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de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers (Texts and Videos)

de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers


This file contains links to (mostly) flyers (i.e. 2 to 3 page essays) on the themes of Masculism (Men’s Lib) and MGTOW (Men Going Their Own Way),

in reverse order (i.e. from the most recent to the earliest).

Each link is accompanied by the flyer’s title and a short description of its content. Also provided are links to videos of me reading out loud the contents of the flyer. With a video you get not only the content, but can also see the emotion behind the content. Initially I only put up a video link to YouTube, but since the CEO of YouTube is a Jewish feminazi who censors and even terminates whole masculist and MGTOW video channels, I thought it would be prudent to provide video links to two other platforms (i.e., and

Masculist e-Textbook for Men’s Studies Courses Freely Downloadable

Once I had copied my 400+ masculist videos to Minds, and BitChute, I was able to collate them into an electronic  textbook that can be used by men’s groups for their men’s studies courses. This work was completed in December of 2018. The e-textbook is called

“MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against being Manslaves to Women,

An e-Textbook of 400+ Masculist Flyers for Men’s Studies Courses”

It contains links to videos of me reading each flyer out loud and uploaded to YouTube, Minds, BitChute. Its cover can be seen (here). The e-textbook itself can be freely downloaded from (here). Now that I have it, I’m thinking of running a Men’s Studies course, a series of seminars/lectures, at Melbourne University. It will be interesting to see how the feminazis react to angry masculist ideas. I’m expecting an utterly hypocritical reaction from them – i.e. they think its ok for women, i.e. feminazis, to be angry at the way men oppress women, but its not ok for men, i.e. masculists, to be angry at the way women oppress men, especially in the divorce courts, and bitterly opposing the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right), the most blatant form of sexual discrimination that exists.

This feminazi reaction I label “monoconscious feminazi hypocrisy”. Monoconscious means having only one’s feminist consciousness raised and not one’s masculist consciousness. Monoconscious feminazis know nothing of masculism, so suffer the illusion that gender oppression is a one way street. Biconscious feminists who have had both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised tend to lose their anger as they become conscious that women also oppress men.

YouTube Deleted my Masculist/MGTOW Channel, late 2019.

The CEO of YouTube is a feminazi hypocrite. She promotes feminism and demotes masculism. In other words, she feels that women, that feminists, have the right to be angry at men for the way men oppress women, but that men, that masculists, don’t have the same right to be angry at women for the way women oppress men (and far worse than vice versa, because women’s oppression of men, is far deeper, far stronger, lasting  decades, e.g. women’s financial parasitism, women’s man slavery, women’s red pill nature (i.e. not loving men for themselves, but rather loving men’s sexploitability), women’s hypergamy, women’s many gender crimes against men, etc.) Monoconscious feminists (who have had only their feminist consciousness raised, and not their masculist consciousness raised) tend to be feminazi bitchy, and hence repulsive to men, and subsequently the first category of women to be rejected by men. Biconscious feminists tend to have their anger at men more or less cancelled by a corresponding and oppositely directed masculist anger at women. Biconscious feminists lose their gender political anger and hence are more likely to have boyfriends, whereas monoconscious feminists tend to be misandrist, man-dumping, feminazi bitches, utterly repulsive to men, and hence totally rejected by men. These monoconscious feminists then lead manless, and hence loveless, sexless, babyless, miserable lives, and become crazy. The CEO of YouTube is such a monoconscious feminazi, who hypocritically promotes feminism and demotes masculism, earning the hatred of the masculists. She has deleted dozens of MGTOW and masculist YouTube channels, including my own. I anticipated this, by putting up links to my masculist videos (more than 400 of them) on other video platforms, such as BitChute and Minds. Thus users who click on my masculist videos will be provided with a constant “negative ad” that YouTube is misandrist and hypocritical. Each time a viewer clicks on the YouTube link, he/she will be told that my masculist channel has been deleted/censored, whereas my masculist videos on BitChute and Minds do open, implying that BitChute and Minds don’t censor, offering freedom of speech, which compares much more positively than YouTube’s hypocritical, criminal, censorship.

My longer term prediction is that YouTube, over the years, will acquire the reputation of being lame, tame, and boring, and that BitChute and Minds, etc., i.e. non-censoring video platforms, will acquire the reputation of being where the bitey, bleeding edge, videos are. As a result, the number of viewers of these non-censoring platforms will grow, at the expense of YouTube, which will gain the reputation of being dull. YouTube viewership will therefore dwindle, their advertising revenue will eventually dry up, and they will go bankrupt. I predict it. YouTube needs to reflect on the damage done to them by video content creators like myself who are able to offer viewers several alternative links, on different platforms, to the same video. Each time a viewer is able to watch a bitey, masculist video on my website, hosted by BitChute or Minds, but not on YouTube, (since YouTube itself provides the message “This (masculist) channel has been terminated”) is being told that YouTube does NOT provide freedom of speech, and worse, is both misandrist and hypocritical. YouTube is shooting itself in the foot, and will pay a heavy price, committing slow suicide, becoming tame, and boring, not worth watching, not where the cutting edge opinions are at.


Below you will find two lists. The first consists only of one line titles and video links for a quick overview. The second has titles, video links AND a description of the contents of each flyer.

These flyers are in reversed chronological order (i.e. the most recent are at the TOP.)

For the flyers in chronological order (i.e. the most recent are at the BOTTOM) click here.


0a   MASCULISM, i.e. MEN’S LIB : THE CORE IDEAS  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

0b MASCULISM 101 (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

0c A Chat with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

0d MASCULIST with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

652 Monoconscious Feminism as Outmoded (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

651 Elite Males Have Never Taken Women Seriously (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

650 Women Need to Respect and Admire Men or not Get One (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

649 The Feminazi Graveyard (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Xvideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

648 The Masculist Gender Political Paradigm Shift (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

647 AI Enhanced BING, the Great Spreader of Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

646 Masculism Will Make Women Datable Again (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

645 The Establishment of Gender Equality Committees (GECs) in the Parliaments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

644 The Value of a Good Masculist Harangue to a Mixed Audience (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

643 MASCULISM, The Core Ideas (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

642 Masculist Media Breakthrough (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

641 Are Masculists Mostly Upper Middle Class? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

640 How to Convert a Monoconscious Feminist into a Biconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

639 Masculists Don’t Tolerate Feminist Monoconsciousness (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

638 The Gender Political Reversal (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

637 The Political Jolt of 60% of Young Men Refusing to Date (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

636 Masculism and the 2 to 1 Female to Male College Student Ratio (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

635 A Masculist’s Duty to Harangue Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots (MFBs) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

634 Masculist Messages to Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

633 The Core Masculist Issue is the Butchering of One Father in Four in the Hated Fluffie Feminist Controlled Divorce Courts (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

632 Feminists Wonder, What the Fuck has Happened to Men? Why are they such Hateful Masculists Now? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

631 A Probable Interview of a Masculist Spokesman by a Feminist Journalist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

630 The Unconscious Roots of my Masculist Hatred of Fluffies (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

629 Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or be Punished (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

628 Presenting Masculist Arguments to Women in Role Reversed Format (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

627 Government Measures to Force both Sexes to Reproduce to Prevent Extinction (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

626 Turning Biconscious Masculist Sons against their Monoconscious Feminist Mothers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

625 No Culture that Butchers a Quarter of its Fathers Can Survive (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

624 Over the Next 5-10 Years Several Million Young Women Will Suicide over the Issue of not FIPping Up (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

623 Masculist Revenge Crushing of Feminazi Misandry (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

622 What Life Will be Like for Women in a Biconsciousing Culture (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

621 What is a Life Leecher? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

620 An Open Masculist Letter to the Politicians, Society Needs Masculism to Survive (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

619 Its Possible to be both a Masculist and Have a Girlfriend (list) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

618 Masculists’ Hatred of France’s and Germany’s Anti Paternity Fraud Testing Laws (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

617 Learn Some Masculism, You Ignorant, Monoconscious, Misandrist, Feminazi, Cunt! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

616 The Use of Masculist Hatred to Liberate Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

615 The Masculisting of Google (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

614 Masculist Hatred of the Gender Criminality of Women against Men will be Stronger than Feminist Hatred of the Gender Criminality of Men against Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

613 Masculists Can Use Women’s Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Men’s Advantage (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

612 What are Feminazis, and why do Masculists Hate them so much? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

611 The Masculist Humbling of Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

610 The Divorce Courts are Based on the Fluffie Model (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

609 A Noncommunicating Dialog between a Masculist and a MGTOW (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

608 The Masculist War against Fluffie Crappers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

607 The Masculist Counterattack against the Monoconscious Biasing of Society by the Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

606 What Masculists Want, a Manifesto for Gender Politicians (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

605 Most Manospherians Dont See the Big Picture (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

604 Masculism’s Broad Historical Sweep (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

603 Masculism as Therapy for Bitter Lonely Monoconscious Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

602 A Masculist Reply to an Email from a 22 Year Old Woman (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

601 Masculist Theorists Teaching Masculism to Media Successful Female Masculists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

600 !! Why Masculists Hate Suzanne Venker and Her Ilk (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

599 Fuck You, You Lamb Brained Feminazi, Get a Taste of Your Own Medicine! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

598 Masculist Hatred of Feminist Hypocrisy (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

597 The Growing Biconscious Community of Both Sexes (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

596 A Masculist Open Letter to Governments (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

595 The Rise of the Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

594 Masculist Confrontation of Feminist Monoconscious Hypocrisy (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

593 The Masculist Paradigm Shift in Gender Politics (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

592 Meeting My First Real Life Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

591 Masculist Annoyance with Manospherers who Remain Stuck in the Psychology Phase (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

590 The Masculist Fixing of Feminism (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

589 Masculist Rage Sweeps the High Schools and Campuses Forcing Women to FIP Up (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

588 Women Who Want Kids Should Vote for the Menfairing of the Gender Laws (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

587 “Learn Some Masculism, You Monoconscious, Hypocritical, Bigoted, Misandrist, Man Dumping, Feminazi Cunt!” (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

586 Masculist Arguments to Convert my Ex-Girlfriend from being a Monoconscious to a Biconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

585 What Life Will be Like for Women Living in a World where Feminism and Masculism are Equally Powerful (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

584 Masculists are Aggressive, Angry and Hateful (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

583 How to Convert a Monoconscious Male Feminist into a Biconscious Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

582 Gender Political Wars within Parliamentary Gender Equality Committees (GECs) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

581 Masculist Lessons for the “You’re Fucking Scum” Feminist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

580 How Masculist Middle Schoolers Can Pressure Female Middle Schoolers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

579 Masculist Hatred of Forced Fathering Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

578 Women’s Conditional Voting Right (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

577 Why Masculists Feel Frustrated with MGTOWs (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

576 Masculisted Young Men Take Back the Campuses (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

575 Masculist Punishment of Gender Criminal Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

574 The Gender War between Masculists and Feminists will Get Worse before it Gets Better (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

573 Why the Planet will be Happier with the Masculist Counter Balance to Feminism (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

572 Masculists Will Test Women, If They Fail, They May End Up Voteless (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

571 Just How Horrific are Women’s Gender Crimes against Men? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

570 How to be Masculist Vicious to Feminazis (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

569 Masculist Changing of Women’s Perception of Men (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

568 How Can Governments Raise the Birth Rate to Replacement Level? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

567 Evolutionary Psychology vs. Modern Logic (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

566 The Masculist Threat to Disenfranchise Women, if They Don’t become Sincerely Biconscious (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

565 Too Dumb to be Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

564 If Women Cannot Become Female Masculists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

563 How Will Women Feel when Men Close their Masculist Ranks on Them? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

562 Masculist Teaching of Women to Hate Women Who Commit Massive Gender Crimes against Men (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

561 How Will Masculists Take Over Gender Politics? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

560 A Proposed Masculist Anti Divorce Rape Flash Mob Action (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

559 The Core Idea of Feminism is Deeply Misandrist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

558 Are Women even Capable of Becoming Biconscious? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

557 Pushing the Masculist Abolitionist Analogy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

556 Losing a Brother, Under-estimating the Hostility of the Blue-Pillers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

555 Masculists Key Concept Describing Women – Parasites (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

554 How Will Masculism Affect Feminists? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

553 Masculists Teach Women to Hate Women Who Commit Massive Gender Crimes against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

552 What Will Fully Biconscious Campuses Be Like? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

551 How Can a Man Prove His Wife/Girlfriend has Committed Paternity Fraud? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

550 Only 7% of British Women Declare themselves as Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

549 How Many Years in Jail for Paternity Fraudsters? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

548 Masculist Strategy towards Blue Pilled, Unmasculisted Males (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

547 Masculist Hatred of Women’s “Big 3” Decades Lasting Gender Crimes against Men, Man Slavery, Divorce Rape, and Forced Fathering (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

546 Getting a Masculist First Foot into the Monoconscious Feminist Door (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

545 FIP Women don’t Man Slave nor Divorce Rape (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

544 Categories of Women whom Masculists Hate, Man Slavers, Divorce Rapists, Fatherhood Forcers (Ms. (dan)DRFF) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

543 Masculist Bam Bam Bam Revenge against Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

542 Becoming Abolitionists, Historically and Now (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

541 Masculists Confront Monoconscious Feminists with their own Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

540 The Key to Men’s Lib is the FIPping of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

539 Masculist Powerful Moral Pressure on Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

538 Feminists Who Remain Monoconscious, Lose Out (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

537 Women’s “BIG 3” Gender Crimes against Men : Man Slavery, Forced Paternity, Divorce Court Butchery (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

536 “Forced Fatherhood” One of the most Hated Gender Crimes that Women Commit against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

535 Masculists Attack, Taking the Gender Political Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

534 How Close is the Negro-Slave Man-Slave Analogy? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

533 Two Powerful Reasons Why it is in the Self-Interest of Monoconscious Feminists to Become Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo(Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

532 Monoconscious Feminists’ Hypocritical Arrogance (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

531 Why are Masculists such Misogynists? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

530 Feminists Coming to Terms with Masculist Rebellion (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

529 A Gender Based Civil War is Brewing (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWvideo)

528 Masculists Taking Back the High Schools and Universities (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

527 Agenda Items for Politicians in the Masculist Half of Parliamentary GECs (Gender Equality Committees) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

526 The Masculist Fluffie Concept, yet Female College Students Outnumber Males, 2 to 1 (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

525 “SHyBbers” Sexist Hypocritical Bigots, i.e. Women Who Think “Angry Feminism OK, Angry Masculism not OK” (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

524 Presenting the Masculist Case to an Open Minded but Ignorant Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo(BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

523 If You’re not a Female Masculist, You Cant be my Girlfriend (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo(BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

522 What Will Masculist Gender Political Dominance Look Like? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

521 Millions of Feminists are Going to Lose their Boyfriends because of their Feminist Monoconsciousness (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

520 As a Masculist I Expect a Girlfriend to be a Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

519 Masculist Divorce Court Lawyers and Judges Taking Back the Divorce Courts (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

518 The Long Gender War (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

517 The Masculists Strongest Argument (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

516 What will Life be Like for Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists when Millions of Masculists Hate them? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

515 Why Masculist Hatred of Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

514 A Very Abrupt End to an e-Dating Relationship (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

513 Honoring Amr Metwally, Father of the Men’s Lib Video Hosting Platform (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

512 The Masculist Negro Slavery Man Slavery Argument (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

511 If You Monoconscious Feminists don’t become Biconscious, we Biconscious Masculists will Bite your Fucking Heads Off! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

510 Men, Get Angry! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

509 Masculist Teaching of Biconsciousness to Monoconscious Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

508 Masculist Contempt for Monoconscious Feminist Hypocritical Misandry (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

507 Femimafia Blocking of Masculist Penetration of the Main Stream Media (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

506 Institutionalized Feminism will Feel Threatened by the Rise of Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

505 Masculist Op-Ed, Freely Distributable (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

504 Masculist Political Solutions to Women’s Decades Lasting Gender Crimes against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

503 Mascunazi Bastardry as a Counter to Feminazi Bitchery (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

502 My Disastrous First Face to Face Confrontation with a Bunch of University Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

501 Feminists Need to Realize they no longer have a Monopoly over Gender Politics (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

500 !! My Masculist Hatred of Suzanne Vencker (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

499 Compulsory Masculist Paternity Testing (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

498 Masculist Arguments are Stronger than Feminist Arguments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

497  Masculist Professionals (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

496 Women’s Domination of Boys Lives is Not in Women’s Self Interest (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

495 Monoconscious Feminists Need to Become Biconscious Faster than their Male Feminist Boyfriends (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

494 Masculists are Angrier at Women than Feminists are at Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

493 If Your Feminist Girlfriend Remains Monoconscious, Dump Her! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) IOdyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) IOdyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

492 Suing Women’s Studies (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

491 SNurF Up! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

490 The Masculist Gender Political Attack Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

489 Masculists have the Option to be much Nastier to Women than Feminazis are to Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

488 Masculisting the Male Feminist Boyfriends of Monoconscious Feminazi Leaders, so that their Boyfriends then Dump Them (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

487 Masculists Beating Feminists at their own Game (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

486 When Women Don’t Empathize with Men Regarding Women’s Oppression of Men, are Women then Callous or Stupid? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

485 The Masculist Forcing of Women to Choose between Abandoning their Privileges in the Divorce Courts or Having Babies (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

484 Masculism Exploding on Campus (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

483 The Fluffie Feminist Between Stage in History (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

482 BitChute Subtly Censors, then Uncensors (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)  (MGTOWtvvideo)

481 Biconscious Masculists Will Continue to Attack Monoconscious Feminists until they Become Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

480 Masculist Criminalizing and Sentencing of the Major Gender Crimes Committed by Women against Men : Masculist Jurisprudence (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

479 What Will it be Like, 5 Years from Now, to be a Female High Schooler? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

478 The Masculists Strongest Arguments against MGTOW Political Passivity (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

477 The Ideological Clash between the MGTOWs and the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

476 If You Feminists Don’t Become Biconscious, We Masculists Will Bite Your Fucking Heads Off (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

475 The Masculist Terrifying of Young Women with Babylessness (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

474 The Considerable Advantages for Men Who LAT (Living Apart Together) with a Woman (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

473 More on Baby Farms (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

472 The Masculist Takeover of Gender Politics (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

471 The Warpath, Masculists Take the Gender Political Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

470 Proof that BitChute Subtly Censors (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

469 Who’s Who in the Manosphere (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

468 The FIP Hypergamy Paradox (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

467 Masculists Revenge Against Feminists in the Workplace (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

466 The Masculist Case for Budding Female Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 5 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

465 Masculists’ Conscious, Deliberate, Misogyny (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

464 Society Really Needs Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

463 Refocusing Masculist Gender Politics onto the High Schools (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

462 Is Masculism Hate Speech? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

461 When There are Millions of Masculists, How Will Masculist John Browns Manifest Themselves? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

460 MGTOW for Consciousness Raising, Masculism for Law Changing (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

459 Masculists Expect Women to be SNurFs (Slim Nurturative FIPs) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

458 Women’s Callousness towards Masculism is Consistent with the Red Pill (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

457 When to Tell Your Female e-Dates that You’re a Masculist? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

456  The Masculisting of Men from a Future Global Historical Perspective (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

455 Masculists Fight Female Nature (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

454 How Bitter Will the Ideological Gender Wars Become? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

453 Denmark Needs Masculism, Danish Government Begs Danish Men to Fuck Danish Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

452 Workplace Gender Wars, Biconscious Masculist Work Colleagues Attacking Monoconscious Feminazi Work Colleagues (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

451 Campus Gender Wars, Biconscious Masculist Undergrads Attacking Monoconscious Feminazi Gender Studies Professors (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

450 Masculisting the Divorce Court Lawyers and Judges (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

449 Masculist Contempt for MGTOW Apolitical Wimpiness(link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

448 Burning the Divorce Courts, Masculist John Browns (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

447 Masculism in a Nutshell, A Masculist Haiku (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

446 If I Were a Masculist Member of a Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

445 Masculism as Abolitionism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

444 The Ten Minute Masculist Argument for Converting Feminists from Being Monoconscious to Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

443 Sage Masculists Care More about Intelligence than Looks when Judging a Woman’s Sexual Market Place Value (SMV) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

442 Masculist Advice to Governments on Parenting (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

441 Masculist Advice to Governments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

440 What Do Feminists and Masculists Have in Common? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

439 Masculist Scientists Don’t Just Answer Back, They Crush (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

438 Molehill Feminist! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

437 The Insufferable Unconscious Arrogance of MFBs (Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

436 Women’s Decades Lasting Manslaving Parasitism of Men is a Much Greater Gender Crime than Men’s Raping of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

435 Masculist Verbal Butchery of Divorcing Fluffie Billionaires (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

434  Men’s Opinions of Women When Men Talk Amongst Themselves (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

433  Sage Women’s Understanding of Masculist Arguments but not of Masculist Rage (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

432 MASCULIST with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

431 Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or Else (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

430 Masculist Strategy Against Feminist Gender Political Bias (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

429 Masculism Will Change Women’s Self-Conception (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

428 Will UBI (Universal Basic Income) Kill Masculism? (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

427 Parliamentary Gender Equality Committees (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

426 Parental LATting, Pre and Post Divorce (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

425 Masculist Crushing of Feminist Rage at Masculist Rage (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

424 Masculism as Post MGTOW (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

423 The Masculist Chair Test (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

422 MASCULISM 101 (link) Part 1 ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

421 Masculist Snappers (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

420 Masculist Rage at Feminazi Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

419 Masculists Expect Feminists to be Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

418 Compulsory FIPping Lessons for Middle School 9th Grader Girls (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

417 Masculist Crushing of the Unconscious Arrogance of Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

416 The Masculist Volcano (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

415 Earning Men’s Respect (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

414 Masculists See Fluffie Feminists as Parasitic, Hypocritical, Genociders, to be Destroyed (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

