) masculists like myself, despise and sneer at.

Feminist ideas are all too often isscienate (i.e. ignorant of science, unable to reason scientifically) fairy (i.e. living in a fairy land, believing what you want to believe, without evidence, just like religionists) PC bullshit. Masculist ideas, being invented by men, are much more scientifically based, more reality based, and hence offer a far greater level of plausibility to society than does the isscienacy of feminism.

This flyer pushes the masculist idea, that to my mind, is THE most devastating criticism of women, that most strongly puts women in their inferior place in society, based on scientifically verified reality.

The feminazis have to be stopped. They are now genociders. Therefore feminism, i.e. the underlying beliefs of the feminazis, has to smashed, destroyed, undermined, refuted, discredited, rendered unbelievable and then discarded. How to do that?

By spreading an idea throughout society that is so devastating to women, to feminism, that every individual across the planet should know about it, that can then be used to dismiss and refute any feminazi who pretends that women are as capable as men, and hence should have equal status with men.

That single, most potent of masculist ideas, is that women have 10% smaller brains than men, hence have some 10 billion fewer neurons in their female brains, hence have 10% less neural processing capacity than men.

Given this basic and well confirmed reality, there is no hope in hades that women can claim to be men’s equals, when they have 10% less neural processing capacity than men.

Ten percent is a lot. It’s like taking an ice-cream scoop out of the male brain, which will remove about 10 billion neurons, so common sense says there must be things that women can’t do, that men can do, given that men have 10% more neurons in their male brains, than women.

One only has to observe men’s track record in general achievement to see that. Men invent everything, build everything, and create everything. Men are the builders of cultures, and women parasite upon them, extracting resources from them, to make it easier for them to grow and raise the next generation, which is what they evolved to do, what they are built to do, and what they are happiest doing, observation shows.

In today’s world, where men have given women the pill, household gadgets, higher education, there are now many FIP women (financially independent persons) who have chosen to have careers and not to have children. On the whole, such women are not happy, because they have made wrong choices, in not having kids, thus denying themselves of their usual raison d’etre as women, rejecting their primary biological purpose, to do two things, one, to find some manslave to parasite upon, to have him pay for her to sit on her fat parasitic arse at home to raise HER kids, in a house that he pays for, and two, to raise the next generation.

Feminism pushes women to have careers, to be FIPs, and that is fine from the masculist point of view. Masculists demand that women be FIPs, or are punished, by not getting a man. A woman who is not a FIP, i.e. is a fluffie, i.e. a traditional woman who expects to be able to parasite off the money of a man, is punished by men, by not getting one, not even being pumped and dumped, just left rotting on the shelf to extinction, removing her fluffie genes from the gene pool, wiping her out. Masculists see fluffies as manslavers, hence as immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.

So, masculists support the feminist push for women to FIP up, i.e. become FIPs. But many women have gone overboard, in absorbing feminist ideas, and try to be like men, i.e. not have kids, and focus their lives on being FIPs, being careerists, and find that in most cases, they are miserable, they are unhappy, because there is a great gaping hole in their lives, i.e. often, there is no man, and no kids.

So, many women are having second thoughts about the feminist push for careerism for women. Some of these anti-feminists are pushing for women to return to the home, and raise kids, but that will only be possible if men agree to it, and since the masculists don’t agree, i.e. masculists demand that women be FIPs, if they are to have a relationship with a man, then in practice, there will be no men who are prepared to be manslaved by fluffie women who want to stay at home and parasite off a man’s money.

Women will not get a man to marry them and have kids with them until the gender laws (e.g. in the divorce courts, and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) are made menfair. Only then will men be prepared to have kids again, but not today with the hated feminazi bitches, i.e. the fluffie feminist hypocrites, having taken over the divorce courts, financially massacring and ruining the lives of one married father in four.

To remove the fluffie feminist dominance of the divorce courts, so that men can be convinced to be fathers again, the underlying ideas, the beliefs of the fluffie feminist hypocrites who dominate the divorce courts, and who block the passage of the Parer etc, will need to be destroyed, and that is where the masculist bombshell of “with women having 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains, women can’t hope to be men’s equals” comes in.

This is a very simple idea that nearly everyone can understand, no matter how low their IQ. Smaller brains have fewer neurons, a lower neural processing capacity. A mouse cannot understand quantum mechanics, because it has too few neurons. It just does not have the neural processing capacity necessary to be able to get its mind around the abstractions of quantum mechanics, nor calculus, etc.

Everyone can understand that. Thus everyone can understand that given that women have 10% smaller brains, that no one challenges, given that it is so easily measured, and has been measured in dozens of scientific studies over the past century or more, then women must be handicapped relative to men, in women’s mental capacities, due to the fact that they have some 10 billion fewer neurons in their brains. That much is obvious.

This simple fact, that women have 10% smaller brains, should be known by everyone. It should be part of everyone’s general knowledge, so that when some young male gets fed up with the insufferable feminist arrogance of some feminist princess of his acquaintance, he can prick her arrogance with the remark “You women have 10% smaller brains than men, so don’t pretend you women are our equals. You’re not. Your sex’s performance record is greatly inferior to men’s.