413 Men’s E.R.A. (Equal Rights Amendment) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

412 Masculist Disciplining of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

411 The Future History of the Masculisting of Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

410 Masculist Rage at Feminist Manslaving Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

409 Masculism as Therapy for Monoconscious Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

408 The Coming Ideological War between the Feminists and the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

407 Duty to Posterity (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

406 How Will Feminists React to the Masculist Onslaught? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

405 A Masculist U-Turn on 3rd Wave (Empowerment) Feminism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

404 Details on Women’s Career Mother Timeline (CMT) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

403 Masculist Public Anger (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

402 Controlling Your Girlfriend with Masculist MGTOW Ideas (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

401 Masculists Castigating Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots (MFBs) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

400 A Biconscious Feminist Talks to a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

399 My Brother Got Ball Graded (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

398 Masculisting Male Feminists with Feminist Girlfriends (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

397 The Unconscious Arrogance of Monoconscious Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

396 Become Biconscious! The Battle Cry of the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

395 Pondering the Parer (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

394 Holding the Masculist Knife to the Throats of the Gender Politicians (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

393 Why are Women Sexual Cowards? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

392 The Happy Mix, 4-3ing and MGTOW-Monking (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

391 Why Elite Males are Misogynists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

390 Monoconscious Media Bias (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

389 A Boomer Masculist Looks at the Black Pillers (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

388 Masculism, LATting, and Love (link) Part1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

387 Masculists are Abolitionists, Masculist Views on Manslavery (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

386 PARERCIDERS, Killers of the Paternity Rejection Right (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

385 Masculist Counter Arguments to Feminist Arguments against Legislating the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

384 Masculism has its William Lloyd Garrison, but not yet its John Brown (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

383 Women’s Vote and Men’s Parer (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

382  Women Shocked by Masculists Anger Towards Them  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

381  Big Historical Shifts – The Pill, Feminism, Masculism  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

380  To Female Masculists  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

379  Why Women Oppress Men Far Worse than Vice Versa  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo)  (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

378  BitChute Hacked, or BitChute Hypocritical?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

377  Masculist Glossary, Part 3  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)    Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

376  How Masculism Forces Women to Grow Up  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 3  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 4  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

375  Masculism and Global Warming (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

374  My Sister Got Divorced Raped  (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

373  Seeking the Masculist Wilberforce (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

372  “Masculism 101” for Female Moderates  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

371  The Masculist Tirade of Tens  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

370  Biconscious Masculists Have Little Patience with Monoconscious Feminists  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

369  The “3-4 Relationship” : A Variant of the “Twaytwef (2A2F) Relationship” (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

368  Why Feminism Had to Precede Masculism  (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

367  Biconscious Relationships (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

366  A Masculist/MGTOW Retries e-Dating  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

365  The Alternative to Bullets : The Masculist Crushing of Feminazi Ideas (link) Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

364  Soundbites for Media Masculists  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

363  Defemming the Workplace  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

362  Women’s Sexual Selection of Men’s Frontal Lobe Switch Off  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

361  Arming Male High Schoolers and Male Undergraduates with Masculist Verbal Weapons  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

360  Feminists Provide the Carrot and Masculists the Stick in the FIPping of Fluffies (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

359  Feminazi Bashing  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

358  Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots(MFBs)  (link) (YouTubeVideo) (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

357  Why Masculism Threatens Some Men  (link) Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

356  The Masculist Inquisition (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

355  The Masculist FIPping of Women, is One of History’s Greatest Milestones  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

354  How Will Widespread Masculism Affect Women?  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

353  A Biconscious Masculist Harangues a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part2  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

352  Masculist Sage Duty  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

351  The Masculist Social Re-Engineering of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

350  MGTOW Lifestyles : HAMmers Can Do Things Wagers Cant  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

349  Masculist Advice to Convert Feminazi Witches into Nurturative FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

348  The Irrelevance of Women to Fourth Quarter Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

347  The Monoconscious Biconscious Controversy  Will Split the Feminist Movement  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

346  Journalists are Indirect Gender Political Genociders  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

345  MGTOW, ARCing, and the 6th Mass Extinction  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

344  Masculism Will Hit Women Like a Bus  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

343  Masculism’s Main Political Goals  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

 342  Masculist and Mohammedan Awakenings  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

341  Projects that only ARCing MGTOW Monks Can Do  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

340  The Masculists ‘Feminists as Fools’ Strategy  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

339  Monoconscious Feminism Makes Women Lazy and Obnoxious  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

338  Masculist Scientists are the Third Wave Feminists Most Formidable Enemy, Intellectually Crushing Them  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

337  Monoconscious Feminists will be Seen Increasingly as Bigots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

336  Converting a Cynical Male Feminist Journalist into a Masculist in Minutes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

335  Causes of the Patriarchy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

334  Third Wave Feminists Will Either Reform or Die Out  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

333  Now That Both Sexes Have a Hatred for Third Wave Feminism, It Will Die within a Decade  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

332  Defunding Women’s Studies via Feminazi Hypocrisies  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  

331  Mascunazis (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

330  The Gender Anger Reversal  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

329  Women Oppress Men Far More Than Men Oppress Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

328  Masculist Penetration of the Broadcast Media via Major Feminist Events  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

327  Masculist Rage at the Hated Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites in the Divorce Courts, This is a War Issue!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

326  Ive Had My Fingers Burned by Femaliens Too Often, Becoming a Masculist (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

325  A Masculist Rereads Feminist Literature  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

324  You Are Gender Politically Ignorant, You Only Know Half the Story  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

323  Masculist MGTOWs Don’t Have to be Nice to Women, Women’s “Masculist Shock”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

322  My Masculist Annoyance with Turd Flinging Monkey’s (TFM’s) Non Solution to the Feminist Generated Population Crash  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindssvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

321  Naffers (Nagging Arrogant Feminazis)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

320  Accepting the Price I Pay for my Masculist Misogyny against Fluffie Parasites and Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

319  Feminazis Who Remain Monoconscious Will Lose Their Boyfriends Who Become Biconscious  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

318  Thank God for and its Non-Censorship of Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

317  Women’s Constant Rejection of my Masculism : Insights for Fourth Quarter Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

316  Becoming Biconscious is Actually Liberating for Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

315  The Patriarchy was Caused by Female Hypergamy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

314  The Masculist Anti-Nagging-Pro-Nicing Campaign Against Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

313  The Cultural Cocoon Lifestyle for MGTOW Monks  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

312  Why Women’s Instinctive Fear Reaction at Hearing the Word “Masculist” for the First Time?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

311  Masculist Rejection of Princess Snowflakes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

310  The de Garis Gynandric Brain Scale  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

309  Boyfairing (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

308  When Men Get Their Sexbots and Artwombs, they Will Become Much Ruder to Women   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

307  Compulsory Calculus for all 16 Year Old Soviet Russians, Female and Male : Lessons for Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (mindsvideo)  (bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

306  Comparative Hit Rates (YouTube, Minds, BitChute) on My “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” Channel  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

305  Men Will Dominate Gender Politics  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

304  “She’s Just Another Monoconscious Feminazi!”  (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

303   Now That a Men’s Studies Textbook Exists, Men’s Studies Groups Can Pop Up Like Mushrooms All Over the World  (text)  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

302  Millions of Western Women Will Go Through a Lot of Pain as They Fail to Adapt to Men’s Growing Masculist Anger at Women, so are then Rejected by Men (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)  (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

301  Female Hypocrisy Regarding Masculist Anger  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

300 Biconscious Feminists Have an Easier Time Finding a Boyfriend  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

299  A Masculist Textbook for Men’s Studies Groups  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

298  An Email Exchange between a Masculist and a Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

297  Mono-Conscious Feminazis : Mono-Conscious Feminists Become Anger-Biased Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

296  “Wesley College Plans to Discriminate against Boys”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

295  “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against Manslaving Women”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

294  The Masculist “Freikorps Option”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

293  Masculist Lashing of Feminazi Isscienates  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

292  Why are so Many Feminazis Fat Fours?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

291  Why I Don’t Take Women Seriously  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

290  How to Destroy Feminism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

289  Fluffies Don’t Get to Vote  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

288  Silencing the Feminazis by Intellectually Crushing Them  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

287  With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

286  Half Meeting My Nawalt  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

285  Nurturative FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

284  Feminazi Fairyland  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

283  Cuckoo Mothers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

282  Can Women Grow Up? Male Condescension towards Females  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

281  Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

280  The Red Pill is Truly Poisonous  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

279  Masculist Riots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

278  Experience with as the Preferred MGTOW/Masculist Video Hosting Company (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

277  My Men’s Lib Intellectual Trajectory  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

276  Six Wasted Manslave Years  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

275  Implications of Women’s 10% Smaller Brains and Kurzweil’s 300 Million Pattern Recognizer Hierarchical Brain Model  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

274  Masculist Princes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

273  Just How Incapable Are Women? Removing Their Rights?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

272  Masculists Put Enormous Moral Pressure on Women  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)    (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

271  Feminists’ Perceived Monopoly of Gender Issues Makes Them Arrogantly Belligerent  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

270, the New Favored Video Hosting Company for the MGTOW Masculist Communities  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

269  Big John (ex. “MGTOW is Freedom”) Goes Masculist  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

268  Masculist Defanging of Compulsory Anti-Rape Seminars at Universities for Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

267  MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company Options  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

266  VID.ME, the New Standard Video Hosting Company, Replacing YouTube, for MGTOW, Masculist Videos  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

265  Uploading my Masculist MGTOW Videos to VID.ME  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

264  Do FIP (Financially Independent Person) Women Exist?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

263  Teaching Feminists Masculism  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo)  (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

262  Women as Rights-Given Adults or Rights-Taken Children?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

261  Women’s Hated Amoral Criminality Against Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

260  Females Fade Away  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

259  Masculists’ Two Main Messages to Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

258  Why Do Women Shit-Test Men?  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)   (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

257  Masculists in Women’s Studies Classes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

256  MGTOW Channels Platform Migration  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

255  Macro-Social Red Pilling  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

254  Feminals : Feminazi Criminals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

253  Rethinking Masculist Political Strategy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

252  Masculisting the MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

251  Masculisting the Police  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

250  Masculisting the Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

249  Masculisting the Companies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

248  Masculisting the Teachers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

247  Masculisting the Parents  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

246  Masculisting the Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

245  Masculisting the Media  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

244  Masculisting the Women  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ( (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

243  Masculisting the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

242  Masculisting the Campuses  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

241  Masculisting the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

240  To Twaytwef or to MGTOW Monk?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

239  Masculisting the MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

238  Can Women Fight Their Parasitic Nature?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

237  Masculist Expectations on Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

236  Masculist Murderous Hatred of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

235  The Masculist Tsunami over Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

234  Masculist Bitch Slapping Guidelines  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

233  Fluffies as Hatable Criminals (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

232  A Regendering Plan (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

231  Gender Segregating the Workplace  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

230  The Most Damning Fact about Femaliens  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

229  Why is the U.S. Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) so Impotent?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

228  Masculist Militancy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

 227 Socially Accepting the Masculist Bitch-Slapping of Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

226  Promoting Female Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

225  Post Gender Lib Male/Female Lifestyles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

224  The Best Masculist Idea I’ve Had in Years  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

223  Masculist Contempt for Women’s Evolved Hypergamous Parasitism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

222  Why Masculists Push for Female Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

221  Women Who Dump on Men Don’t Get One  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

220  Warning to Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

219  Bitch Slapping of Feminazi Hecklers at Masculist Talk  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

218  Converting MGTOWs to Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

217  Why Women Need to Become Female Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

216  Female Intellectual Inferiority : Basic Facts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

215  Refuting the MGTOW “51% Female Voter” Argument  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

214  The Male Frontal Lobe Switch-Off  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

213  From Masculist Vision to Masculist Agenda  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

212  Men’s Sexbot/Artwomb Revenge on Women (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

211  Masculist Ambivalence towards MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

210  FIPping the Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

209  MGTOW Castles Masc Cops  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

208  Menfairing the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

207  Forcing Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

206  Asian Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

205  Masculist Power  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

204  Masculism (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

203  Grandfather Masc Advice to 17yo Fluffie  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

202  MGTOW are Political Wimps  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

201  Fluffie Moms and Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo)

200  MGTOWs Lack Solidarity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo)

199  Dead Beat Moms (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

198  Fluffies, MGTOWs, Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

197  The Impact of Women’s Ten Billion Fewer Neurons (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

196  Title : MASCULIST-MGTOW Glossary (Part 2)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

195  MASCULIST-MGTOW Glossary (Part 1)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

194  Confronting Feminazis (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

193b  MASCULISM, i.e. MEN’S LIB : THE CORE IDEAS (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

193a Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Starts His Own “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS” YouTube Channel (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

192  Title : I Strongly Disagree with You, Howard Dare  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

191 The Hated Frankist Satanist Jewish Banksters Have Destroyed the West More than Fluffie Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  

190  FIPup or be Manless : The Core Strategy of the Masculists   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

189 Twaytweffing = The Lifestyle that Gives Men Regular Sex Without Paying the Traditional Price of Being a Manslave to a Fluffie Parasite  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

188  Suppressing Women’s Parasitic Nature  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

187  Masculism is Political  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

186 MGTOW Political Passivity, Masculist Political Activism (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

185  The Feminazis Have Become Genociders : They Have to be Stopped (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

184  De-Princessing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

183  Hypergamy is Inherently Parasitic  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

182  The Hypocrisy of Fluffie-Feminists (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

181  MGTOW/Masculism, BABY Farms, and Eugenics (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

180  Why MGTOWs/Masculists Despise Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

179  MGTOW-Masculist Alternative Life Styles for Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

178  MGTOW-Masculist Anti-Fluffie Campaign at High Schools  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

177 MGTOW-Masculist Anger at Women Seeing Men as Cash Machines  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

176  MGTOW/Masculist Consciousness Raising of High School Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

175  Are Women Children or Just Lazy?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

174  MGTOW/Masculist Power against Fluffies, Fluffie Feminists, and Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

173  EMOs : Women Who Accept “Equal Moral Obligations” with Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

172  Hey Femalien! If you want a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

171  A MGTOW/Masculist Talks to a Manslave  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

170  The Coming Civil (Sex) War  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

169  MGTOW-Masculism : A Decade On  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

168  My Contempt for MGTOW’s Apoliticality  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

167  Using MGTOW’s Strongest Political Argument  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

166  Levering Young Women’s FIPification (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo

165  Female STEM Field Statistics, High School and College  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

164  MGTOW/Masculist Power  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

163  MGTOW/Masculist Lifestyles for Fourth Quarter Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

162  The MGTOWs/Masculists Go for the Broadcast Media Big Hit (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

161  MGTOW/Masculist Small Potatoes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

160  Career Brainwashing, the Paternity Strike, and China  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

159  The MGTOW/Masculist Impact of the Chinese White Dragon Dejewbanksterfication  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

158  Seeking the MGTOW/Masculist Broadcast Media Big Event  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

157  MGTOW/Masculist Moral Pressure on Women to Adultify  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

156  Politicizing MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

155  Menfairing Manifesto for Japan  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

154  My Growing MGTOW/Masculist Souring Towards Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

153  MGTOW’s Biggest Mistake  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

152  Women’s Narrower Horizons Make Them Boring  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

151  The Sexbot, Artwomb World  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

150  Punishing Female Laziness  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

149  I’m More Than a Cash Machine, You Bitch!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

148  The MGTOW/Masculist Combat against Women’s Ingrained/Evolved Expectations that Men Should Pay for Them to Have Babies   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

147  MGTOW and Loneliness  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

146  Fluffie Divorcee Brainwashing of her Kids   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

145  Massive MGTOW/Masculist Broadcast Media Publicity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

144  MGTOWs Don’t See the (Jewish Bankster) Big Picture  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

143  Living in the MGTOW/Masculist Generated Population Crash  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

142  The Pinking of Red Piller Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

141  The FIP Society  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

140  Gender Crimes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

139  MGTOW, MRM, Masculism : How Do They Differ?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

138  MGTOW-Masculist Punishment of Second Halver Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

137  The Core MGTOW/Masculist Problem is not the Fluffie Feminists, but the Jewish Banksters  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

136  MGTOW-Masculist Punishment of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

135  MGTOW-Masculism for Second Halver (> 40) Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

134  Dictatorships, East and West  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

133  The Penis as Bargaining Tool  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

132  The Clashing Agendas of the Jewish Banksters and the MGTOW/Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

131  Rejecting the Female Child Mind  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

130  MGTOW-Masculist Political Agenda  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

129  MGTOW’s/MASCULISM’s FORMIDABLE WEAPON  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

128  MGTOW-Masculism Now Penetrating the Main Stream Media  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

127  MGTOWs’/Masculists’ Enemies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

126  How Do MGTOW and Masculism Relate?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

125  Female Ignorance of MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

124  Should MGTOWs/Masculists Tway with Fluffies? (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

123  Punishing the MOB (Money over Brains) Psychology of Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

122  Don’t Be the Only MGTOW/Masculist on Campus  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

121  Fluffie Criminality  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

120  Women’s Hockey Stick Awareness Moment of MGTOW-Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

119  MOB Female BOM Male, Oil and Water  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

118  Women’s Future Massive Inferiority Complex  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

117  MGTOW-Masculist Differences Between 1st and 2nd Halver Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

116  MGTOW-Masculist Bullets for High School-College Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

115  MGMTOW : Men Going Mostly Their Own Way  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

114  MGTOW Avoids the Problem, Masculism Solves It  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

113  How Red is the Red Pill?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

112  A Gender Political Clash with my Sister over Child “Abandonment”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

111  The “High from Learning” Lifestyle  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

110  Inferiorizing High School Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

109  How Many Years Before the Western Gender Politicians Panic?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

108  The Nawalting of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

107  What’s the Next Step?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

106  Scaring the Fluffies/Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

105  Selecting Your Woman with MGTOW/Masculist Criteria  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

104  Living Together Apart : A MGTOW Compromise  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

103  Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster Satanists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

102  MGTOW-Masculist (Bumper) Stickers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

101  The MGTOW-ARCer Educational Revolution  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

100  Degynocentrification Necessitates Dejudaicentrification  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

99  Political Phases of MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

98  Restructuring Universities with MGTOW Principles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

97  Helping College MGTOW/Masculist Groups  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

96  ARCing and SeRCing for MGTOWs/Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

95  Post Pogrom MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

94  Being Free : The Joys and Impact of ARCing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

93  MGTOW Deckchairs on the Titanic : The Coming American Holocaust  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

92  Scientizing the Jewish Bankster Satanists to Liberate Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

91  Einstein Relationships  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

90  Should a Twaytweffer’s Girlfriend be a FIP?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

89  MGTOWs as Pawns of the Jewish Banksters  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

88  Science’s War Against (Satanist) Judaism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

87  Checklist for Women to Get a Man  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

86  MGTOW-Masculism and the American Pogrom  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

85  Marxism and Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

84  What Will Governments Do to MGTOWs/Masculists? (link) (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

83  It is Critically Important that MGTOWs/Masculists Educate the Public  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

82  Fluffie FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

81  The Eclipse of MGTOW-Masculism with the Collapse of the West  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

80  Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

79  Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

78   Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

77  Giving MGTOW-Masculist Talks at High Schools  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

76  Allying with Female FIPs to Pressure the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

75  ARCing WGTOWs?!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

74  Modifying Females’ Hypergamous Psychology  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

73  Why Masculists Look Down on MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

72  Twaytweffing and Kids  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

71  FIP Boy Meets Fluffie Girl and then …  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

70  The Masculist-MGTOW Bashing of (Fluffie) Feminists in Public  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

69  What Masculists/MGTOWs Expect from Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

68  Understanding AND Loving Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

67 Masculist Contempt for Lazy-Bum Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

66  MGTOW-Masculist Message to Fluffie Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

65  Female Absorption of MGTOW/Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

64  Converting Fluffies to FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

63  The “Fuck Only FIPs” Campaign  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

62  What is to be done ?  (Men’s Lib)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

61  Masculism as Heavy Moralistic Pressure on Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

60  Feminism as a Quasi-Religion  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

59  Feminist Globaciders  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

58  Promoting the “Fluffie Graveyard”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

57  Femaliens and Sexbots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

56  MGTOW/Masculist Strategies Towards the Journalists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

55  Fluffie Crappers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

54  Can FIP Women Love Men?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

53  The Childish Sadism of Divorcing Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

52  Why is the FIPping of Fluffies so Important to Masculists?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)   (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

51  Getting the MGTOW/Masculist Word Out  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

50  Female Adaptation to Uncontrollable Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

49  Female Laziness and its Implications  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

48  Smashing Feminist Arrogance  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

47  The FIPping of High-School/College Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

46  Scientizing MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

45  Can Men Love Women Knowing that Women Don’t Love Men? (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

44 Spelling It Out to Teenage Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

43  Looking Poor is an Effective Fluffie Repellent  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

42  The New Gender Politicians Will FIPpress the Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

41  The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

40  After the Gender Dust Settles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

39  Women’s Growing Inferiority Complex  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

38  The Evolution of Female Nagging  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

37  Countering Feminist Attitudes with Masculist Attitudes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

36  MGTOW-Masculist Education of Parents  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

35  FIPpressing the FEMALES  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

34  The Criminal Ethics of Gender Politicians (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

33  MGTOW-Masculist Dusting Campaign  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

32  Hypergamous Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

31  MGTOW/Masculism, FIP Females, Twaytweffing, and Babies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

30  Ideological Ammunition for MGTOW/Masculist High Schoolers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

29  How Will the Gender Politicians React Towards the MGTOWs/Masculists Wiping Out the Population?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

28  A Tale of Two Movements : The Price of MGTOW Anonymity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

27  MGTOW/Masculist Poisoning of Men’s Minds  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

26  Converting Male Feminists to Masculists/MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

25  Ammunition for Heckling Fluffie Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

24  Teaching Women to Hate the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

23  Masculist-MGTOW Advice to Japanese Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

22  Why is there no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right?) (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

21  Men’s Growing Hatred of (Fluffie) Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

20  The SEX WAR  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

19  The Politics of Baby Calculus, Making 12th Grade Calculus Compulsory for High School Seniors  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

18  MGTOW/Masculist PRESS RELEASE for Male Journalists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

17  Suggested Masculist Political Actions  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

16  So You’re a MGTOW/Masculist High School Kid, What Can You Do?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

15  Gender Roles 2050  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

14  Why Masculists/MGTOWs Hate Fluffies and Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

13  ARCing (After Retirement Careering) , The True Focus of a MGTOW’s Masculist’s Life  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

12  The FIP Society  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

11  Primal Parasites (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

10  Secondhalver FIP Women Can be Quite Nice  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Men-Fairing the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Baby Calculus (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

MGTOW YouTube Channel Video Links (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Agenda for University MGTOW-Masculist Groups (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

“TwayTweffing” : The “2A2F” Lifestyle for the Modern Man  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

To the Gender Politicians : Genocidal Criminals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

You are a Fluffie Student  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

MGTOW-Masculism for Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

1  The ABCs of MGTOW and Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)



0a  Title : MASCULISM, i.e. MEN’S LIB : THE CORE IDEAS (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This 5 minute flyer/video introduces the core ideas of masculism, i.e. men’s lib, which is essentially a rebellion by men against being manslaves to women, forcing women to become FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by men by being totally ignored, so that her fluffie parasite genes are removed from the gene pool.

0b MASCULISM 101 (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This 30 slide PPt presentation celebrates the first masculist interview that I have had on the planet, on a masculist theme. It served as a basis document for the interviewer on the “MGTOW Chats” channel. I will also use it as an introductory document for the media, and for PPt talks to university student groups, etc. It is also used as a more modern introduction on my website to the basic ideas of masculism, hence its title.

0c Title : A Chat with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video was my first masculist interview (on “MGTOW Chats” hosted by Lamprey Milt, 2.5 hours) in which I got plenty of time to explain the main ideas of masculism, the differences between masculism and MGTOW, etc.

0d MASCULIST with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video was my second masculist interview (on “MGTOW Chats” hosted by Lamprey Milt, 2.5 hours) in which I got plenty of time to further explain the main ideas of masculism, the differences between masculism and MGTOW, etc.

652 Monoconscious Feminism as Outmoded (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : Women are herd animals, who follow conformist fashion trends a lot more readily than men, so masculists can use this female trend to apply moral pressure on women to learn more masculism, so that they become biconscious and hence become a lot nicer for men to be with, and to increase the likelihood that a monoconscious feminist can KEEP her boyfriend. In the form of a slogan that masculists can hurl at monoconscious feminists, “Learn biconsciousness or be rejected by your sisters!”

651 Elite Males Have Never Taken Women Seriously (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : As masculist ideas spread to the politicians, there will be a ding dong gender war between the third wave feminist gender politicians who want the creation of laws that create equality of outcomes, i.e. the establishment of quotas, by law, so that half of the positions of power are given to women. The biconscious masculist gender politicians will see that this is discriminatory and sexist against men, since men are genetically superior to women in many respects. With equal outcomes for women, the least able women who get a power slot, will be less able than the most able men who don’t get a slot, thus violating the principle of “the top minds for the top jobs.” These masculist gender politicians will not tolerate monoconscious feminist gender politicians giving women privileges, a pussy pass, simply because women have vaginas. The masculist gender politicians will insist on and fight for the equality of opportunities for both sexes, but will bitterly oppose equality of outcomes for women, which will be seen by these men as sexist and hypocritical, to be hated and fought against.

650 Women Need to Respect and Admire Men or not Get One (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at monoconscious feminist women who don’t respect and admire men, who give women so much. It is men who enabled feminism by giving women, science-based medicine, the pill, household gadgets, higher education, etc. It is men who build cultures, and women who parasite off them. Men are genetically superior to women in so many respects, so women should be humble and respect men for men’s many superiorities. Those women who don’t, get punished by men, masculisted men, by being forced to rot on the shelf, dying slow miserable, manless, loveless, sexless, childless, deaths.

649 The Feminazi Graveyard (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Xvideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : The feminazi graveyard, is where masculists plan to send feminazis, who are so hated by masculists, for their “female supremism” i.e. their hypocrisy, in claiming publicly, that they are about equality for the sexes, but in practice, promote women’s interests at the expense of men’s interests. When the number of masculists and MGTOWs rises into the many millions, the masculists will push hard for the men fairing of the gender laws, for the FIPping of women, for the establishment of GECs in the parliaments, for the legislation of the Parer, and the OPTAB, which will force women to grow up, to FIP up, which will terrify millions of fluffie women, who will fight the men fairing of these laws, tooth and nail, showing their true hypocrisy, making them true feminazis, to be hated, and forced into a manless, childless life, ending up in the feminazi graveyard, where they belong.

648 The Masculist Gender Political Paradigm Shift (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : The masculists are out to cause a paradigm shift in gender politics, by replacing the dominant gender political paradigm of monoconscious feminism, by biconscious masculism, by so viciously attacking monoconscious feminists and feminist gender laws, and the divorce courts, by creating GECs in the parliaments, legislating the Parer, and OPTAB, etc., that the whole planet converts itself to biconsciousness, rejecting the hypocrisy and bigotry of monoconscious feminism, thus creating a FIP Society, where both sexes are given gender political rights, a situation that is far from being the case today in a gender politically gynocentric world. The masculists are out to change all this, using their superior male intelligence and their far greater, testosterone loaded, verbal hatred of monoconscious feminazi bigotry, aiming to wipe it out, by wiping out monoconscious feminists, as well as fluffie, man slaving, divorce raping, forced fathering, gender criminals.

647 AI Enhanced BING, the Great Spreader of Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes an epiphany I had recently, when I realized that AI Enhanced Bing, the Microsoft search engine, has over 100 MILLION users per day. Microsoft is stealing significant market share of the number of internet search hits per day from Google, so forcing Google to upgrade the level of its AI applied to its search engine. It will be interesting to see whether Google will continue to censor masculist and MGTOW channels. If it does, and Microsoft doesn’t, then with Microsoft’s 100 million users per day, that will be plenty enough to spread masculist and MGTOW ideas to the planet, and possibly quite soon, allowing a rapid spread of men’s lib ideas to the masses, the millions, the billions. If it happens, this will be the big media breakthrough that the masculists have been dreaming of for years. Fingers crossed!

646 Masculism Will Make Women Datable Again (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : One of the truly shocking stats to come out of the manosphere lately, is that over 60% of young men in the US refuse to date women. This flyer explains why the rise of masculism will cause women to become more datable again, by forcing women to become more biconscious, to lose their PC fairyland arrogance, taught to them by feminists that women are as capable as men. Masculist scientists show women that women cannot compete with men at the top end of the performance scale, thus making young women humbler, and grateful to men, for all that men do for society. As women lose their monoconscious feminazi bitchiness and become less arrogant, by becoming biconscious, after having learnt some masculism, they will be seen to be nicer by young men, who will then be more willing to date these women again.

645 The Establishment of Gender Equality Committees (GECs) in the Parliaments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : One of the major political goals of the masculists is the establishment of GECs (Gender Equality Committees) in the parliaments, so that the gender issues of BOTH sexes are dealt with equally, which is far from being the case in today’s gynocentric society. This flyer maps out how the creation of these GECs will probably unfold over the next decade, predicting that millions of fluffie women, and fluffie, monoconscious feminists will fight it, and hence be hated by biconscious masculists and biconscious masculist politicians, who will push hard for the creation of GECs, by crushing the hypocritical, bigoted, sexism of the monoconscious feminists.

644 The Value of a Good Masculist Harangue to a Mixed Audience (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : The femafia (feminist media mafia) which blocks publication of masculist ideas in the media, is very strong, and a source of great frustration and hatred on the part of biconscious masculists. There is no meeting of minds between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists. The monoconscious feminists interpret masculist criticism of women as just more misogyny and resist it, remaining closed minded to masculist critique. To biconscious masculists, this closed mindedness, is interpreted as sexist, hypocritical, bigotry and is hated. This flyer advocates that biconscious masculists use masculist harangues in mixed audiences and mixed groups to force monoconscious feminists to open their minds to biconscious masculist ideas, or risk losing their boyfriends, whom the masculists target, teaching these male feminist boyfriends masculism, so that they become biconscious, who do not tolerate the hypocrisy of monoconscious feminists, and dump them. Once this has happened millions of times, millions of monoconscious feminists will convert themselves to biconsciousness, and the femafia will disappear, no longer tolerated by both sexes.

643 MASCULISM, The Core Ideas (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : The ideas of the manosphere are now at the tipping point of going mainstream. After my two-hour interview by Brian Rose of London Real, described in the previous flyer (nbr. 642) I can use the link of this video to great effect in approaching other media outlets, trying to persuade them to spread masculist ideas, so that they go mainstream, and reach the masses, the millions, the billions. This flyer is a brief introduction to the core ideas of masculism, that will be sent to these media outlets around the world, starting with the universities, then to the major newspapers and magazines, and to major bloggers on the internet.

642 Masculist Media Breakthrough (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) (Xvideo)

Descr : For the month of October 2023, I was in Europe, for 3 weeks in Cambridge, England, and for a week+ in 4 European cities, Brussels, Paris, Koln and Amsterdam. In London, I was interviewed for a second time by Brian Rose, of London Real fame, for 2 hours. The first 90 minutes were on the issue of the threat of massively intelligent machines (artilects = artificial intellects) and an Artilect War. The final 30 minutes were on masculism. Brian told me that the first interview had had a quarter million hits on his many platforms. So, this masculist interview will get many hits, making it a breakthrough into the mainstream media, presenting masculist and MGTOW ideas to a mass audience, which is very encouraging for the manosphere, which needs mainstream exposure, to spread masculist/MGTOW ideas. The interview can be viewed by clicking on the following link –

641 Are Masculists Mostly Upper Middle Class? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Are most masculists upper middle class? Yes, since the masculists are a minority amongst the MGTOWs in the manosphere. All new ideas start in the mind of one person, usually highly intelligent and creative, so most masculists are more intelligent and more upper middle class than most MGTOWs in the manosphere. Masculists sneer at the opinion coming from mostly black, lower class manospherers, that men don’t care about the level of education of women, only about how hot, how sexy, they are. Upper middle class white masculists, on the contrary, see the FIPping of women, the creation of a FIP Society, as essential to the liberation of millions of men, since FIP women are a prerequisite for millions of men to be liberated from the horrors of the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, and fluffie, decades long, man slavery. By creating a FIP Society, millions of men benefit, hence the tremendous moral pressure coming from the masculists on women to FIP up or to rot on the shelf. Masculists have a low opinion of lower class, black, manospherers, who lack the intelligence to see the importance of the FIPping of women, the creation of a FIP Society, for the mass liberation of men.

640 How to Convert a Monoconscious Feminist into a Biconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the two main ways that biconscious masculists can use to convert monoconscious feminists into becoming biconscious feminists, and hence stop their contemptible misandry. The first approach is to use simple logic, presenting masculist and MGTOW arguments to high IQ monoconscious feminists, who have open minds and are open to persuasion by coherent masculist and MGTOW theorists. Most monoconscious feminists, however, will be too closed minded, too brainwashed, by monoconscious feminism, that gender oppression is a one-way street, that to convert them to biconsciousness, will involve punishing them severely and very painfully, by targeting the monoconscious men in their lives, by converting these men to biconsciousness, so that these men see the monoconsciousness of their monoconscious feminists as bigoted, so become disgusted, and then dump these women. When millions of monoconscious feminists have been so pained, they will be motived to become biconscious, thus putting society firmly on the path to men’s lib, the men fairing the gender laws, and teaching society, that gender oppression is very much a two-way street.

639 Masculists Don’t Tolerate Feminist Monoconsciousness (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the level of hatred that biconscious masculists feel towards the deeply hypocritical and bigoted attitudes of monoconscious feminists towards men. Biconscious masculists expect women and feminists to be biconscious, otherwise these women are severely punished, by not getting a man, being effectively exterminated, forced to rot on the shelf, manless and miserable.

638 The Gender Political Reversal (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that it is only a question of time before masculist ideas dominate gender political discourse, taking over the gender political stage. It lists the steps in this reversal of gender political dominance.

637 The Political Jolt of 60% of Young Men Refusing to Date (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The fact that 60% of young American men refuse to date, as shown by a recent PEW Research poll, has deep implications for gender politics and especially for the causation of the crash in the birth rate, that will soon wipe out whole populations if drastic measures are not soon undertaken. This flyer lists what the masculists need to do to educate the politicians, and society, to make the gender laws men fair so that young men are a lot more prepared to be fathers again, rather than boycotting dating and parenting.

636 Masculism and the 2 to 1 Female to Male College Student Ratio (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer addresses the question whether the fact that the female to male college student ratio is now nearly 2 to 1, implies that feminists are correct in pushing MEN to FIP up, rather than women.

635 A Masculist’s Duty to Harangue Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots (MFBs) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists have a moral duty to harangue MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) for the sake of the improvement of the lives of three major groups, namely men, women, and society as a whole.

634 Masculist Messages to Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the big 3 desiderata of the masculists towards women, i.e. 1) to FIP up or be manless, 2) to learn some masculism, become biconscious, or be punished, and 3) to vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws. These big 3 are first listed and then elaborated upon, one by one.

633 The Core Masculist Issue is the Butchering of One Father in Four in the Hated Fluffie Feminist Controlled Divorce Courts (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The fact that one father in four is butchered and has his life destroyed in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, is a source of real hatred on the part of the masculists towards these fluffie feminists, whom the masculists are at war against, aiming to wipe them off the face of the earth, by total male neglect, not even being pumped and dumped. The solution to this butchery, is the FIPping of women, the creation of a FIP Society, that will also solve other major gender issues for men, e.g. man slavery and forced fathering.

632 Feminists Wonder, What the Fuck has Happened to Men? Why are they such Hateful Masculists Now? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : With the rise and rise of masculism and the manosphere, soon there will be millions of confrontations between biconscious masculists and monoconscious feminists on campus, causing a collective “cri de coeur” from the feminists as their freshly minted biconscious boyfriends dump them with vicious, hateful, rejections due to the monoconscious hypocrisy and bigotry of the beliefs of these monoconscious feminists. Once the campuses have been converted to biconsciousness, society can go the same way, changing not only the whole zeitgeist, but the gender laws as well, making them fair to both sexes.

631 A Probable Interview of a Masculist Spokesman by a Feminist Journalist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a near future interview of a masculist spokesman by a monoconscious feminist media journalist who has a mainstream mass audience of millions of people. Her initial attitude towards the masculist is misandrist, but on listening to his points, she hesitates.

630 The Unconscious Roots of my Masculist Hatred of Fluffies (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how the negative experiences I had, as a young boy of 12 years old, probably played a major role in generating my hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists. This early experience was later reinforced by more conscious negative experiences I had with women as an adult.

629 Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or be Punished (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists put powerful moral pressure on women to be FIPs and to be biconscious, since to masculists, monoconscious feminists are seen as bigoted, contemptible, hypocritical, vermin, to be severely punished by being forced to rot on the shelf, since biconscious masculists want nothing to do with the monoconscious feminazi bitchiness of monoconscious feminists. Masculists expect biconsciousness to be part of the culture and are pushing towards that end, haranguing monoconscious women with masculist ideas and rhetoric, so that these women lose their monoconscious bitchiness that monoconscious feminism teaches them.

628 Presenting Masculist Arguments to Women in Role Reversed Format (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : I’ve just had a recently created YouTube channel on masculist and MGTOW themes deleted. This is the second time this has happened (in 2023). The first time was in 2019. So, YouTube remains as misandrist as when the CEO was Susan Wojcicki, who was the most hated women in the manosphere for her pro-feminist, anti-masculist, sexist, hypocritical, bigotry. This flyer introduces an idea to better persuade women of masculist ideas, by reversing the gender roles, imagining that women are gender politically oppressed by men with the female equivalent of the big 3 ways that women oppress men, i.e. when relabeled, they would be “woman slavery” “divorce rape (of women)” and “forced mothering.” By gynocentrizing masculist arguments, they may make it easier for women to understand them, so that more women become female masculists and vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws.

627 Government Measures to Force both Sexes to Reproduce to Prevent Extinction (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Sooner or later, governments will be forced to address the population crash issue, by menfairing the gender laws, reforming the divorce courts, creating GECs in the parliaments, by FIPping women, pushing the MCT (mother career timeline) onto women, creating baby farms, etc., to bring the birth rate up to the replacement rate, or we wipe ourselves out. This flyer suggests a string of measures that governments can use to increase the plummeting birth rate. Seoul, the capital of South Korea, now has a birth rate of 0.59 children per woman, the worst in the world, which obviously cannot continue, if we are not to go extinct.

626 Turning Biconscious Masculist Sons against their Monoconscious Feminist Mothers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a new masculist strategy to persuade monoconscious feminists to convert to biconsciousness. Masculists hate monoconscious feminists for their bigotry, labeling them MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) and employ various strategies to convert them to biconsciouness, e.g. by targeting their monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriends, teaching these boyfriends masculism, so that they become biconscious and then become disgusted with the monoconsciousness of their feminist girlfriends, and dump them. This flyer introduces the idea that a similar logic can apply to sons who are biconscious, to their monoconscious feminist mothers. Masculists threaten these monoconscious feminist mothers that if they don’t become biconscious faster than their sons, then their biconscious masculist sons may reject them, which would be powerfully emotionally traumatic for a mother, who grew that son in her womb for 9 months and raised him for two decades. The threat of losing her son, due to her monoconsciousness, will be a powerful motivator, to convert her to biconsciousness.

625 No Culture that Butchers a Quarter of its Fathers Can Survive (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows the horrors of the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, that butcher the lives of one father in four. These horrors are so great that any culture that is so gender criminal against men cannot survive. This flyer spells out what fundamental changes need to be made in such cultures for them to survive, since if the gender status quo continues, we will wipe ourselves out, since the majority of young men see marriage and paternity so toxic that they reject both, since they see divorce as so toxic, as dictated to them by the hated fluffie feminists who control the divorce courts.

624 Over the Next 5-10 Years Several Million Young Women Will Suicide over the Issue of not FIPping Up (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As masculist ideas spread throughout the high schools, tremendous moral pressure will be exerted by masculisted high school males on fluffies, so that it is likely that several million young women, young fluffies, will suicide as a result of being given the kiss of death in terms of getting a man, as masculisted young men see fluffies as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, and effectively exterminate them, by totally ignoring them, not even pumping and dumping them, treating them as pariahs, utterly rejecting them both socially and sexually, thus driving millions of them to suicide at the viciousness of this male rejection. As a result of this mass suicide, young women will pour into STEM and the professions, so as not to be labeled with the dreaded word “fluffie” and thus be given the kiss of death by men, masculisted men, by not getting one.

623 Masculist Revenge Crushing of Feminazi Misandry (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Now that masculist ideas have crystallized, the time is ripe to crush the monoconscious misandry, bigotry and ignorance of MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) with masculist anger and hatred, beginning on the campuses, by teaching male college students the core ideas of masculism, so that when they are confronted with an MFB, these men have the intellectual weapons to crush her misandry, forcing her to become biconscious, or she loses her currently monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriend, whom the masculists target, teaching these boyfriends masculism, so that they become biconscious, who then don’t tolerate the bigoted ignorant monoconscious misandry of their feminist girlfriends, and bite their fucking heads off, haranguing them out of the room, teaching them that feminists no longer have a monopoly over gender politics, that they have had for 6 decades.

622 What Life Will be Like for Women in a Biconsciousing Culture (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that over the next decade or so, there are going to be millions of bitter, verbally violent, hateful, confrontations between monoconscious feminist women, and biconscious masculist men, resulting in a lot of pain as millions of monoconscious feminists lose their boyfriends, whom the masculists target, teaching these currently monoconscious male feminist boyfriends, masculist ideas, converting them into biconscious masculists, who then see the monoconsciousness of their girlfriends as hypocritical and bigoted, and then dump them. Over time, society will become biconscious, and relations between the sexes will then improve, but the transition period in which women are converted from monoconsciousness to biconsciousness will be verbally bloody, vicious, and hateful, as biconscious masculists express their hatred of monoconscious feminists, forcing these women to rot on the shelf, manless, childless, spat at, and utterly rejected, causing several million young fluffie women to suicide after being so viciously rejected for being man slaving, divorce raping, vermin.

621 What is a Life Leecher? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The crash in the birth rate is one of the most alarming phenomena of our times, that sooner or later has to be addressed. This flyer states that gender politics plays a major role in the cause of this birth rate crash. It also states that once the gender laws have largely been men faired and women faired, then governments and society can concentrate on pushing up the birth rate, by applying a new term “life leechers” to adults who consciously choose not to reproduce themselves, thus contributing to the population crash, making them genociders and hence criminals. The term “life leecher” is deliberately coined to be a very negative label for such people who are not fulfilling their “civic duty” to reproduce themselves.

620 An Open Masculist Letter to the Politicians, Society Needs Masculism to Survive (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is an open letter to the politicians, lobbying them, to push for the creation of a biconscious society, a FIP Society, so that young men stop refusing to date young women at a rate of 60%. Monoconscious feminism has made young women so obnoxious to American young men under 30, that 60% of these men, not only refuse to marry and reject paternity, due to the toxicity of the divorce courts taken over by the fluffie feminists, but they don’t even DATE young women, thus causing a catastrophic crash in the birth rate, so the politicians need to make this issue center stage in their consciousness, to learn some masculism, to become biconscious, to set up GECs (gender equality committees) in the parliaments, and to menfair the gender laws, by passing the Parer (paternity rejection right), the OBTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) etc., so that young men are prepared to be fathers again, otherwise, we wipe ourselves out, in about 4 generations, if one does the math.