You women invent almost nothing, create almost nothing, build almost nothing. You have been parasites off men for several million years. You judge men by their level of sexploitability by women. You see men as cash machines, and have the values of parasites. That is your female nature. You evolved that way, but we men despise being treated as cash machines by parasitic women. We want to be judged more for our other qualities, our intelligence, our kindness, our generosity, our creativity, our ability to create whole cultures, that you women parasite off.

Your feminist ideas are based on fairy stories. You are not our equals. You have 10% smaller brains for Christ’s sake. Let that simple idea penetrate your feminazi brainwashed little mind, your 10% smaller little mind, you femalien.

In reality you are the inferior sex. You women can’t compete with men at the top end of the scale, because men have 10% bigger brains. Men are also smarter than women by 4 IQ points on average. Men have a 10% higher IQ variance than women, so the morons and the genii are males, so it is not surprising that men have won 99% of the science Nobel prizes and all the major math prizes.

Women can’t compete with men at the top end of the performance scale. Men have much higher testosterone levels in their bodies, so are much more aggressive, ambitious, dogged, and persistent than women, so vastly outperform women across the board, which explains why the entries in the Who’s Who books are dominated by males.

Men simply achieve far more than women, which is why boy babies in all cultures are more valued than girl babies, because all cultures know, from long experience, that a boy baby is much more likely to grow up to become a highly valued member of the culture, than a girl baby, who will become just another baby factory and child raiser, which is not status worthy, because any woman can do that.

So, when you pretend to me that you women are men’s equals, I sneer at you. I treat you like a child who has child-like beliefs, like santa-claus, or the tooth fairy. You feminazis live in an isscienate fairyland, believing what you want to believe. You can’t accept that your brains are 10% smaller, which makes you a real isscienate, which in today’s scientifically dominated world, makes you truly insultable, contemptable.

You live in a feminist fairyland. You’re full of wishful thinking. The idea that women are men’s equals to you is like some religionist’s belief that there is life after death in some blissful heaven. Both are wish fulfilling myths, fairy stories, that PR (politically realist) minded people like me, sneer at, treating such feminazi beliefs with the contempt they deserve.

The more you feminazis push this equality myth, the greater will be the level of contempt that men and particularly the masculists will throw at you, not taking you seriously, treating you like the child minded creatures you are, and talking increasingly about the idea that child-minded women should be treated as children, i.e. not be given rights, the way children are not given rights. Concretely, that would take the form, of women having their right to vote stripped from them.

So, lady, grow up, accept the scientific evidence glaring you in the face, that you women have 10% smaller brains than men, so have 10% less neural capacity than men. You women invent nothing, create nothing, build nothing. You are parasites off men, parasites off the cultures that men build.

Soon your monopolies of womb and vagina will be superseded by male genii building the sexbots and the artwombs (artificial womb) which will plunge you women into deep depression. Feminism will disappear overnight, as women claw at each other in desperate competition amongst themselves to attract the dwindling attention of men.

In the distant past, a woman who could not attract the attention of a man to give her and her babies scarce male hunted meat, often did not survive. She starved to death. So a woman in today’s world, who cannot attract the attention of a man, feels existentially threatened.

Soon, men will prefer to sex their bots, and grow their own kids, so will ignore women, and their severe negative qualities, i.e. women’s tendency to nag, to be irrational (not surprising with their 10% smaller brains), to be emotional, to be hysterical.

Men despise these qualities in women and prefer not to have to put up with them. Once men have their sex bots and can grow their own kids, they wont have to put up with femaliens. Men will be able to go freely on their own way, and women will be left in their wake.

So, femalien, feminazi, fluffie feminist hypocrite, simply accept the fact that women are NOT the equals of men. Women have 10% smaller brains for Christ’s sake. There is no way you women can pretend to be men’s equals. The evidence against that idea is staring you in the face. Look around you. Look at what women create/invent/build and compare it with what men do. There is no comparison. Women’s performance track record is greatly inferior to men’s.

You will just have to accept that fact, the way blacks have to accept that they are the dumbest people in the world as shown by dozens of scientific studies. Jesus Christ, in black Africa, with a billion blacks, their average IQ is only 70. The Australian aborigines are even dumber, at 60. The blacks hate being called the dumbest people in the world, but it’s a scientifically verified reality, so they are FORCED to accept it, no matter how crushing to their collective egos, in our society that is so IQ oriented, in which the value of an individual is so strongly tied to his/her intelligence and hence his/her general status within that society.

You women will, like the blacks, have to accept your intellectual and performance track record inferiority relative to men, because it is also a fact. Blacks are dumber than whites and yellows, and women are dumber than men. Blacks don’t win science Nobel prizes, because they are too dumb. Women don’t win science Nobel prizes because they are too dumb. Blacks are dumber than whites/yellows, and women are dumber than men.

You women need to start living in the real world, holding PR (politically realist) attitudes, instead of the PC (politically correct) isscienate fairy bullshit attitudes that you currently hold. If you don’t go PR in your attitudes, then we men, particularly we masculists, will continue to shit on you, treating you like gullible children, and in time, once we totally lose patience with you, we will change the laws to reflect your female child-like status. We will strip you women of the right to vote and take away your rights, because children do not have rights.

So, if you women want to be taken seriously by men, particularly by masculists, then you need to behave as adults, not as children. You need to grow up. You need to accept your mental inferiorities as shown clearly by science. You have 10% smaller brains, for Christ’s sake!”


Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis

(YouTube channels) “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” “de Garis Essays”