619 Its Possible to be both a Masculist and Have a Girlfriend (list) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that it is possible for a masculist to have a girlfriend, by simply educating her with masculist ideas, so that she becomes biconscious, i.e. she has both her feminist and her masculist consciousnesses raised, which will cancel her monoconscious feminist anger at men for the ways that men oppress women, because she will see that women oppress men worse. By LATting (living apart together), with both the man and the woman having their own dwelling, and both being FIPs, the man, the masculist, can have the best of both worlds, i.e. he can have the companionship and regular sex from a woman, and not be manslaved and divorce raped by a hated fluffie, or by an even more hated, fluffie monoconscious feminist.

618 Masculists’ Hatred of France’s and Germany’s Anti Paternity Fraud Testing Laws (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : In France and Germany, there are anti paternity fraud testing laws that can put a man in prison for a year or pay a 15000 Euro fine for sending his DNA to another country where paternity testing is free and legal. This flyer really lashes out at the massive misandrist gender injustice against men of these morally abhorrent gender laws, that are so gynocentric, so gynocratic, that they make masculists want to pick up arms and shoot the monoconscious feminist gender politicians (female or male) who made these monstrous laws that so abuse men, who are half the population.

617 Learn Some Masculism, You Ignorant, Monoconscious, Misandrist, Feminazi, Cunt! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists have such a hatred of monoconscious feminazis, spelling out the many gender crimes that these women commit against men, especially in the divorce courts, their man slavery as fluffies, their forced fathering etc. Masculists see monoconscious feminists as arch hypocrites and bigots and spit in their face, haranguing them with vicious, hateful, masculist, rhetoric, so that such women quickly learn to become biconscious or they will lose their currently monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriends, who are specifically targeted by the biconscious masculists, who teach them masculism, so that once biconscioused, these boyfriends then become disgusted with the monoconscious bigotry of their feminist girlfriends and then dump them, in their millions. Soon, monoconscious feminists will be so universally hated, that they will soon die out.

616 The Use of Masculist Hatred to Liberate Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists use hatred as their primary tactic to liberate men. This hatred is both heartfelt and a deliberate political tactic, that the masculists feel is more effective than the “poor little me” victim approach of the MRM (men’s rights movement) or the apolitical wimpery of the MGTOWs (men going their own way).

615 The Masculisting of Google (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : 5 years ago, James Damore was fired from Google for writing a manifesto suggesting that the under representation of women as software engineers in Google may be due to their lower average intelligence. This makes Google a suitable target for the masculisting, biconsciousing of the company. This flyer suggests a plan on how this might be done, i.e. starting with one male employee, who reads masculist ideas, becomes angry and hateful at the horrible, decades lasting, gender crimes that women commit against men, then spreads masculist links and ideas to other men in the company, who do the same. When there are hundreds of masculists in the company, the time is then ripe to go public with this fact, smashing misandrist comments publicly, coming from the monoconscious feminists at Google. These women, and management, will then become conscious that they can’t fire hundreds of masculists at Google, so Google will have become masculisted, i.e. biconscious, so that if the monoconscious feminists don’t learn some masculism and become biconscious, they will have their fucking heads bitten off.

614 Masculist Hatred of the Gender Criminality of Women against Men will be Stronger than Feminist Hatred of the Gender Criminality of Men against Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculist expression of hatred against the gender criminality of women against men will be stronger than vice versa for two main reasons. One is that women’s gender criminality against men is simply more horrible and lasts decades. The other reason is that men are much stronger across the chest than women, so have much less fear of being physically attacked by feminists when masculists express their hatred against women’s gender criminality, so can express that hatred more forcefully.

613 Masculists Can Use Women’s Higher Conformity and Agreeableness to Men’s Advantage (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer makes the claim, that once there are millions of masculists, they will create enough female masculists, so that female conformity pressure can then kick in, causing women to convert women to female masculism, more effectively than men can. When there are millions of masculists, millions of their monoconscious feminist girlfriends will be more readily converted to biconscious female masculism, due to women’s higher level of agreeableness, i.e. not wanting ideological confrontation with their masculist boyfriends. Masculists need to take advantage of these two female tendencies, to create enough female masculists, that they help men in the menfairing of the gender laws, thus liberating billions of men.

612 What are Feminazis, and why do Masculists Hate them so much? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains what a feminazi is, and why masculists have such a hatred of feminazis, for their hypocritical, bigoted genocide.

611 The Masculist Humbling of Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists are fed up with the monoconscious arrogance and gender political bias of feminazis, and crush them in public when they come across women who preach that women are morally superior to men, etc. This flyer supplies masculist arguments that men and boys can use to crush feminazi arrogance, which is more a religion to women than fact. Masculist superiority arguments are much more science based, and hence stronger than feminist superiority arguments.

610 The Divorce Courts are Based on the Fluffie Model (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Today’s divorce courts are based on the assumption that most women are fluffies, i.e. career incompetent women who expect to parasite off the money and labor of a man, for decades of his life. Masculists are abolitionists, who see fluffiedom as man slavery and hence slavery and thus hated, and a war issue. Masculists are at war against fluffies and fluffie feminist hypocrites, especially against those fluffie feminist lawyers and judges who dominate the divorce courts, butchering one father in four. Masculists aim to create a FIP Society, where both sexes are raised and educated to be FIPs, so that the divorce courts can operate on the principle of financial independence, where both divorcing parties are presumed to be FIPs. Masculists aim to destroy the assumption that the divorce courts are based on the fluffie model, as they are today.

609 A Noncommunicating Dialog between a Masculist and a MGTOW (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is a real-world dialog, rather a passionate one, between a masculist and a MGTOW. The MGTOW thinks that the masculist approach is old hat and totally ineffective. The masculist, i.e. me, thinks that MGTOWs are apolitical wimps, who don’t set out to menfair the gender laws, so that billions of men remain gender oppressed badly, by women. There are a lot of sparks in this dialog.

608 The Masculist War against Fluffie Crappers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes how the masculists will influence high school males to declare war against the fluffie crappers in their high schools, putting tremendous moral pressure on them to FIP up or suffer total rejection by masculisted males, who in time will be most males. Young women will pour into STEM and the professions so as not to be totally rejected by young men who see fluffie crappers as man slaving, divorce raping, vermin, to be spat at, and socially and sexually utterly rejected.

607 The Masculist Counterattack against the Monoconscious Biasing of Society by the Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculists can counterattack the monoconscious bias that exists in society, due to the preaching of the feminists that gender oppression is a one-way street. The first major task of the masculists is to increase the number of their kind, to the millions, and then to counterattack the monoconscious feminists with masculist arguments, teaching the feminists and society that women oppress men worse, with women’s horrible and decades lasting gender crimes against men. When there are millions of masculisted men, society and the feminists will become biconscious and society will be a lot happier as a result.

606 What Masculists Want, a Manifesto for Gender Politicians (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides a masculist manifesto, a step-by-step political program for the menfairing of society and the gender laws. It consists of two main steps, i.e. educating society that gender oppression is very much a two-way street, and then the establishment of the GECs (gender equality committees) that consist half of female feminists, and half of male masculists, who then menfair the gender laws, by legislating the Parer (paternity rejection right), the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, to block female paternity fraud etc. These steps are necessary if society is not to wipe itself out, due to mass rejection of paternity by young men, who refuse to face a one in four chance of being butchered in the hated, fluffie feminist, hypocrite, genocider, dominated divorce court system.

605 Most Manospherians Dont See the Big Picture (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer complains that the majority of manospherians do not see the big gender political picture, i.e. the critical importance of the FIPping of women, the creation of a FIP Society, the creation of the GECs (gender equality committees in the parliaments) so that most of the horrible, decades lasting, gender crimes that women commit against men can be removed.

604 Masculism’s Broad Historical Sweep (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer takes the view of future gender political historians who ask themselves how masculism changed society, in broad historical sweeps, the way feminism caused women to be careerists. Women were FIPped up, the divorce courts were reformed, a FIP Society was created, the GECs in the parliaments were created, the Parer and OPTAB were legislated. Several decades later, gender politics had largely died out, since both sexes took for granted that both sexes had equal rights and equal obligations, so the need for a masculist movement, like feminism, died out.

603 Masculism as Therapy for Bitter Lonely Monoconscious Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that it is actually therapeutic for monoconscious feminists to convert themselves to becoming biconscious feminists, because they would then become much nicer towards men, because they would lose their misandrist, male dumping, feminazi, bitchiness towards men, that monoconscious feminism teaches, or rather misteaches them. Having a man in their lives will make them happier. This is the carrot approach of the masculists towards monoconscious feminists. The masculists also use the stick approach, which is the targeting of the monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriends of these monoconscious feminists, teaching these boyfriends, masculist ideas, so that these newly minted, biconscious, boyfriends, then see the monoconsciousness of their feminist girlfriends as hypocritical and bigoted, become disgusted with them, then dump them. This combined masculist approach, i.e. of carrot and stick, to convert monoconscious feminists to biconsciousness, is more effective than either approach alone.

602 A Masculist Reply to an Email from a 22 Year Old Woman (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As a masculist, I rarely get correspondence from women. Recently I got an email from a 22-year-old woman, who posed some interesting questions, so I thought it would be interesting to make a flyer/video of my answers to her.

601 Masculist Theorists Teaching Masculism to Media Successful Female Masculists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This past year has seen the rise of the female masculist, e.g. “JustPearlyThings” (i.e. Pearl Davis) has had nearly half a billion (with a b) views and over a million subscribers on YouTube, in just a few years. This flyer aims to teach her and other similarly media successful female masculists, more advanced masculist ideas, so that these ideas can hugely more efficiently reach the minds of millions of women, motivating them, in very much their own female self-interest, to learn masculist ideas, so that they are more likely to find men who will have relationships with them, and be prepared to be fathers again, and to help pay for the costs of raising kids. This flyer spells out why it is in women’s self-interest to learn masculist ideas, i.e. to become biconscious.

600 !! Why Masculists Hate Suzanne Venker and Her Ilk (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Suzanne Venker writes anti-feminist essays pushing young women to stay at home raising small children, and that husbands should be prepared to work for them. Of course, this is diametrically opposed to the goals of the masculists, who push fluffies very hard to FIP up or be punished severely by men, masculisted men, by not getting one. Masculists do agree however, when the kids are pre-kindergarten, that the mother should stay at home full time, raising them and be given a government maternity wage. Masculists are abolitionists and push women hard to get off their fat parasitic arses and FIP up, so that they do not man slave a man for decades of his life. Masculists propose the CMT (career mother timeline) for women, so that they stay at home when the kids are small and return to being a FIP for the rest of their lives, not man slaving a man. Venker needs to become biconscious before her husband does, or she will risk him dumping her for her monoconscious bigotry, her belief that it is men’s role to pay for women to have babies, and to work for women for decades of men’s lives, thus man slaving them.

599 Fuck You, You Lamb Brained Feminazi, Get a Taste of Your Own Medicine! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists are so fed up with the monoconscious hypocrisy and bigotry of feminists, that they now routinely lash out at them with angry, hateful masculist diatribes against them, aiming to shut them up, to force them to learn some masculism, otherwise they are verbally crushed, in bitter, gender political confrontations, that verge on becoming physically violent, causing monoconscious feminists to back off, to shut up, which is seen as something positive by the masculists, but who would far prefer monoconscious feminists to become biconscious, and hence stop their awful hypocritical bigotry, by learning that gender oppression is a two way street, and that in fact women oppress men worse, with women’s horrible, decades lasting, gender crimes against men.

598 Masculist Hatred of Feminist Hypocrisy (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out why masculists have such a hatred of monoconscious feminist hypocrisy. Feminism teaches society that gender oppression is a one-way street, that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed, so it is not surprising that millions of women have been made misandrists by feminism. Masculists, biconscious masculists, know better, i.e., that women’s gender criminality against men, is in fact, worse, with women’s man slavery, women’s divorce rape, women’s forced fathering, etc. which are truly horrible gender crimes against men. So, when monoconscious feminists lash out at men for men’s gender criminality against women, masculists see these women as utter hypocrites, and hate them for it. Now that masculists have their own gender political ideology, i.e., masculism, they have the intellectual tools, not only to answer back to the feminists, but to crush their monoconsciousness. Masculists are causing other social groups to learn to hate monoconscious feminists, e.g., young women, whom masculists educate that the root cause of these young women’s babylessness is the takeover of the divorce courts by the feminists, who have made divorce so toxic, butchering and divorce raping one father in four, that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry and have kids. There are also a growing number of biconscious feminists now, who see monoconsciousness as counterproductive to feminists’ interests, who sneer at monoconscious feminists, and tell them they are on the wrong side of history. In short, so many social groups will hate the monoconscious hypocrisy of the feminists, that monoconscious feminism will die out in the coming years, being replaced by a more humane, more civilized, more just, biconscious feminism.

597 The Growing Biconscious Community of Both Sexes (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Now that there are probably over a million MGTOWs and masculists in the world, a growing number of female masculists are starting to emerge from the woodwork on the internet, preaching MGTOW and masculist ideas to women. This makes it possible for biconscious masculists to combine forces with biconscious feminists to push for the menfairing of the gender laws, thus making men more likely to want to be fathers again.

596 A Masculist Open Letter to Governments (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :This flyer is an open letter from a masculist to governments, threatening governments that the birth rate will continue to crash, wiping out whole populations within a century or less, unless governments really start listening to what the MGTOWs and masculists have to say. Before men will be prepared to be fathers again, the gender laws need to be men faired, the divorce courts have to be thoroughly reformed, GECs (gender equality committees) need to be set up in the parliaments, that consist half of female feminists and half of male masculists so that the gender issues of BOTH SEXES are treated equally. The Parer (paternity rejection right) and the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) need to be legislated by these GECs. Society needs to be taught that gender oppression is a two-way street, and that the awful monoconscious hypocrisy of the feminists, who preach that gender oppression is a one-way street, is hated by masculists, who bite the fucking heads off MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots).

595 The Rise of the Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Over the past half year or so, the manosphere has witnessed the rise of the female masculist, i.e. women who have absorbed MGTOW and masculist ideas and have carved out a niche for themselves in the internet, preaching MGTOW and masculist ideas to women. These ideas are not original, but they are coming from women, which is an encouraging sign, since women are more likely to be persuaded of the sense of the MGTOW and masculist arguments if they are coming from women than from men, given women’s evolved self-group preference. This flyer proposes several reasons why we are now seeing the rise of the female masculist. There are now probably several million MGTOWs and masculists, so women are being influenced by that fact, plus many monoconscious feminists are being dumped by their biconscious masculist boyfriends, who cannot tolerate the monoconscious hypocrisy and bigotry of their former feminist girlfriends, so reject them. As more women become female masculists, it will be easier for masculists to have the gender laws men faired.

594 Masculist Confrontation of Feminist Monoconscious Hypocrisy (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : How do well informed, biconscious, masculists react towards typical monoconscious feminists? With anger, with hatred, for their monoconscious hypocrisy, who preach a deeply misandrist, gynocentric, ideology that gender oppression is a one-way street, when biconscious masculists know too well, that gender oppression is a two-way street, and that in reality, women oppress men worse, with their decades lasting gender crimes against men. So, as the number of masculisted men rises over the next few years, millions of gender political confrontations will take place between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists as the latter harangue the former for their monoconscious hypocrisy. In time, monoconscious feminists will die out, as young women don’t dare remain monoconscious, otherwise they will be viscerally rejected and spat at by young men, who have had their masculist consciousnesses raised and will not tolerate feminist monoconscious hypocrisy, and will effectively exterminate such women, by forcing them into slow miserable deaths, utterly rejected by men, forcing them to rot on the shelf.

593 The Masculist Paradigm Shift in Gender Politics (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as masculist and MGTOW ideas spread right across whole populations, there will be a major gender political paradigm shift from monoconsciousness to biconsciousness, so that major institutions will need to be thoroughly restructured, e.g. the gender studies departments in universities, thousands of them across the planet, and the gender equality committees in parliaments, hundreds of them, so that these institutions see the world through biconscious eyes and not today’s supremely biased, ignorant, monoconscious eyes. Producing this gender political paradigm shift will probably require a lot of vicious verbal blood to be spilt as biconscious masculists attack monoconscious feminists, teaching them of the error, bias and bigotry of their ways.

592 Meeting My First Real Life Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer recounts a meeting I had with a Brazilian full professor of history who absorbed masculist ideas quickly and readily, proving herself to be a real life, and my first, female masculist. Her female masculistness made me conscious that it is likely that there will be millions of female masculists, who will help the masculists to men fair the gender laws. Masculists will tell monoconscious feminists that it is in their self-interest to become biconscious, since men will reject monoconscious feminists as being repulsive, due to their misandry, their callousness towards male suffering at the hands of the massive gender crimes that women commit against men, e.g., the big 3 of man slavery, divorce rape and forced fathering. This Brazilian full professor is the harbinger of millions of future female masculists, who will become a valuable ally of the masculist movement, who will help to make society biconscious, and hence far less misandrist, feminazi bitchy, towards men.

591 Masculist Annoyance with Manospherers who Remain Stuck in the Psychology Phase (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the annoyance that masculists feel towards manospherers who remain stuck in the initial psychology phase of men’s lib development. It makes an analogy with the historical development of the feminist movement, which went through two major phases, the consciousness raising phase, followed by the political phase, which got many gender laws passed that greatly improved the lives and rights of women. Masculists want to see more manospherers move on into the second major phase of men’s lib development, by pushing for the men-fairing of the gender laws via the establishment of GECs (gender equality committees in the parliaments, that consist half of female feminists and half of male masculists.) The male half of these GECS will then legislate the Parer (paternity rejection right), the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, to combat paternity fraud by women, etc. The GEC masculist politicians will push for the biconsciousing of society, so that men’s lives are greatly improved, and that relations between the sexes are greatly improved as well.

590 The Masculist Fixing of Feminism (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : When there are millions of masculists, and the GECs (gender equality committees) have been set up in the parliaments, the masculist politicians in these GECs will do a much better job than the feminists have done over the past 6 decades of their gender political monopoly, at creating a FIP Society, in which both sexes are raised to be FIPs. Societies have to be rearranged in gender political terms, so that women have the best of both worlds , i.e. careers and motherhood, so the GECs will need to give the feminists what they want, e.g. millions of quality creches for working mothers, a motherhood wage when women are at home looking after small children, etc. and men need to have the gender laws men faired, e.g. the divorce courts need to be thoroughly reformed, the Parer (paternity rejection right) and the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, need to be legislated, etc. It is likely that the FIP Society will be set up better, under masculist management than feminist, due to men’s genetically higher intelligence and genius levels. The masculists will even fix feminism better than the feminists have, simply due to the fact that the masculists are male.

589 Masculist Rage Sweeps the High Schools and Campuses Forcing Women to FIP Up (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer envisages the time when there are enough masculisted and MGTOWed young men in high school classes, to confront the monoconscious, hypocritical, man slaving, divorce raping, bigotry of young feminists in their classes, and assert their masculist contempt and hatred against this bigotry and start spitting into these women’s faces. Things will then escalate, so that we will have gender political riots in many high schools and campuses, until women are forced into accepting biconsciousness and become FIPs, or to rot on the shelf, spat at by men, by millions of hateful, masculisted and MGTOWed men.

588 Women Who Want Kids Should Vote for the Menfairing of the Gender Laws (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how it is very much in women’s self-interest to vote with the masculists for the men fairing of the gender laws. Young men today, in their millions, are rejecting marriage and paternity, due to the toxicity of divorce as generated by the hated monoconscious feminists, who have taken over the divorce courts, who butcher the lives of one father in four. With women, i.e. female masculists, voting with masculists, for the men fairing of the gender laws, the divorce courts will be fundamentally reformed, making them much less toxic for men, the GECs (gender equality committees) will be set up in the parliaments, the Parer (paternity rejection right) will be legislated, so too the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) for all births, to block women’s paternity fraud, etc. Masculists need to push women very hard to become female masculists, in both sexes self-interests, especially in women’s self-interest, if ever women want to have babies again.

587 “Learn Some Masculism, You Monoconscious, Hypocritical, Bigoted, Misandrist, Man Dumping, Feminazi Cunt!” (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The above title is the sort of statement that masculists yell at hated monoconscious feminists who commit such massive gender crimes against men, e.g. man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering etc., yet claim that gender oppression is a one way street, that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed, when biconscious masculists know, full well, that the reverse is much more the case, so biconscious masculists see monoconscious feminists as supreme hypocrites, and hate them for that, so scream at them to become biconscious, by biting their fucking heads off, with statements like the title.

586 Masculist Arguments to Convert my Ex-Girlfriend from being a Monoconscious to a Biconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer contains a copy of two emails I sent to my ex-girlfriend, trying to persuade her to become a biconscious feminist, instead of remaining a monoconscious feminist. Increasingly, monoconscious feminists, in their millions, will be dumped by their biconscious boyfriends, in disgust, for women’s callousness towards the suffering of men at the hands of the massive gender crimes that women commit against men. This flyer presents the masculist case in a rather compact form, that may be useful.

585 What Life Will be Like for Women Living in a World where Feminism and Masculism are Equally Powerful (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : In a decade or two, it is likely that feminist and masculist ideas will be equally powerful in society, so what will it be like to live in such a world for women? This flyer predicts how that will be, and on how such a stage can be reached, which will not be pretty for women, since they will have to give up their current monopoly over gender politics, which they will not be readily willing to do, so will have to be forced to do so by the masculists. The millions of verbally bloody confrontations, between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists, will be both verbally violent and nasty.

584 Masculists are Aggressive, Angry and Hateful (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : There are three main branches in the manosphere, the MRM (men’s right movement), the MGTOWs (men going their own way) and the masculists (the male equivalent of the feminists). What distinguishes the masculists from the other two main branches, is their aggressiveness, their anger, their hatred. This flyer explains WHY the masculists are so aggressive, angry and hateful, arguing that there is plenty of good reason for this. Fluffies are hated by the masculists for their man slavery, their divorce rape, their decades lasting, parasitism, and the fluffie feminists, who control the divorce courts, are even more hated by the masculists, since they butcher one father in four, destroying his life. Fluffie feminists are hated by masculists for their hypocrisy and genocide, who see gender oppression as a one-way street, when to masculists, it is clear, that women oppress men far worse, with their decades lasting, gender crimes, e.g. man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering etc. which are massive gender crimes against men, and greatly hated by masculists.

583 How to Convert a Monoconscious Male Feminist into a Biconscious Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Since male feminists are still male, they can be a more formidable source of opposition to the masculists than monoconscious feminists, so it is in masculists’ self-interest to develop techniques to persuade monoconscious male feminists to become biconscious masculists. This flyer presents some of the arguments that biconscious masculists can use for this task.

582 Gender Political Wars within Parliamentary Gender Equality Committees (GECs) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As masculist and MGTOW ideas spread and spread, in time, male masculisted politicians will start pushing for the establishment of true GECs (gender equality committees) in the parliaments, that address equally the gender issues of BOTH sexes, and not just feminist issues, which make today’s GECs look like Orwellian doublethink. As general masculist political pressure rises and rises in the general population, these masculist politicians will put real pressure on the monoconscious feminists, who currently occupy all the slots of these GECs, to give up half of them. Of course, these monoconscious feminist politicians will fight this, so the masculist politicians will need to fight them back. This flyer gives these masculist politicians some intellectual masculist ammo on how to do that.

581 Masculist Lessons for the “You’re Fucking Scum” Feminist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Cassie Jaye’s movie “The Red Pill” shows a young feminazi screaming at a young guy, “You’re fucking scum!” This flyer shows that her monoconscious feminist beliefs will cause her to suffer in life, since she will be unable to keep a boyfriend, when most men become masculisted, made biconscious, who will not tolerate her monoconscious feminazi bitchiness and dump her in disgust. So, it is very much in this young woman’s self-interest to become biconscious, by learning some masculist ideas, so that she can become capable of holding on to a boyfriend to get the sex and intimacy that she craves.

580 How Masculist Middle Schoolers Can Pressure Female Middle Schoolers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists aim to educate middle school males to become masculists, who then put powerful moral pressure on female middle schoolers to choose to study career competent majors and not become “fluffie crappers” so that they can become FIPs (financially independent persons) as adults and not man slave and divorce rape a man. Masculists aim for the creation of a FIP Society, in which both sexes are socialized and educated to FIP up, so that men can be freed from man slavery and divorce rape, thus liberating men from being victims of massive gender crimes that women today commit against men, at the rate of one married father in four i.e. millions of men every year.

579 Masculist Hatred of Forced Fathering Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : I watched the movie “The Red Pill” in which an audience of 90% women almost unanimously clapped in favor of a woman tricking her husband into fatherhood by stopping her birth control. I felt such a murderous, masculist-soldierly, hatred at this, that it motivated this flyer, which maps out how masculists can overcome women’s hardwired view of men as sexploitable cash machines, to be robbed and abused. It involves a sex war, in which thousands of monoconscious, misandrist, feminist, judges who use the law for force men into unwanted fatherhood, being murdered by masculist soldiers, until the politicians legislate the Parer (paternity rejection right).

578 Women’s Conditional Voting Right (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes the establishment of Gender Crimes courts, that prosecute women for gender crimes committed against men, with one of the punishments being, stripping these gender criminal women of the right to vote. Examples of such gender crimes against men would be, man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, false rape accusations, etc.

577 Why Masculists Feel Frustrated with MGTOWs (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists feel so frustrated by the lack of political and legal savvy of MGTOWs, whom masculists see as being stuck, and preoccupied, in the first consciousness raising stage of gender political development. Masculists see clearly, what the feminists did after they came out of their first stage and moved on into the second major stage of political and legal changes, in the 1970s, making major changes in the laws that benefitted millions of women. Masculists see that men need to go through the same process, but the vast majority of MGTOWs don’t see. Masculists see MGTOWs politically and legally as children, as naive, and underdeveloped, lacking vision and political and social maturity.

576 Masculisted Young Men Take Back the Campuses (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Now that masculist and MGTOW ideas have matured sufficiently, the time is now ripe for young men to take back the campuses, getting revenge on the monoconscious feminazis who have been brainwashed for six decades that gender oppression is a one-way street, hence feel they have the right to be feminazi bitchy with men. It will come as a real shock for these women, to have angry, hateful, biconscious, masculists do the same to them.

575 Masculist Punishment of Gender Criminal Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer deals with how masculists, when there are millions of us, will deal with gender criminal women, punishing them severely, in both social psychological terms and legally criminally, for women’s massive gender crimes against men.

574 The Gender War between Masculists and Feminists will Get Worse before it Gets Better (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts a 6 phase gender war between the monoconscious feminists and the biconscious masculists, until nearly all monoconscious feminists have been converted to being biconscious, so that the gender war can die. But getting to that stage will involve a very verbally violent phase three, in which a gender political war is waged, which will destroy the quality of life and happiness of millions of women, at the hands of hateful masculists, until these women convert themselves to being biconscious, lose their feminazi bitchiness at men, and become much nicer for men to be with. Those feminists who remain stubbornly, stupidly, monoconscious, will be dumped by their boyfriends, in disgust, at the hypocrisy and bigotry of their monoconscious feminist girlfriends, who then make these women their ex-girlfriends.

573 Why the Planet will be Happier with the Masculist Counter Balance to Feminism (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that feminism has made people less happy due to its monoconsciousness, which causes women to think that they are justified in hating men for the gender crimes that men commit against women, thus souring relations between the sexes. Masculism then comes along and tells women that in fact women oppress men worse, thus raising people’s biconsciousness, that softens the misandry of the monoconscious feminazis, resulting in the sexes getting along a lot better, resulting in a greater level of happiness between the sexes.

572 Masculists Will Test Women, If They Fail, They May End Up Voteless (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : In a decade or so, masculism will probably be as influential as feminism. If the large majority of men become convinced that women are hardwired to be unempathetic towards men’s suffering at the hands of women’s massive gender crimes against men (e.g. man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, etc.) then masculisted men, may become so bitter and hateful at women for this, that men decide to collectively punish women for being childishly irresponsible, and then strip them of the right to vote, not all women, but those who prove themselves to be “unvoteworthy” e.g. fluffies, fluffie feminists, deeply misandrist feminazis etc. If men decide to disenfranchise women, there is nothing women could do about it, since women did not evolve to be warriors, whereas men did, thanks to women’s sexual selection of warrior, toxic, conquering, men, who thus gave women greater resources, and hence increased women’s survivability.

571 Just How Horrific are Women’s Gender Crimes against Men? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out in a rather emotional and intellectual way, just why masculists have such a hatred of those women who committ massive gender crimes against men, that last decades, that make them so massive, and so hatable.

570 How to be Masculist Vicious to Feminazis (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists have a hatred of monoconscious feminazis, whom masculists see as massive hypocrites, since these feminazis dump on men, calling them rapists, pigs, toxic, etc., whereas the biconscious masculists know that women oppress men far worse, e.g., in the big 3 ways, that last decades, of man slavery, divorce rape, and forced fathering. Masculists are increasingly being verbally vicious towards these monoconscious feminazis, attacking them in public, in meetings, in conversations, in blogs, in the media, etc., aiming to wipe them out, by converting them to biconsciousness, and especially by causing them to lose their boyfriends, because masculists teach masculism to them, so that these boyfriends become disgusted with the monoconscious bigotry and hypocrisy of their feminist girlfriends and dump them. Increasingly, masculists simply verbally attack monoconscious feminazis viciously, making it very clear to feminists, that they no longer have a monopoly over gender politics.

569 Masculist Changing of Women’s Perception of Men (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that within 5-10 years, women’s attitudes towards men will be quite different from today’s, which are strongly influenced by monoconscious feminist ideas. When there are millions of masculists and MGTOWs, who do not tolerate the monoconscious bigotry of feminists, who preach that gender oppression is a one way street, then monoconscious feminists will be verbally brutally attacked by masculists and forced to become biconscious, or they will rot on the shelf, boyfriend less, as their biconscious boyfriends dump them, and prefer to have relationships with biconscious feminists, who are much nicer to be with, since they have had their feminist anger at men cancelled by their female masculist anger at women. The number of biconscious feminists will thus rise and rise, and the number of monoconscious feminists will dwindle away to zero, thus fundamentally changing the way women perceive men.

568 How Can Governments Raise the Birth Rate to Replacement Level? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer addresses an increasingly pressing problem on the world scale, i.e., the crashing birth rate, and what measures can be undertaken by governments to raise the birth rate to replacement level. One major way is to create a FIP Society, so that divorce is no longer toxic for men, by removing control of the divorce courts from the fluffie feminists, so that young men are prepared to be fathers again. Hefty payments, maternity wages, and creche facilities, etc., need to be set up by governments, to encourage women to mix their careerism with motherhood, so that they can have both. Governments can also establish baby farms, paying professional mothers to have a baby nearly every year that is brought up by her and a professional staff, that includes professional fathers, so that the children are raised by a group of adults of both sexes. These measures are suggested NOT to kick in immediately, but a bit later, so as to allow the current crash in the birth rate to reduce the world population to about a tenth of its current figure, to solve the global warming problem, then they kick in. Governments will need to decide the date of that U-turn.

567 Evolutionary Psychology vs. Modern Logic (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at some half-witted manospherers who use evolutionary psychology to claim that men are NOT interested in the educational level or careerism of women, when choosing women to have relationships with. This benighted view is a real disservice to men, since if some random man listens to their advice and marries and has kids with a fluffie, he then faces a one in four chance of being butchered by his divorcing wife, who man slaves him and divorce rapes him. Men are much better off having relationships with FIPs. This is modern logic, which conflicts with the views of the evolutionary psychologists, who extract their conclusions, based on the circumstances that were valid in the distant past that were very different and deadly compared to our time.

566 The Masculist Threat to Disenfranchise Women, if They Don’t become Sincerely Biconscious (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that the masculist threat to disenfranchise women, if they don’t become sincerely biconscious, empathizing with men, for the horrible ways that women gender oppress men, may become the masculists principal tool for the men fairing of society and of the gender laws.

565 Too Dumb to be Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer critiques the conservatism of US black manospherers who claim that men don’t care about the educational and career competence levels of a woman, only about her looks. This flyer finds this view both dumb and counterproductive to men’s self-interest and liberation.

564 If Women Cannot Become Female Masculists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer wonders whether women will ever be able to become female masculists, who have a true, intuitive understanding of the level of gender criminality that women commit against men. It relates my personal experience with my past three girlfriends, and their level of female masculist understanding or the lack of it. This flyer states that it is quite possible, that if men, if masculists, in their millions, become strongly convinced that women are truly solipsistic, gynocentric, and childlike, incapable of becoming female masculists, then men will take away their right to vote, arguing that “Children don’t vote!”

563 How Will Women Feel when Men Close their Masculist Ranks on Them? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : What will it feel like for women, for monoconscious feminists, to live in an era when nearly all men have been masculisted, who don’t tolerate fluffies nor monoconscious feminists, with their gender political, misandrist, bias that gender oppression is a one-way street, when the masculists are all too conscious that in reality, women oppress men far worse than vice versa. When millions of monoconscious feminists are having their fucking heads bitten off by very angry, hateful masculists for their misandrist bigotry, then these women will be forced to become biconscious, or they will be forced to rot on the shelf, manless, dying a slow miserable death, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at.

562 Masculist Teaching of Women to Hate Women Who Commit Massive Gender Crimes against Men (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how masculists are aiming to teach women a hatred of those women who commit massive gender crimes against men, so that a combined male female overwhelming moral force is applied against such gender criminal women, so that women are powerfully motived not to be gender criminals at all, so that female gender criminality is wiped out.

561 How Will Masculists Take Over Gender Politics? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculist hatred against the massive gender crimes that women commit against men will be the driving force for men’s, for masculists’, takeover of gender politics. As millions of men become increasingly conscious of the massive, hatable, gender crimes that women commit against men (manslavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, etc.) then when men become collectively angry and hateful at women, men will become unstoppable. They will sweep away anything that lies in their path, thus taking over gender politics.

560 A Proposed Masculist Anti Divorce Rape Flash Mob Action (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Sylvester Stallone, the US actor, is divorcing after a marriage of 25 years. His fluffie manslaving parasite divorcing wife wants at least half of his wealth, that HE earned with HIS talent, with HIS energy and effort. Masculists have a hatred of fluffie manslaving divorce raping women, and aim to exterminate them by forcing them into a slow miserable death by being totally ignored by men, not even pumped and dumped, so that their manslaving parasite genes are removed from the gene pool. This flyer proposes a masculist anti divorce rape flash mob action, that will video the divorcing wife being doused with blood, and yelled at with masculist hatred by three masculists, holding placards with masculist slogans. The video will then be given hefty publicity, similar to the way the British feminists in 1970, flour bombed the Miss World pageant, and obtained world wide publicity for the feminist cause.

559 The Core Idea of Feminism is Deeply Misandrist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The core idea of feminism, i.e. that gender oppression is a one way street, that men are the oppressors and women are the oppressed, is deeply misandrist, given that women oppress men far worse, given that women’s “big 3” ways that women oppress men, last decades, and hence are far more serious than the rather minor ways that men oppress women. This monoconscious feminism, is seen by masculists as hypocritical and bigoted and is hated. This growing hatred of the masculists towards monoconscious feminism, will lead to millions of bitter confrontations between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists, until most feminists have been biconscioused. Before that happens, a lot of verbal blood will be split between the two groups.

558 Are Women even Capable of Becoming Biconscious? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Are women even capable of becoming biconscious? Many women and feminists are incapable of empathizing with and sharing the masculist hatred of women who commit massive gender crimes against men, but some can. Masculists will prefer to have relationships with those who can, and will kill slowly those women who remain monoconscious, forcing them to rot on the shelf, by being manless.

557 Pushing the Masculist Abolitionist Analogy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : There is a close historical analogy between today’s masculism and the 19th century’s abolitionism. Masculists see manslavery by fluffies as the greatest of all gender crimes and hate fluffies for that. Masculist hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists will force women to become biconscious or they will pay a terrible price of being forced into a slow miserable death by being forced to rot on the shelf, by being totally ignored by men, not even pumped and dumped.

556 Losing a Brother, Under-estimating the Hostility of the Blue-Pillers (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer relates three examples of anti masculist hostility I have experienced recently from blue pillers who have been in my inner circle, the worst case being from my own brother, with whom I have now cut, over the masculist issue. It looks as though the masculist fight is going to be harder and longer than we anticipated, since we will also have to face the blue pillers as well as monoconscious feminists and fluffies.

555 Masculists Key Concept Describing Women – Parasites (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists note that the big 3 ways that women gender oppress men, for decades of men’s lives, i.e. man slavery, divorce rape, forced fathering, have something in common. They all involve women’s parasitism off the money and labor of a man, so masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to get off their fat parasitic arses, and FIP up, or be severely punished by men, masculisted men, by not getting one. Masculists aim to wipe out fluffiedom, by wiping out fluffies and fluffie feminists, who are even more hated, due to their hypocrisy and genocide.

554 How Will Masculism Affect Feminists? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : How will masculist ideas affect feminists? It will come as a shock for monoconscious feminists to be told by masculists that in fact women oppress men worse than vice versa, that masculists hate women who commit the “big 3” gender crimes against men, women’s man slavery, women’s divorce rape, women’s forced fathering. Those women who don’t become biconscious will be dumped by masculists who will prefer to have relationships with biconscious feminists, thus putting strong moral pressure on monoconscious feminists to become biconscious, or be forced to die a slow miserable death, utterly rejected by men, who will ignore them totally, punishing them for their monoconscious bigotry.

553 Masculists Teach Women to Hate Women Who Commit Massive Gender Crimes against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists aim to teach women to hate women who commit massive gender crimes against men, so that those women who do empathize with men’s massive oppression by women, can become female masculists and vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws, to liberate men. Those women who cant empathize with men this way, will be severely punished, by not getting a man. Masculisted men have a hatred of women who so badly oppress them, and refuse to have relationships with women who do not empathize with men’s hatred of women who oppress them so badly, over decades. Masculisted men are becoming increasingly bitter and full of hate towards women who oppress them so badly, and aim to exterminate them slowly by having nothing to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf.

552 What Will Fully Biconscious Campuses Be Like? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about what campuses will be like some years from now once they have become fully biconscious, i.e. as aware of masculist ideas as feminist ideas. But to reach that state, it is likely that there will first be a period of bitter, verbally violent, confrontation between biconscious masculists and monoconscious feminists, with biconsciousness eventually winning.

551 How Can a Man Prove His Wife/Girlfriend has Committed Paternity Fraud? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Paternity fraud is one of the major gender crimes that women commit against men, manslaving a man for two decades of his life, to pay for a kid that is not even his. This flyer discusses how a man can actually prove paternity fraud in a court of law and have her prosecuted.

550 Only 7% of British Women Declare themselves as Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : According to Milo Yiannopoulos, only 7% of British women declare themselves to be feminists while 3/4 of British women say they believe in equal rights for women. This means that masculists will have an easier time persuading women to menfair the gender laws, than would be the case if a much higher proportion of women were feminists, whom the majority of British women see as “manhaters” and don’t want to be tarred with that brush.

549 How Many Years in Jail for Paternity Fraudsters? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses appropriate punishments for paternity fraud, once the GECs (gender equality committees) in the parliaments have been set up, when the masculist half of these committees turn their attention to prosecuting the massive, decades lasting, gender crimes that women commit against men. Typically, rape gets a sentence of about 10 years, so this flyer suggests that paternity fraud and pill lying (both examples of forced fatherhood) which are more serious gender crimes than rape, get a sentence of 15 years.

548 Masculist Strategy towards Blue Pilled, Unmasculisted Males (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides a strategy to counter the aggressive reaction of blue pilled unmasculisted men in mixed audiences when a masculist is giving a talk. It suggests that the masculist speaker goes straight to the examples of how women oppress men and for decades, to appeal to the self interest of these verbally aggressive males who have been taught all their lives that their role in life is to be manslaves to women, working for women for decades.

547 Masculist Hatred of Women’s “Big 3” Decades Lasting Gender Crimes against Men, Man Slavery, Divorce Rape, and Forced Fathering (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the hatred, coming from masculisted men, against the “Big 3” ways that women oppress men, for decades, namely, women’s man slavery, women’s divorce rape, and women’s forced fatherhood. The level of this hatred will only increase, as masculist and MGTOW ideas spread across the planet. Women will be forced to stop committing these massive gender crimes against men, or they will eventually be killed in a sex war.

546 Getting a Masculist First Foot into the Monoconscious Feminist Door (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes a possible means to persuade monoconscious feminists into accepting the idea that gender oppression is a two way street, and to be comprehending and sympathetic towards masculist ideas. I present a method towards achieving this goal that I used with my own monoconscious feminist girlfriend, trying to convert her into becoming a female masculist, and thus remove a source of contention between us, that has already broken us up once in the past.

545 FIP Women don’t Man Slave nor Divorce Rape (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists put such enormous moral pressure on women to become FIPs or to rot on the shelf, viciously rejected by masculisted men, both socially and sexually. Most of the flyer is a tirade by a biconscious masculist against a monoconscious feminist, as the masculist explains the above to her.

544 Categories of Women whom Masculists Hate, Man Slavers, Divorce Rapists, Fatherhood Forcers (Ms. (dan)DRFF) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : When a masculist has only a few seconds to make the point to a cynical impatient monoconscious feminist, that in reality, women oppress men worse than vice versa, and she challenges him to “Prove it !” then he needs to be able to rattle off the BIG 3 gender crimes that women commit against men, i.e. man slavery, divorce rape, and forced fatherhood. This flyer provides a mnemonic to remember easily this list of the BIG 3.’

543 Masculist Bam Bam Bam Revenge against Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculists can use their BIG 3 arguments, their bam bam bam arguments, to show that women oppress men worse than vice versa, so that millions of masculisted men become very angry and impatient with fluffies and monoconscious feminists, and revenge them viciously, for their monoconscious oppression of men, that is worse than vice versa.

542 Becoming Abolitionists, Historically and Now (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the close historical analogy between negro slavery two centuries ago, and man slavery today. People had to learn a hatred for the immorality of negro slavery. Masculists today are teaching men a similar hatred of man slavery, that fluffies the world over, commit against men, forcing men to be manslaves, working for women, for decades of their lives, a hugely greater crime than was the moral abomination of negro slavery.

541 Masculists Confront Monoconscious Feminists with their own Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents an imagined long speech by a masculist to a feminist with a mixed audience, pointing out to her how hypocritical monoconscious feminism is to biconscious masculists. He gives her several examples of how women oppress men far worse, with decades lasting gender crimes that women commit against men, e.g. manslavery, butchery of of one father in four in the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, forced fatherhood, paternity fraud. He predicts that during the transition time needed for monoconscious feminists to become biconscious, there will be viciously angry confrontations between feminists and masculists, and that in time, the masculists will win, since they have stronger arguments, and men are smarter and more aggressive then women.

540 The Key to Men’s Lib is the FIPping of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out how important the FIPping of women is to free men from the “Big 3” ways that women oppress men, for decades of men’s lives. By living in a FIP Society, with the FIPping of women, men’s lib becomes much more practical, so masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, or they are killed off slowly by being totally ignored, ignored to death.

539 Masculist Powerful Moral Pressure on Women (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines when there are millions of angry hateful masculists, all conscious of how women oppress men worse than vice versa, with women’s decades lasting manslavery, women’s butchery of men in the divorce courts, women’s forced fatherhood, etc., who exert their collective masculist anger and hatred at women, putting tremendous moral pressure on women to become biconscious or suffer terribly by being utterly and viciously rejected by men.

538 Feminists Who Remain Monoconscious, Lose Out (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that those feminists who remain monoconscious will be less likely to find a boyfriend and to keep one, given the growing competition coming from the biconscious feminists. This competition will cause a virtuous circle to be established, in which the more biconscious feminists there are, the stronger the pressure on monoconscious feminists will be, to convert themselves into becoming biconscious.

537 Women’s “BIG 3” Gender Crimes against Men : Man Slavery, Forced Paternity, Divorce Court Butchery (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents and labels the BIG 3 gender crimes that women commit against men. By packaging them and labeling them in this sound bite format, will make it much easier for millions of masculisted men to browbeat monoconscious feminists who are cynical that women oppress men worse than vice versa.

536 “Forced Fatherhood” One of the most Hated Gender Crimes that Women Commit against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a better term, “forced fatherhood” to replace the term “pill lying” for the massive gender crime committed by women against men, by making a man pay, for decades of his life, for a kid that she wants, that he doesn’t want. This flyer depicts a scene in a court room, where the father threatens to kill the judge and his ex-girlfriend, if he is forced to pay for a kid that he doesn’t want, being denied the Parer (paternity rejection right). It is envisaged that he is one of several hundred such masculist soldier martyrs in his country in the past year.

535 Masculists Attack, Taking the Gender Political Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is a call to arms by the masculists, claiming that masculist ideas are now ready to be spread far and wide, so that masculists and MGTOWs can go on the attack, taking over gender politics, taking the gender political initiative.

534 How Close is the Negro-Slave Man-Slave Analogy? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer examines how close the analogy is between negro slavery and man slavery. It essentially argues that even though a man is less enslaved by a fluffie wife who earns half of what he earns, by her not bothering to have FIPped up sufficiently, compared to a slaver of negros, the fact that there are a thousand times more man slaves in the world today than there were negro slaves in the US in the 1800s, shows that man slavery is a HUGELY bigger problem, that warrants real hatred by masculists against fluffie man slaving vermin, to be wiped out, by being forced to rot on the shelf, by masculisted men.

533 Two Powerful Reasons Why it is in the Self-Interest of Monoconscious Feminists to Become Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo(Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides two powerful reasons why it is in monoconscious feminists self interest to become biconscious, i.e., they will be more likely to keep a male feminist boyfriend if she becomes biconscious and therefore be much nicer to be with, or if he becomes biconscious faster than she does, then she will likely be dumped by him. A monoconscious feminist without a boyfriend will be more likely to get one, to help pay for her to have a kid, if she is biconscious, since she will then be much nicer and more competitive as a biconscious feminist than will a monoconscious feminist, who is much more likely to rot on the shelf, since men find monoconscious feminazi cunts repulsive and leave them rotting on the shelf.

532 Monoconscious Feminists’ Hypocritical Arrogance (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at the hypocritical arrogance of monoconscious feminazis, who have the attitude that “angry feminism, OK, angry masculism not OK” Masculists piss on women who are shocked at masculist ideological public anger and criticism of how women oppress men, when monoconscious feminists are constantly trashing men publicly. This hypocritical arrogance of feminists only increases the level of contempt that biconscious masculists have for monoconscious feminists. As the number of MGTOWed and masculisted men rises into the many millions, women will be forced to become biconscious or they wont get a man who will tolerate her monoconscious hypocritical arrogance.

531 Why are Masculists such Misogynists? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out clearly in the case of fluffies and fluffie feminists, who control the divorce courts, why masculists have such a hatred of them, giving very powerful reasons why this hatred is justified and needed.

530 Feminists Coming to Terms with Masculist Rebellion (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how feminists are being forced to come to terms with the ever rising masculist and MGTOW rebellion against feminazi monoconscious hypocrisy.

529 A Gender Based Civil War is Brewing (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWvideo)

Descr : This flyer portrays a masculist rebellion, that takes place, a few years from now, in a calculus class in an upmarket private prep school, that escalates into a national gender based civil war, between biconscious masculists and monoconscious feminists, and a culture war between PC feminazi bullshit and science/math.

528 Masculists Taking Back the High Schools and Universities (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the four step process by which masculists will take over the high schools and universities, i.e. masculist education, confrontation with feminists, feminist accommodation, masculist dominance.

527 Agenda Items for Politicians in the Masculist Half of Parliamentary GECs (Gender Equality Committees) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides a list of agenda items that politicians in the masculist half of the GECs (Gender Equality Committees) in parliaments can use to guide their legislation of masculist gender laws.

526 The Masculist Fluffie Concept, yet Female College Students Outnumber Males, 2 to 1 (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer examines the apparent paradox that masculists push women to FIP up, yet female students on campuses outnumber males two to one.

525 “SHyBbers” Sexist Hypocritical Bigots, i.e. Women Who Think “Angry Feminism OK, Angry Masculism not OK” (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a new masculist term, that expresses masculist contempt and hatred at the awful hypocrisy of feminist sexist bigotry i.e. that its ok to be angry at men for the ways that men oppress women, but its not OK for men, for masculists, to be angry at women, for the ways that women oppress men. The term is “SHyBber” (i.e. Sexist, Hypocritical, Bigot). Masculists scan hurl this term at SHyBbers for being SHyBbers.

524 Presenting the Masculist Case to an Open Minded but Ignorant Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo(BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents a dialog between a well informed masculist and an open minded but monoconscious feminist. The feminist actually listens to the masculist, which is rather unusual in the experience of masculists, since most monoconscious feminists freak out when they hear the masculist case for the first time, having been brainwashed, over the past 6 decades, that gender oppression is a one way street.

523 If You’re not a Female Masculist, You Cant be my Girlfriend (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo(BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the necessity for a potential girlfriend, to be a female masculist if she is to have any chance of being compatible with a masculist, since masculists feel such passion against, and such a hatred for what the fluffies and fluffie feminists are doing to men, i.e. manslaving them, and financially crucifying them in the divorce courts. Unless the potential girlfriend shares the same burning sense of injustice against these oppressions of men, then she will be swept left immediately by masculists. When most men become infected with the masculist virus, women will be forced to become biconscious or they will rot on the shelf.

522 What Will Masculist Gender Political Dominance Look Like? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer paints a picture of what society will look like when masculist ideas have achieved gender political dominance. It explains the four step process of how this will happen.

521 Millions of Feminists are Going to Lose their Boyfriends because of their Feminist Monoconsciousness (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that millions of feminists are going to lose their boyfriends when these men become biconscious and see the monoconsciousness of their feminist girlfriends as bigotry and then dump them. This will cause such pain amongst millions of women, that it will force them to become biconscious, if ever they want to have a boyfriend again, in a world that is becoming ever more biconscious. These women will either adapt, or die, rotting on the shelf.

520 As a Masculist I Expect a Girlfriend to be a Female Masculist (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As masculist ideas spread across the culture, biconscious masculists will sneer at monoconscious feminists, seeing them as hypocritical bigots, given that women oppress men worse than vice versa, with women’s many decades lasting gender crimes against men. As millions of women, who want to have boyfriends, and to have babies, convert themselves into being biconscious, the remaining monoconscious feminists will come under tremendous moral pressure to convert themselves into becoming biconscious as well.

519 Masculist Divorce Court Lawyers and Judges Taking Back the Divorce Courts (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer advocates that a lot more masculists should become divorce court lawyers and judges so that they give judgements that are fair to men. It provides concrete suggestions on how these masculist judges and lawyers can use their masculist principles to do this, e.g. make custody of the kids joint by default, throw out alimony, scrap the halving of wealth and stuff, use a financial independence principle with fluffies, lecturing them to become FIPs or be rejected by society for being manslavers. Biconscious masculist judges will harangue their monoconscious feminist judges and convert them to biconsciousness or receive very unpleasant treatment by these biconscious masculist judges for these women’s monoconscious bigotry and abuse of divorcing fathers.

518 The Long Gender War (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that the gender war will be long, due to the fact that women have had a six decade indoctrination that gender oppression is a one way street, and that any male criticism of women is just more male misogyny, that feminists have to resist, which totally misses the point that the masculists are making, that men, that masculists, have very strong reasons to be hateful at the decades lasting gender crimes that women commit against men, especially in the divorce courts, ruining the lives of one father in four. This flyer gives a string of examples of women’s monoconscious misandry, and intellectually arms men for a long gender war.

517 The Masculists Strongest Argument (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the masculists’ strongest argument, that “Now that women can work, they must work, since anything else is manslavery and manslavery will get women killed.” It paints a vivid image of how 18 year old fluffie women in high schools will really suffer as their male classmates utterly reject them, making these young women suicidally miserable.

516 What will Life be Like for Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists when Millions of Masculists Hate them? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines how life will be like for fluffies and fluffie feminist about a decade or so from now, when there are millions of masculists to push hard for the biconsciousing of the planet, converting monoconscious feminists to be biconscious, or be dumped, getting biconsciousness into the media, and the parliaments, etc. It will be a world, that will please the masculists.

515 Why Masculist Hatred of Fluffies and Fluffie Feminists? (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out very graphically why masculists have such a hatred for fluffie manslavers and fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders. The second part reflects on how women will react to this masculist hatred when it surfaces publicly in a big way.

514 A Very Abrupt End to an e-Dating Relationship (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes a melodramatic event that happened to me when my recent e-dating girlfriend found out that I’m a masculist. It also speculates on how millions of women are going to react when there are millions of similar confrontations in the coming decade.

513 Honoring Amr Metwally, Father of the Men’s Lib Video Hosting Platform (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This short video pays homage to Amr Metwally, the father of the men’s lib video hosting platform, that is playing a historic role in the liberation of several billion men on this planet, since it is he who is providing the uncensorable, enabling, technology that is allowing this to happen. I take my hat off to him.

512 The Masculist Negro Slavery Man Slavery Argument (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the close historical analogy between negro slavery and today’s man slavery in which billions of men around the world are still man slaves to women, working for decades of their lives for women, who have been freed up by men, to be able to work, and for half a century, so masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to get off their fat parasitic arses and FIP up or be severely punished and hated by men for being decades lasting manslavers of men, treated as vermin to be wiped out in a sex war.

511 If You Monoconscious Feminists don’t become Biconscious, we Biconscious Masculists will Bite your Fucking Heads Off! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the contempt and hatred that biconscious masculists have against the hypocritical, myopic, sexist, gynocentric, solipsistic, monoconsciousness of feminists, lashing out at them, telling them that women oppress men far worse with their decades lasting gender crimes against men, the worst being women’s decades lasting, manslavery of men, at the hands of the hated manslaving fluffies, who don’t bother becoming FIPs, who expect to live off a mans money and labor for decades of a man’s life, which is a war issue to masculists, who see manslavery as a greater war issue than negro slavery, given that there are billions of manslaves in the world today.

510 Men, Get Angry! (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Desr : This flyer pushes men to get angry by absorbing masculist ideas, so that they see that women oppress men far worse, and become angry at the monoconscious ignorance and public misandry of feminists. By becoming biconscious, masculists are able to crush the hypocritical genocide of the monoconscious feminists, targeting their monoconscious male feminist boyfriends, converting them into biconscious masculists, who then become disgusted at their former monoconscious feminist girlfriends, and dump them.

509 Masculist Teaching of Biconsciousness to Monoconscious Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video shows that the time is now ripe for masculists to go into the public arena and educate monoconscious feminists into biconsciousness, so as to rid these women of their misandry and callousness towards men.

508 Masculist Contempt for Monoconscious Feminist Hypocritical Misandry (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : In a few years, there will be enough masculists to be able to attend feminist meetings as a group, expressing their contempt for monoconscious feminist hypocritical misandry, pointing out to these women, that in reality women oppress men far worse, given that many of women’s gender crimes against men last decades, so that the relatively minor ways that men oppress women, do not merit the level of misandry shown by monoconscious feminists towards men. If feminists remain monoconscious, then a masculist group of men can bite the fucking heads off these hypocritical misandrists, haranguing them with masculist ideas, telling them how women oppress men far worse, intellectually crushing them with superior masculist intellect and superior male verbal aggression.

507 Femimafia Blocking of Masculist Penetration of the Main Stream Media (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Feminists have had a monopoly over gender politics for nearly 6 decades so have been powerfully brainwashed that gender oppression is a one way street, so when masculists try to penetrate the main stream media, the “femimafia” i.e. the feminist mafia, blocks them, seeing masculist criticism of women as just more male misogyny, but is seen as sexist hypocrisy, and hence hated, by the masculists, so how to overcome the femimafia, when most journalists are now women and monoconscious feminists? This flyer suggests other ways for masculists to change society, by word of mouth in public university talks, or by applying local pressure on young fluffies in high schools and colleges, until so many millions of young women are dumped as MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) that they scream so much, in collective pain, by not get getting babies, that the femimafia is forced to take up masculist issues, describing to women, why men, why masculists, reject fluffies and spit in their faces, forcing women to FIP up or rot on the shelf.

506 Institutionalized Feminism will Feel Threatened by the Rise of Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Feminism is so widely spread and institutionalized in our culture, that the rise of masculism will be profoundly shocking to feminists, who have believed, for the past 6 decades, that gender oppression is a one way street. The rise of angry, hateful, masculists, who see women as the greater gender oppressors, with their many, decades lasting, gender crimes, against men, will cause a masculist tsunami that will crush this institutionalized feminist industry, forcing women in their millions, to become biconscious, or be cast out of society and out of men’s lives.

505 Masculist Op-Ed, Freely Distributable (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer contains the text of a 900 word Op-Ed, entitled “MASCULISM, Men’s Rebellion against being Manslaves to Women”, that I invite anyone who wants to spread it, or publish it, to do so, and freely. It gives a succinct and pithy summary of the main ideas of masculism. Masculist ideas have now matured enough, for Op-Eds on the topic to be written, and to be widely distributed, so that the masses become familiar with masculist ideas, so that millions of men can be liberated from manslavery, etc.

504 Masculist Political Solutions to Women’s Decades Lasting Gender Crimes against Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists the gender crimes that women commit against men that last decades, thus making them major gender crimes. This flyer also provides social and political (i.e. legislative) solutions to each of these major gender crimes, e.g. the creation of a FIP Society, the legislation of the OPTAB (obligatory paternity testing at birth) and the Parer (paternity rejection right), which once legislated, will go a long way towards the liberation of billions of men.

503 Mascunazi Bastardry as a Counter to Feminazi Bitchery (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives advice to masculists and MGTOWs on how to handle the 6 decades long utterly brainwashed attitude of feminists that gender oppression is a one way street, that is so deeply ingrained in them, who have had a monopoly of gender politics over that period, so feel they have the right to be openly hostile to masculists, who counter them with masculist ideas, that women oppress men far worse than vice versa. It gives two main approaches, one is the quick tit for tat approach, that exchanges feminist slurs with masculist slurs, an exchange that is over in seconds. The other is psychologically deeper, that lasts a bit longer, namely, putting the fear of god into these monoconscious feminists, asking them what will happen to them if their monoconscious, male feminist, boyfriends become biconscious faster than they do, then these boyfriends will see them as MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) , become disgusted with them, and then dump them. This fear hopefully will motivate these MFBs to become biconscious themselves, which will make the lives of masculists easier.

502 My Disastrous First Face to Face Confrontation with a Bunch of University Feminists (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my disastrous first face to face confrontation with a bunch of university feminists, who held a panel discussion on how to encourage more young women to study STEM fields. In question time I said that I was a masculist and that masculist attitudes towards women not STEMming up, was the masculist stick in contrast to the feminist carrot in motivating women to STEM up. I didn’t get even a minute to speak, before the chairwoman cut me off and asked for another question. I was so outraged by the monoconscious bigotry of this woman that I exploded in rage at her, as this flyer shows.

501 Feminists Need to Realize they no longer have a Monopoly over Gender Politics (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Now that the covid crisis seems to be nearly over, students will be returning to campuses in their millions, so that the time is now ripe for well informed masculists, well armed with masculist ideas and rhetoric, to confront the monoconscious feminists, telling them that women, that feminists, do NOT have a monopoly over gender politics, that women also oppress men, and in fact that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, given women’s decades lasting, manslaving, parasitism of men. We can expect in the coming few years, millions of verbally vicious arguments between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists, who will see these monoconscious feminists as MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) and hence will bite their fucking heads off, telling these women, in no uncertain terms, that gender oppression is definitely a two way street.

500 !! My Masculist Hatred of Suzanne Vencker (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer copies an agony aunt letter from a young wife, who wants her husband to pay off her student debt, but he refuses, which makes the young wife, fear that if she confronts him with her desire, that he may divorce her, since his attitude is that her debt is hers. Suzanne Vencker, the agony aunt, and pro marriage and children author, answers by saying that in a marriage the husband should pay off the debt. This attitude of Vencker’s creates hatred against her from the masculists, who argue that women need to FIP up, pull their financial weight or be severely punished by masculists for being manslavers, by not getting a man, forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and cast out of an increasingly masculisted society, which sees manslavery as a moral abomination, as a war issue.

499 Compulsory Masculist Paternity Testing (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pushes for masculist compulsory paternity testing, so that men are not forced into decades lasting, manslavery, to pay for a kid that he did not want, and that is NOT EVEN HIS. Masculists have a real hatred for women who commit paternity fraud, and aim to pass legislation that will put such women in prison for many years, a punishment commensurable with the seriousness of the crime of paternity fraud. These tests could be performed at birth, or perhaps earlier, if techniques can be found to examine the DNA of the fetus, so that the father can demand its abortion if its not his, forcing then the mother to decide whether to abort, or, as a result of the Parer (paternity rejection right), to bear full costs for the kid, if she continues the pregnancy.

498 Masculist Arguments are Stronger than Feminist Arguments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculist arguments are stronger than feminist arguments, due to a much greater moral force that masculists impose on women to stop being decades lasting manslavers, putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up and pull their financial weight by getting career competent educations at high school and college. Masculist scientists use their knowledge of science, their scienacy, to ridicule so much of feminist doctrine, that does not stand up to scientific scrutiny, e.g. the feminist push to remove the patriarchy, overlooking the fact that women largely caused it, and that the patriarchy is a natural side effect of women’s hypergamy. When millions of masculists feel their arguments are much stronger than feminist arguments, they will be in a much stronger position to crush the MFB isscienate fairies, in millions of monoconscious feminist, biconscious masculist, verbally violent, arguments, that are soon coming.

497  Masculist Professionals (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer aims to inspire professionals, who are also masculists, to apply their masculist values and expectations to their professions, especially to lawyers in the divorce courts, and to politicians in the parliaments, to make the gender laws menfair. There are many other masculist professionals, who can help, e.g. masculist journalists, who can educate society, and masculist teachers, who can educate their students of both sexes that gender oppression is a two way street, and that in fact, women oppress men far worse, that women have to FIP up, etc.

496 Women’s Domination of Boys Lives is Not in Women’s Self Interest (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer hypothesizes that one of the reasons men fear the growing power of women, is that it reminds them of the femalien presence of female giants who dominated their lives as small boys by mothers and primary school teachers. The whining and nagging of these women cause millions of men to vow that they will never again be subjugated by women like that for the rest of their adult lives. With their adult male superior intelligence and strength, they can ensure that that happens. If the third wave feminists want to achieve real power for women, then it is in their self interest to give young boys male role models in the home and in the primary schools.

495 Monoconscious Feminists Need to Become Biconscious Faster than their Male Feminist Boyfriends (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists can not only target the male feminist boyfriends of monoconscious feminists, causing these boyfriends to see their feminist girlfriends as MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) and dump them, but masculists can also target the monoconscious feminists themselves, telling them, that it is very much in their self interest, as monoconscious feminists, to become biconscious FASTER than their monoconscious male feminist boyfriends, so as to avoid the risk of being dumped by these men, if these monoconscious male feminist boyfriends become biconscious faster than their monoconscious feminist girlfriends, and then become disgusted at their girlfriend’s’ monoconscious feminazi bigotry, and dump them.

494 Masculists are Angrier at Women than Feminists are at Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that masculists are angrier at women than feminists are at men, because women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with their decades lasting, manslavery of men, by not bothering to FIP up, living off his money and labor for decades, making her a hated, fluffie, manslaving, parasite. Masculists have an even greater hatred of fluffie feminists who control the divorce courts, with their hypocrisy and indirect genocide, which are major gender crimes against men and humanity. Masculists are becoming increasingly angry and hateful by the month, and lash out publicly to an ever greater extent.

493 If Your Feminist Girlfriend Remains Monoconscious, Dump Her! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) IOdyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) IOdyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists target the male feminist boyfriends of monoconscious feminists, aiming to punish these monoconscious feminists for being monoconscious, and hence bigoted, biased and utterly callous towards men, and the much greater gender oppression that women commit against men, with their many decades lasting, gender crimes against men. The idea is to convert these monoconscious male feminists into biconscious masculists, who then try to teach their monoconscious feminist girlfriends to become biconscious. If that fails, these biconscious masculist boyfriends, then get fed up with the monoconscious bigotry of their feminist girlfriends and dump them, forcing millions of such women to do some heavy soul searching as to why their freshly converted biconscious boyfriends could no longer tolerate their misandry any more and walked out of their lives.

492 Suing Women’s Studies (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video pushes for masculist lawyers to sue their universities for not promoting a biconscious atmosphere on campus, for continuing the status quo of women’s studies that are so misandrist, generating millions of monoconscious women, who then move into the schools, the media, the divorce courts, bringing their monoconscious misandry with them, who then ruin society. These masculist lawyers will push for the creation of mixed feminist-masculist gender studies courses, that teach of gender oppression by both sexes, so that women are made nicer, i.e. more nurturative FIP, than misandrous fluffie hypocrite parasitic. It ends with an appeal for young male lawyers to devote their careers to masculist law, with so much to accomplish, e.g. the reform of the divorce courts, the legislation of the Parer, the establishment of gender equality committees in the parliaments, that are half feminist and half masculist, so that both sets of gender injustices are dealt with equally, etc.

491 SNurF Up! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyers states that this decade will be men’s decade, the decade of powerful masculist pressure on women to behave in ways that are favorable to men, in contrast to the past 6 decades, in which women, the feminists, have had a monopoly over gender politics, and have been pressuring men to behave in ways favorable to women. Men want, i.e. masculists want, women to be SNurFs i.e. slim, nurturative, FIPs, and explains why, elaborating on the three components of the acronym SNurF.

490 The Masculist Gender Political Attack Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that the time is now ripe for a real masculist attack initiative. Masculist ideas are now mature, are now ripe, and ready to be launched onto the public in a big way. Collective male anger and hatred at the ways that fluffies and fluffie feminists oppress men is now widespread, that the time is ripe for a collective explosion of male wrath, probably starting in the universities, then spreading to the journalists, to the media, to the general public and then into politics, to reform the many gender oppressive laws that make the lives of millions of men a misery. Masculists will attack fluffies and fluffie feminists with a frightening level of male verbal aggression, and superior male intellect, forcing women to become biconscious, or they will be severely punished by men, by not getting one, forcing them to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and utterly miserable.

489 Masculists have the Option to be much Nastier to Women than Feminazis are to Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculists have a hatred of fluffie manslavers and fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders, so are motivated to be verbally aggressive towards them, claiming that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with women’s decades lasting manslavery of men, etc. Many of women’s gender crimes against men last decades. Men are three times stronger across the chest than women, so need have no fear of being physically painfully retaliated against by women when masculists verbally crucify the hated monoconscious feminazi bigots. We will thus see in the near future, biconscious masculists being much more verbally violent against women, than feminazis are towards men.

488 Masculisting the Male Feminist Boyfriends of Monoconscious Feminazi Leaders, so that their Boyfriends then Dump Them (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a strategy that masculists can use to emotionally immiserate the lives of their bitterest enemies, i.e. the monoconscious feminazi bigot (MFB) leaders, by masculisting their male feminist boyfriends/partners/husbands. These former monoconscious male feminists will be influenced and informed by masculist ideas, thus becoming biconscious, who then see their monoconscious feminazi bigot (MFB) girlfriends/partners/wives as bigots, and dump them, thus profoundly hurting them, which is a very effective way for masculists to revenge the massive gender injustices that the MFB leaders are committing against men, and perhaps motivate some of these MFB leaders to convert themselves into biconscious feminists.

487 Masculists Beating Feminists at their own Game (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as the number of masculists increases, and given male superior intelligence and higher testosterone levels, masculists will come to dominate gender politics in the coming few years, beating the feminists at their own gender political game. Masculists are becoming increasingly angry and hateful at the way women oppress men, and far worse than vice versa, so soon the masculist explosion will erupt, and the planet will see the masculists take over the gender political stage, dominating it, the way men dominate everything, with their superior intelligence and genius.

486 When Women Don’t Empathize with Men Regarding Women’s Oppression of Men, are Women then Callous or Stupid? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : I’m having a bit of a problem with my LATting (living apart together) girlfriend. She has no empathy towards masculist anger and hatred towards fluffie manslavers and fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders. I suspect this is not just an individual quirk of her personality, but rather a deep collectively unconscious female fear of group male anger at women, which evolved when such anger could have led to women’s death by being thrown out of the group or tribe to fend for themselves.

485 The Masculist Forcing of Women to Choose between Abandoning their Privileges in the Divorce Courts or Having Babies (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces some hardball gender political tactics by masculists against women, namely that if women don’t abandon their privileges in the divorce courts (plus other privileges that women currently have) then masculists will continue to impose babylessness upon them, by refusing to give them their sperm. Since women’s whole DNA is about having babies, babylessness will drive them crazy, and hence force them to do what the masculists want them to do, hence the masculist hardball tactics.

484 Masculism Exploding on Campus (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculist and MGTOW ideas have now crystallized to the point that they are now very effective and persuasive, so can be used on campuses by MGTOWed and masculisted men, causing shock waves on campuses, as monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs) are frightened to the core by the sudden rise of very angry, hateful young men, haranguing them out of the room, with masculist ideas, masculist rhetoric, taking back the universities, removing their toxicity for men, due to the monopoly that monoconscious feminism had had for 6 decades. Those days are over. Now that men are turning their attention to gender politics, and since they are men, they will quickly dominate the gender political stage, so that those women, who cannot adapt to them, will have their fucking heads bitten off.

483 The Fluffie Feminist Between Stage in History (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the fluffie feminists are only mid way in their gender political development. They still have fluffie feminist attitudes towards men, and it is those attitudes that so oppress men, especially in the divorce courts, which are now so toxic for men, that these fluffie feminists have become indirect genociders, who have to be stopped. Masculists have as one of their basic goals is to convert fluffie feminists from being monoconscious to being biconscious, so that men can be liberated from fluffie, decades lasting, manslavery, etc.

482 BitChute Subtly Censors, then Uncensors (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)  (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr: This flyer reports on an uncensoring of a previous censoring, by BitChute, reported on in flyer number 470. It wonders what is going on with the Jews and BitChute?

481 Biconscious Masculists Will Continue to Attack Monoconscious Feminists until they Become Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculists will continue to attack monoconscious feminists because monoconscious feminists fail to see that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with their decades lasting oppression of men, e.g. their financial parasitism of men, paternity fraud, pill lying etc. Masculists see monoconscious feminists as mole hill feminists, who complain against relatively minor issues, when the issues addressed by masculists are hugely more significant and must be addressed. Monoconscious feminists will be confronted soon by very angry, hateful masculists, who will bite their fucking heads off if they don’t soon become biconscious and see that gender oppression is NOT a one way street.

480 Masculist Criminalizing and Sentencing of the Major Gender Crimes Committed by Women against Men : Masculist Jurisprudence (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer makes an appeal to men who are both masculists and jurists, to dream up masculist laws, a masculist jurisprudence, so that women who commit major gender crimes against men, that manslave men for decades of their lives, are prosecuted and punished by the law.

479 What Will it be Like, 5 Years from Now, to be a Female High Schooler? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that, 5 years from now, life for female high schoolers will be very different from now, when young women are enjoying the feminist hegemony of gender politics, that preaches to them that they can be anything they want, that they are the intellectual equals of men, etc. But, MGTOW and masculist ideas are now spreading so fast across the planet via the internet, that most high school males, by then, will have been infected by these ideas and will then reverse the hegemony, crushing the egos of young women with masculist values, forcing them to FIP up, to study STEM career competent fields, or be cast out as a hated fluffie manslaving parasite, an utterly devastating experience for a young woman, something to be terrified of.

478 The Masculists Strongest Arguments against MGTOW Political Passivity (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the main arguments the masculists use to critique the political passivity of the MGTOWs. The main one is the hugely greater level of anger and hatred that masculists have against their enemies than do the MGTOWs, i.e. against the fluffie parasites, the fluffie feminist hypocrite genociders, the monoconscious feminazi gender politicians, etc. When there are large numbers of angry hateful masculists on campus, they will turn back the gender political bias that favors women, thus thrilling the journalists to report on masculist MGTOW ideas, so that the public learns of them, so that, in time, the gender laws are men faired. Today’s MGTOW dominated, male gender politics is the historical equivalent of the feminist consciousness raising group phase of the late 60s, who later moved on to change the gender laws in favor of women. Masculists are out to do the same, using a tactic of anger and hatred at the decades lasting manslavery by women of men, at the financial massacring of one father in four in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, at the hypocritical opposition of women against the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) when women have the Marer, etc. A masculist tsunami is coming against women, that they will be powerless to stop, as masculists explode in anger and hatred against them for their decades lasting gender oppressions of men.

477 The Ideological Clash between the MGTOWs and the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the great differences and the similarities, as well as the intellectual debts that the masculists have towards the MGTOWs. Many MGTOWs see the masculists as just another version of the MRM (men’s rights movement), but that is an error. Masculists are hugely more aggressive, verbally violent, and radical, than the MRM, who are out to destroy monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs) and to force young women to FIP up, to vote with men for the menfairing of the gender laws, to reform the divorce courts, to legislate the Parer (paternity rejection right), to create feminist-masculist gender equality committees in the parliaments, etc., or be severely punished by men by not getting one. Masculists are out to fundamentally change society, by forcing women to grow up, to FIP up, or to rot on the shelf, manless, sexless, loveless, babyless and spat at.

476 If You Feminists Don’t Become Biconscious, We Masculists Will Bite Your Fucking Heads Off (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that a few years from now, masculists will be expressing their severe frustration and hatred at monoconscious feminists, for not becoming biconscious, not seeing that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, yet monoconscious feminists continue dumping on men with their misandrist bigotry.

475 The Masculist Terrifying of Young Women with Babylessness (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that a major masculist strategy to spread masculist ideas and to menfair the gender laws, will be to terrify young women with babylessness, by telling them that quality young men will continue to refuse to give women their sperm, unless young women vote with men to menfair the gender laws.

474 The Considerable Advantages for Men Who LAT (Living Apart Together) with a Woman (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the considerable advantages for men by living the LAT (living apart together) lifestyle with a woman, from both a personal and a gender political masculist/MGTOW points of view.

473 More on Baby Farms (link) (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer goes into further detail on the concept of creating baby farms, in which professional mothers are paid by governments to grow and raise many kids, with help from MRMs (male role models) so as to avoid the risk that whole populations get wiped out, as traditional parenthood becomes ever more unpopular.

472 The Masculist Takeover of Gender Politics (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (BitChutevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides a blueprint on how masculists can take over gender politics, stripping the feminists of their monopoly over gender political ideology for the past six decades.

471 The Warpath, Masculists Take the Gender Political Initiative (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pushes the idea that the time is ripe for masculists to take the initiative in gender politics, by going on the warpath. Masculist ideas are stronger than feminist ideas. Masculists will preach biconsciousness to society, influence the media, and have the gender laws menfaired. There is a lot of masculist work to do.

470 Proof that BitChute Subtly Censors (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents clear evidence that BitChute is blocking the search for masculist videos on my channel that have the word “Jew” in the title. This is no coincidence, as the stats show. So the manosphere needs to be aware that freedom of speech on BitChute is not total. BitChute is under the thumb of the Jewish elite, to some extent.

469 Who’s Who in the Manosphere (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists and describes the content of the planet’s top manosphere video content creators in the three branches of men’s lib, i.e. MRM (men’s rights movement), MGTOW (men going their own way) and the Masculists (men’s lib political fighters).

468 The FIP Hypergamy Paradox (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The FIPping of women is a critical ideological point for masculists. But if a masculist has a female FIPped partner of comparable ability as him, he runs the risk that the hypergamous instinct in his female partner will cause her to dump him and monkey branch to a superior male. So how to reconcile these two contradictory tendencies? This flyer discusses this issue and makes some suggestions for masculisted men to get the best of both worlds, i.e. a FIP female partner, who will not parasite off him, but of slightly lower ability. However, this logic does not apply to elite males, due to women’s genetically determined inferiorities relative to men.

467 Masculists Revenge Against Feminists in the Workplace (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer envisages a verbal confrontation during a company plenary meeting between a feminist, a masculist, and the CEO of the company, who was recently divorced raped. The masculist expresses, with frustration and impatience, his contempt for the monoconscious misandry and hypocrisy of the feminist and puts his foot down.

466 The Masculist Case for Budding Female Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 5 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer supplies ten main masculist arguments for budding female masculists, who are either just curious about what masculists think, or are trying to find an answer why so many of her boyfriends refuse to give her their sperm. These ten points are just the tip of the iceberg, but give a pretty good overview of the main masculist ideas.

465 Masculists’ Conscious, Deliberate, Misogyny (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculists will soon become consciously, deliberately, misogynistic, as they publicly attack fluffie manslaving parasites, and fluffie feminist hypocrites, for oppressing men far worse than vice versa, with the decades lasting, manslavery of the fluffies, and the ruining of the lives of one father in four, and the indirect genocide of whole populations, by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who have taken over the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now, in many countries, reject marriage and paternity.

464 Society Really Needs Masculism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer maps out 6 reasons why women will benefit from a masculisted society, and 6 reasons why men will benefit as well. The main idea of this flyer is that society would be a lot better off if it became biconscious.

463 Refocusing Masculist Gender Politics onto the High Schools (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Masculist leaders are very conscious that the root cause of the financial massacring and destruction of the lives of one father in four by the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce courts, and the decades long manslavery of men by fluffie manslaving wives, is the fact that high school young women are not yet pressured to FIP up, as they should be, given that women now have a career window of half a century, so the masculists aim to put a masculist group in every high school so that young male masculisted class mates are in a position to apply tremendous moral pressure on their female fluffie classmates, forcing young women to become FIPs, or pay a very heavy price of not getting a man. Setting up these masculist groups in very high school will be the responsibility of powerful masculist groups at universities and government sponsored masculist organizations. Once nearly every woman is a FIP, then the big political goal of the masculists of creating a FIP Society, will have been achieved.

462 Is Masculism Hate Speech? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo(Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer agrees that masculism is hate speech and claims that masculist hate speech is fully justified, since what the masculists are hate speeching against, deserves to be hated, particularly the decades long, manslaving, parasitism of fluffies, and the hated hypocrisy of fluffie feminists in the divorce courts, who ruin the lives of one father in four. These massive gender crimes by fluffies and fluffie feminists deserve to be hate speeched against. Feminists do this to men, for the ways that men oppress women, so men deserve the same right to hate speech women who oppress men, who in fact, oppress men far worse, since even rape is small beer in comparison with the decades lasting, manslaving, parasitism of fluffies who don’t bother to FIP up, and just expect to live off the money and labor of a man for the rest of her life. Hopefully, in a few decades, as masculist ideas spread across the planet, most people will agree with the masculists and accept the validity and desirability of masculist hate speech, in the way they do today, with hate speech against the idea of negro slavery.

461 When There are Millions of Masculists, How Will Masculist John Browns Manifest Themselves? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that when there are millions of masculists, some of them will see themselves as masculist John Browns, who will, most likely, go into the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite controlled divorce courts, and go on mass shootings, thus forcing the politicians and society, to think hard about why so many men have such a hatred for what the fluffie feminists are doing to men in the divorce courts, and for what fluffie parasites are doing to men in general, i.e. manslaving billions of men for decades, that these John Brown masculist terrorists are prepared to start the sex war, by killing their enemies, rather than themselves, given that divorcing fathers kill themselves at a rate about ten times the rate of divorcing mothers.

460 MGTOW for Consciousness Raising, Masculism for Law Changing (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses its contempt for the MGTOWs who are a whole historical political phase behind the masculists, who are in the angry, law-changing phase of masculist gender politics. It lists 8 ways in which laws need to be changed before masculists can relax their political and social pressure on women and society.

459 Masculists Expect Women to be SNurFs (Slim Nurturative FIPs) (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr: This flyer describes the three main qualities that masculists expect women to have, if women are to be potential girlfriends to masculists, who in time, will become most men. These are – to be slim, nurturative, and FIP (financially independent person). Those women who aren’t, risk rotting on the shelf, rejected by men, especially by masculists.

458 Women’s Callousness towards Masculism is Consistent with the Red Pill (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Most women seem to be rather hostile to the rise of the masculist and MGTOW movements, i.e. rather callous towards them. This flyer claims that this callousness is consistent with women’s red pill, i.e. the idea that women evolved to see men as disposable resource providers, having no loyalty to a man, if that man loses his ability to provide resources to the woman.

457 When to Tell Your Female e-Dates that You’re a Masculist? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about when it is advisable for a masculist to tell his female e-dates that he is. Most women have heard nothing about masculism, so tend to react negatively the first time they hear the term, thinking that it is a movement that is anti women. If women remain hypocritical in this way, i.e. pro feminist but anti masculist, then masculists, will punish them badly by dumping them, until women become biconscious, and empathize readily with men for the ways that fluffie manslavers and fluffie feminist hypocrites profoundly gender oppress men.

456 The Masculisting of Men from a Future Global Historical Perspective (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a future historian, writing in the 2050s who specializes in the history of gender roles in the 20th and 21st centuries. He shows how feminism and masculism transformed society, so that in his future era, both sexes live pretty much the same life style, with both feminist and masculist movements having achieved what they set out to do, e.g. the masculists got the divorce courts reformed, the Parer (paternity rejection right) legislated, women FIPped up, etc.

455 Masculists Fight Female Nature (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :This flyer asks whether there is any point in masculists fighting the financial parasitism of fluffie parasites and fluffie feminists in the divorce courts, when women EVOLVED to be parasites off men, evolving to be prostitutes to men, trading access to women’s vaginas, for scarce male hunted meet. The answer, is yes. Masculists will be able to combat women’s evolved parasitism off men, because men have the financial power to FORCE women to FIP up, since the opposite of a FIP, i.e. a fluffie, can only be a fluffie, if she can get her financial claws into some gullible, manslavable, man, but the supply of such men is drying up. Soon, there will be such a tidal wave of masculist hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists, that women will be crushed, if they express fluffie attitudes, thus breaking the supremely powerful, masculist imposed, taboo on women against being fluffie parasites on men, manslaving them for decades. In the limit, masculists will kill fluffie parasites if they don’t FIP up.

454 How Bitter Will the Ideological Gender Wars Become? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As men become conscious of the massive gender injustice committed against men in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, and the decades lasting manslavery of fluffie parasites, they will have the intellectual tools to hit back and crush the monoconscious misandry of the fluffie feminists. Since the feminists have had a monopoly of gender politics for nearly 60 years, this hatred coming from the masculists will cause them to retaliate with hysterical passion. This in turn will only increase the hatred level of the masculists against them, since to masculists, the manslavery of fluffies this century is far worse than the slavery of negroes of the nineteenth century, a much greater cassis belli, a cause for war. If the fluffie feminists remain monoconscious and do not help menfair the gender laws, especially in the divorce courts, then masculists will eventually kill them. In other words, this flyer predicts that the level of bitterness in the ideological gender wars, will be extreme, a war issue.

453 Denmark Needs Masculism, Danish Government Begs Danish Men to Fuck Danish Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer offers masculist advice to the Danish government, to solve Denmark’s crashing birthrate. Only a fifth of Denmark’s single men are in the dating market. The rest are so pissed off with Danish women, most of whom are feminists, that they prefer to live the MGTOW life style, utterly refusing to give Danish women their sperm, due largely to the toxicity of the divorce courts, and to the repulsiveness of Danish feminazi bitches to Danish men. To counter all this, Denmark needs masculist ideas. This flyer gives concrete advice to Denmark’s gender politicians, so that Denmark does not wipe itself out, due to Danish men refusing to fuck Danish women, i.e. Danish feminists.

452 Workplace Gender Wars, Biconscious Masculist Work Colleagues Attacking Monoconscious Feminazi Work Colleagues (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)(Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is similar to the one just above, with the difference being that the venue is now the workplace rather than the campus. Masculist male employees will generate gender wars within millions of companies, until the monoconscious feminist female work colleagues convert themselves into being biconscious. If CEOs of these companies do not negotiate carefully these gender wars, then they could become so toxic that they destroy whole companies. CEOs take note!

451 Campus Gender Wars, Biconscious Masculist Undergrads Attacking Monoconscious Feminazi Gender Studies Professors (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)(Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer envisages confrontations on campus between biconscious masculist undergrads and monoconscious feminazi gender studies professors. Probably the gender studies professors will demand that their university presidents ban the presence of the masculist undergrads from their courses. What happens after that, will depend on the strength of the masculist lobby on campus. In all likelihood, there will be a lot of bitter verbal blood spilt in these campus gender wars.

450 Masculisting the Divorce Court Lawyers and Judges (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer offers the carrot and the stick to monoconscious, fluffie feminist controlled divorce court lawyers and judges, by threatening them with the stick, of being murdered by hateful masculist soldiers, in a sex war, or the carrot, by studying masculist and MGTOW ideas, so that they become biconscious, and hence motivated to menfair the divorce courts and gender laws in general, so that they lower the hatred level of masculist soldiers, so that millions of men are liberated from the horrors of the fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, via the creation of a FIP Society, where all women are FIPs and not fluffie, manslaving, parasites off men.

449 Masculist Contempt for MGTOW Apolitical Wimpiness(link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer contrasts the essential differences between masculists and MGTOWs. Masculists are fighters, who aim to change society as radically as feminism did in the 70s and later, by forcing women to FIP up or be severely punished by not getting a man. Masculists are intellectually armed with masculist ideas and masculist rhetoric that enable them to crush the bigotry of monoconscious feminists, who have been brainwashed that gender oppression is a one way street. Masculists argue that women have a career window of half a century, so must FIP up, or rot on the shelf, as masculisted men utterly reject them as immoral manslaving parasites, to be treated as vermin, and wiped out, by being forced to be manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, and spat at.

448 Burning the Divorce Courts, Masculist John Browns (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer estimates that within a decade there will be enough masculisted men to cause a political explosion against what is happening to men in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, financially crucifying and ruining their lives. We will see the rise of several masculist John Browns, who will do something equivalent to what John Brown did in the US in 1859 when he tried to steal 100,000 guns from a US armory to distribute to the negro slaves to enable their insurrection against the southern negro slavers. These modern John Browns will aim to rid the planet of modern manslavery, by wiping out the fluffies, the modern day manslavers.

447 Masculism in a Nutshell, A Masculist Haiku (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo)(Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This is the shortest masculist video of all of them, in the form of a Japanese haiku like poem of only 4 lines, that expresses the core idea of masculism, which is suitable as a soundbite for the media.

446 If I Were a Masculist Member of a Parliamentary Committee on Gender Equality (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines my vicarious self as a future masculist member of a parliamentary committee on gender equality, pushing for the many legal and political changes needed for the menfairing of society, the creation of a FIP Society, the legislation of the Parer, the reform of the divorce courts, etc.

445 Masculism as Abolitionism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer illustrates the close historical analogy between negro slavery in the US in the 1800s and manslavery today. The masculists are out to destroy manslavery by destroying fluffies, wiping them out by refusing to have anything to do with them, forcing them to rot on the shelf, so that their fluffie manslaving parasite genes are removed from the gene pool. Women now have a career window of half a century, so must work. Those women who don’t, are manslavers and will be ignored to death by the masculists and later by society, as most people, of both sexes, are affected by masculist ideas.

444 The Ten Minute Masculist Argument for Converting Feminists from Being Monoconscious to Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents a ten minute, short interview length, masculist argument that masculists can use to convert monoconscious feminists into biconscious feminists, in the form of a math like presentation, with premises, and conclusions, whose logical force is difficult to refute. This flyer claims that all educated people should be aware of this argument, since it shows that gender oppression is not a one way street, that in fact, women oppress men far worse, with their decades lasting, manslaving parasitism of men, a hugely greater gender crime. It concludes with a list of measures that society needs to take to liberate men from these massive gender oppressions.

443 Sage Masculists Care More about Intelligence than Looks when Judging a Woman’s Sexual Market Place Value (SMV) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why sage masculists care more about intelligence than looks when judging the sexual marketplace value (SMV) of a woman.

442 Masculist Advice to Governments on Parenting (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is the sequel to the previous flyer, that concentrates on advice to governments on how parenting can be organized in a post masculist era, in which the divorce courts have been reformed, the Parer has been legislated, the gender laws have been menfaired, etc. This flyer contains quite a number of ideas, that governments may find useful when the time comes to organize parenting laws and institutions that are fair to both sexes, which is far from being the case today.

441 Masculist Advice to Governments (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The feminists were not content with merely raising women’s consciousnesses. They then moved on to change the gender laws to favor women. The masculists are out to do the same, by creating menfair gender laws. This flyer details a longish list of how masculists plan to advise gender politicians and governments on how to do this.

440 What Do Feminists and Masculists Have in Common? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : On the whole, masculists are rather antagonistic towards feminists, i.e. fluffie feminist hypocrites, who oppress men so badly, especially in the divorce courts, with their female solipsistic opposition to the menfairing of the gender laws, e.g. legislating the Parer, etc. However, there are some points on which there is agreement, an overlap of ideas between the masculists and the feminists. This flyer lists 5, and then comments on them.

439 Masculist Scientists Don’t Just Answer Back, They Crush (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the verbally aggressive approach I will take against monoconscious feminazis when confronting them in a gender political context. The alternative approach to masculisting society, is the softly softly method, of merely putting up MGTOW and masculist videos on the internet, hoping that feminists and society will be influenced by them. The down side of this second approach is that it is too slow. In the meantime, one father in four is being financially massacred and has his life destroyed in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce court system. This flyer describes how the journalists will be emailed with a PPt attachment, whose link is contained in this flyer for others to use, which describes in a succinct form, the core ideas of the masculists, so that these ideas can be spread to the masses, so that men can liberate themselves from decades of manslavery, to free themselves from the many, decades lasting, gender crimes that women commit against men, etc.

438 Molehill Feminist! (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer labels feminists who claim that men oppress women far worse than vice versa as “molehill feminists” as exaggerators, who make mountains out of molehills, when in reality it is women who oppress men far worse, with women’s decades lasting, manslaving parasitism, a hugely greater gender crime against men than even men’s rape against women. To be labeled a “molehill feminist” is a major insult, coming from a masculist. It is an accusation that the feminist is in fact an MFB (a monoconscious feminazi bigot), who knows nothing about women’s far greater gender oppression against men than vice versa. To be labeled a “molehill feminist” is to be accused of being callous towards men, of being gender politically ignorant and bigotted, i.e. truly a major insult.

437 The Insufferable Unconscious Arrogance of MFBs (Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer anticipates a growing number of verbally violent, hateful, confrontations between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists as the masculists express their impatience and frustration at the level of monoconscious ignorance and unconscious arrogance of the MFBs, when the masculists know that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with their decades lasting, manslaving, parasitism, their many gender crimes against men, their financial crucifixion of fathers in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts, etc. Biconscious masculists will cause many monoconscious feminists to have many a “bad day.”

436 Women’s Decades Lasting Manslaving Parasitism of Men is a Much Greater Gender Crime than Men’s Raping of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The above title of this flyer is a very effective opening line to start the masculist attack on monoconscious feminists who have been brainwashed for the past 60 years that gender oppression is a one way street. The flyer continues with the main masculist arguments, that masculisting men can use to help convert monoconscious feminists into biconscious feminists, once the feminist masculist ideological war has begun.

435 Masculist Verbal Butchery of Divorcing Fluffie Billionaires (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out vociferously against divorcing fluffie billionaires, who commit the major gender crime of walking away with billions of dollars, stolen from a billionaire male genius, after a divorce, simply because she fucked him and nurtured him for some years, which is something that any untalented woman can do. Masculists push for the “FIP Principle” which states that men and women should all be FIPs, who have no right to the wealth of another person, unlike the traditional gender roles, that see men as cash machines to be robbed and abused, as in the hated fluffie feminist controlled divorce courts. If the gender laws are not soon menfaired, masculist soldiers will go to war against fluffies and fluffie feminists, since to masculists, fluffiedom is manslavery, and manslavery is slavery, and hence a war issue. Divorcing fluffie billionaires are extreme examples of the violation of the FIP Principle, who are to be treated with verbal butchery by masculists.

434 Men’s Opinions of Women When Men Talk Amongst Themselves (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video reveals what men truly think about women, that they do not tell women, because men are forced to be nice to women so that women will allow men to penis them. On the whole men do not respect women, since women contribute so little to the creation of cultures, largely parasiting off them. Men have only tolerated women due to women’s two traditional monopolies of vagina and womb, but these two will soon be superseded by male engineering genius, so men’s true attitudes towards women will manifest themselves more readily in the near future, especially when the sexbots and artwombs become common, and women continue to fatten up, making women sexually repulsive to slim quality men.

433  Sage Women’s Understanding of Masculist Arguments but not of Masculist Rage (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer tries to explain why sage (i.e. intellectual) women can readily understand the arguments of the masculists, but seem to lack an intuitive emotional understanding of why masculists have such an anger and hatred towards certain categories of women, especially towards fluffie manslaving parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. Several possible explanations are given.

432 MASCULIST with Dr. Hugo de Garis (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video was my first masculist interview (on “MGTOW Chats” hosted by Lamprey Milt, 2.5 hours) in which I got plenty of time to explain the main ideas of masculism, the differences between masculism and MGTOW, etc.

431 Masculists Expect Women to be Biconscious or Else (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists put enormous pressure on women, on monoconscious feminists, to become biconscious, or pay a very heavy price by being rejected by men, thus forced to rot on the shelf, manless, and hence loveless, sexless, babyless, and spat at for being callous, monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs).

430 Masculist Strategy Against Feminist Gender Political Bias (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents two different strategies that masculists can use to attack the monoconscious bias that feminists have regarding gender politics, i.e. seeing gender oppression as a one way street, after 60 years of monoconscious feminist brainwashing. The two approaches are 1) a vicious verbally violent masculist harangue against MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) and the other is 2) a quiet reasoned approach, directed at high IQ academic feminists. In practice, probably both will be used.

429 Masculism Will Change Women’s Self-Conception (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :This flyer shows a dozen ways how masculism will change women’s self-conception in the next few decades.

428 Will UBI (Universal Basic Income) Kill Masculism? (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer speculates on how the near future rise of the UBI (Universal Basis Income) will impact on masculism. Will it kill off masculism, when women are made FIPs by governments with substantial UBI payments? Certainly, some of the wind will be blown out of the sails of the masculists, since most of today’s masculist energy is directed against female manslavery, against female financial parasitism, but monoconscious feminists will probably still feel they have the right to nag men, etc., so masculist ideas will still be needed to force women to grow up, to take responsibility for their own lives, and stop blaming men for female inadequacies and inferiorities.

427 Parliamentary Gender Equality Committees (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that a few years after angry hateful masculism has spread widely through whole countries, parliamentary gender equality committees will be set up that consist half of female feminists and half of male masculists who push both feminist and masculist agendas equally, creating a biconscious society, where women are forced to FIP up, or be severely punished by men by not getting one, thus forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless and spat at. These committees will then profoundly restructure and socially engineer the gender roles so that men do not need to go on a sex war to menfair the gender laws, to free themselves from decades of manslavery by hated fluffie parasites and the even more hated fluffie feminist hypocrites.

426 Parental LATting, Pre and Post Divorce (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the advantages of the LATting (living apart together) lifestyle, for singles, and extends its advantages to couples with children, speculating on multiple possible LATting lifestyles for couples with kids who are pre and post divorced.

425 Masculist Crushing of Feminist Rage at Masculist Rage (link) ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video predicts the next three phases of gender politics as the number of angry hateful masculists rises, feminists will be enraged by them, seeing masculist critiques against women as mere traditional misogyny, utterly missing the masculist point, that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, so masculists have every right to be angry and hateful towards women. Masculists will then rage even harder against this feminist rage and crush these feminists with superior male intelligence and much greater verbal aggression which is easily done, since men are smarter than women and have ten times higher testosterone levels than women. The monoconscious feminazis will be crushed.

424 Masculism as Post MGTOW (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculism will overtake MGTOW as the dominant force in the manosphere, with its angry hateful approach towards the liberation of men from the manslavery of fluffie parasites, from the hypocrisy of fluffie feminists, by raising men’s consciousness that fluffiedom is manslavery, that manslavery is slavery, and since slavery is hated, masculists have a hatred of fluffies and fluffie feminists, aiming to wipe them out, by totally ignoring them, then menfairing the gender laws, especially in reforming the divorce courts, legislating the Parer etc. MGTOWs are seen by masculists as great psychologists, but as lousy politicians, as apolitical wimps, lacking solidarity with other men, and lacking the political vision necessary to change society so that it is fair to men.

423 The Masculist Chair Test (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the masculist chair test which is used to see how biconscious a feminist is. It forces a feminist to choose between being raped or being womanslaved by a man for three decades, childless and unpaid. Most feminists will choose to be raped, so then the masculists tell these monoconscious feminists that that is what fluffies do routinely to men, manslaving them for decades, hence women oppress men far worse than vice versa. Masculists will need such powerful masculist intellectual tools when they confront MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) for the first time, when these women will have great difficulty accepting that gender oppression is a two way street, and that in reality, women are the far greater gender oppressors, manslaving men for decades.

422 MASCULISM 101 (link) Part 1 ( YouTubevideo ) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This 30 slide PPt presentation celebrates the first masculist interview that I have had on the planet, on a masculist theme. It served as a basis document for the interviewer on the “MGTOW Chats” channel. I will also use it as an introductory document for the media, and for PPt talks to university student groups, etc. It is also used as a more modern introduction on my website to the basic ideas of masculism, hence its title.

421 Masculist Snappers (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes a strategy for masculists to become “snappers” i.e. who snap at monoconscious feminazis who push their monoconscious feminazi rhetoric, claiming that gender oppression is a one way street, that only men are gender oppressors, whereas, as seen by biconscious masculists, it is women who oppress men far worse, with women’s decades lasting manslavery etc. These masculist snappers can snap at these monoconscious feminists when these women speak to mixed audiences, by haranguing back at them, with masculist ideas, masculist rhetoric, so that both the monoconscious feminist, and the audience itself, learn over time, to become biconscious, and accept the idea that in reality, women oppress men far worse, parasiting off men continuously and for decades, which is a hugely greater gender crime against men than anything that the feminists are complaining about as to how men oppress women.

420 Masculist Rage at Feminazi Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video describes the growing rage coming from the masculists when confronted with the level of hypocrisy of the monoconscious feminists when the feminists complain about the relatively minor ways that men oppress women, but know nothing of the much greater ways that women oppress men, especially with their awful, decades long, manslavery, etc. As millions of men become masculists, there will be large numbers of bitter confrontations between MONOconsciously ignorant feminists, and very angry BIconscious masculists.

419 Masculists Expect Feminists to be Biconscious (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as masculist ideas spread, those feminists who remain monoconscious, will be seen increasingly as being dumber, and more narrow minded, by both sexes, as masculists teach women to become biconscious, as well as teaching women to hate monoconscious fluffie feminists for creating young women’s babylessness, since it is the monoconscious fluffie feminists who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that young men refuse to give young women their sperm, because young men refuse to face a one in four chance of being financially crucified and stripped of custody of their kids by these courts.

418 Compulsory FIPping Lessons for Middle School 9th Grader Girls (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes that middle school 9th grader girls be given compulsory FIPping lessons to scare them shitless that if they don’t FIP up in their final three years of high school and university, they will be severely punished by men who will reject them for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving, vermin. Such women will then be made manless, since in the near future, no man will want to be manslaved, for decades of his life, by a hated fluffie parasite.

417 Masculist Crushing of the Unconscious Arrogance of Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer uses masculist arguments to crush the insufferable unconscious arrogance of feminists, by listing a set of beliefs commonly held by feminists, and then using masculist and masculist scientific arguments to refute them, aiming to teach these unconscious arrogant feminists that they live in a deluded fairyland, that makes them look contemptable and childish to the masculists, and to men in general.

416 The Masculist Volcano (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that a masculist volcano is about to erupt, as men become conscious that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, with their financial parasitism, their female manslavery, etc., so become strongly intolerant of monoconscious feminists who claim the opposite, due to their monoconscious ignorance of how women oppress men. When this masculist volcano erupts, monoconscious fluffie feminists will be destroyed, and fluffies will be left rotting on the shelf, since within a decade or so, nearly every man on the planet will have been influenced by masculist ideas, and will thus have learned to hate fluffie manslaving parasites and to hate even more, the fluffie feminist hypocrites, destroying them, forcing women to FIP up and to become biconscious, or face the volcanic wrath of the masculists.

415 Earning Men’s Respect (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer sneers at the feminist concept of male privilege that is so popular amongst feminists lately. Masculists claim that men are more privileged in society because men are more respected than women, due to the fact that men contribute hugely more to society in terms of a greatly superior performance track record than women. If women want to be as respected as men are, then they will have to perform at male levels and at male genius levels, but that will be impossible for women, since women are genetically inferior to men both intellectually and motivationally

414 Masculists See Fluffie Feminists as Parasitic, Hypocritical, Genociders, to be Destroyed (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the hatred of masculists towards the parasitic, hypocritical genocide of the fluffie feminists, explaining why masculists feel this way. When millions of men feel the same, as is likely, as masculist ideas continue to spread around the world, then women will feel they have been hit by a bus, a masculist bus, by a very angry, hateful, masculist tsunami.

413 Men’s E.R.A. (Equal Rights Amendment) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents masculist laws that would be needed to create a men’s E.R.A. i.e. a men’s Equal Rights Amendment that would give equal rights to men that women already have and discusses deep social changes that will be needed to make a men’s E.R.A. practical.

412 Masculist Disciplining of Women (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculisted men can discipline/punish women who oppress them, lashing out particularly at fluffies, at fluffie feminists, at monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs), and against young feminist princess arrogance.

411 The Future History of the Masculisting of Men (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the probable seven phases that the future masculisting of men, i.e. their gender political empowerment, will go through, before both feminist and masculist movements can afford to disappear from the scene.

410 Masculist Rage at Feminist Manslaving Hypocrisy (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists will be so angry and outraged by the monoconscious fluffie feminist hypocrisy of modern feminists, when the latter harangue men in public for the ways that men oppress women, but remain blind and ignorant towards the ways that women oppress men and far worse. This hypocrisy is bad enough, but masculists see fluffie feminists not only as hypocrites but also as indirect genociders, who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that two thirds of young men now refuse to marry and have kids, thus wiping out whole populations. In the coming few years, expect large numbers of verbally bitter, very angry confrontations between the monoconscious feminazis and the biconscious masculists, as the latter lose patience with the bigotry of the monoconscious hypocritical feminazis.

409 Masculism as Therapy for Monoconscious Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that monoconscious feminists will become a lot happier if they learn some masculist ideas and become biconscious, thus losing their bigoted monoconscious ignorance that gender oppression is a one way street, that the gender oppressors are men, and that women have every right to be angry at men. This monoconscious attitude makes these women repulsive to men, so men punish them by ignoring them, which makes these women crazy. It is in these women’s self interest to become female masculists as well as being feminists, so that they lose their one sided anger at men, by learning a female masculist anger at women for oppressing men. Biconscious women are less feminazi bitchy, so are more likely to have boyfriends, so are more likely to be loved, penised and not spat at, so are saner and happier. Thus it is therapeutic for women to be biconscious.

408 The Coming Ideological War between the Feminists and the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that an ideological war between the monoconscious feminists and the biconscious masculists is inevitable. Masculist scientists will use their superior intellectual abilities and greatly superior male aggression to intellectually crush the monoconscious feminazis who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that they have become indirect genociders, since in many countries now two thirds of young men refuse to marry and reject paternity. Masculist scientists are the most formidable enemy of the monoconscious feminists, who will be destroyed by them, making these feminists feel they have been hit by a bus, the masculist bus.

407 Duty to Posterity (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video provides suggestions on how demographic politicians (DPs) can persuade men to be fathers again, to ensure the birthrate goes over 2.1 children per woman, in the post masculist, post gender political era, creating a U-turn in the willingness of men to be fathers, after an initial unwillingness that is needed to return the world population to a much lower figure to solve the global warming problem, then reversing it, so that humanity is not wiped out. A key concept in this U-turn will be government sponsored social engineering that pushes the concept of the “duty to posterity” i.e. the need to create and nurture the happiness of the next few generations, i.e. posterity, a responsibility of both sexes and of everyone.

406 How Will Feminists React to the Masculist Onslaught? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video speculates on how feminists will react when the masculists, armed with their masculist ideas and rhetoric, commence an onslaught against them in the universities, in the media, etc. Feminists have had a monopoly on gender politics for half a century, so it will come as a real cognitive dissonant shock when masculists not only hit them back, but intellectually crush them with masculist science, beating the MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) with their own gender political medicine, then dominating the gender political stage, that feminists have not had to share for half a century. The gender political tables are about to be turned on their heads by angry, politically active, masculists.

405 A Masculist U-Turn on 3rd Wave (Empowerment) Feminism (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pushes the idea that masculists need to revise their negative attitudes towards 3rd wave feminists, since the latter need the support of the masculists to force the legislation by the demographic politicians of a 6 year maternity benefit, so that women careerists who choose to be mothers of two kids (to ensure that whole populations don’t get wiped out) do not lose income by staying at home looking after small kids. It is in masculists self interest to have wives or female partners who earn as much as they do, so that men do not have to bear the lion’s share of earning the living for the family.

404 Details on Women’s Career Mother Timeline (CMT) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes a concrete Career Mother Timeline (CMT) for women that satisfies women’s needs to have a career and be a mother of two kids, that satisfies men’s (i.e. masculists’) needs for women to be FIPs, and not parasite off the money and labor of a man, and finally, that satisfies the needs of demographic politicians, who ensure that whole populations are not wiped out, by keeping the birth rate above 2.1 kids per woman.

403 Masculist Public Anger (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the time is now ripe for the masculist and MGTOW communities to express their anger at how women oppress men, publicly, by verbally haranguing viciously monoconscious feminazi bigots, putting enormous moral pressure on fluffies to FIP up or rot on the shelf, etc.

402 Controlling Your Girlfriend with Masculist MGTOW Ideas (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video lists ten ways that masculisted MGTOWed men can better control their girlfriends from being monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs), monoconsciously arrogant, from being manslaving fluffie parasites, etc.

401 Masculists Castigating Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots (MFBs) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that within only a few years, millions of very angry masculists will be castigating MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots,) expressing their hatred against what fluffie feminists are doing to men in the divorce courts, against women’s many decades lasting gender crimes against men, blasting these MFBs with real hatred and venom, causing these MFBs to wonder what the fuck has happened to men, that men now so suddenly seem to have been bitten by a new religion that fires them up with such vitriol against MFBs.

400 A Biconscious Feminist Talks to a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a conversation between a biconscious feminist and a monoconscious feminist. The monoconscious feminist has her mind blown as she is confronted with a well informed biconscious feminist who lays out the masculist case and preaches to her monoconscious fellow feminist that it is in the monoconscious feminist’s self interest to become biconscious, especially with regard to keeping her boyfriend, who is becoming increasingly fed up with her monoconscious feminazi harangues. She is also taught that as the number of biconscious feminists grows, there will probably be a split in the feminist movement, as the monoconscious and the biconscious feminists clash over how to treat men.

399 My Brother Got Ball Graded (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Decr : This flyer reflects on the significance of what happened to my brother recently who got ball graded by a high powered COO of a near billion dollar company. This flyer ponders whether it is wise for an older woman to act on her hypergamous instincts when she is postmenopausal.

398 Masculisting Male Feminists with Feminist Girlfriends (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (Bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that one of the major stepping stones that will cause widespread recognition of masculist biconscious ideas in society, will be the failure of millions of relationships between biconscious male feminists, and their monoconscious feminist girlfriends. When millions of such men walk out on these girlfriends, that will trigger a mass painful reaction on the part of these women, which will cause a strong media soul searching, thus bringing biconscious knowledge of masculist ideas to women and to society, leading then to the menfairing of the gender laws, the legislation of the Parer, etc.

397 The Unconscious Arrogance of Monoconscious Feminists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at the unconscious arrogance of monoconscious feminists who think that gender oppression is a one way street, that women are morally superior to men for the ways that men oppress women, that women are just as intellectually capable as men. Biconscious masculists and particularly masculist scientists, will crush this biased monoconscious ignorance with their scientifically based proofs that women are genetically inferior to men at the top end of the performance and intellect scales.

396 Become Biconscious! The Battle Cry of the Masculists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the importance of the masculist slogan, even battle cry, of “Become Biconscious” which summarizes so much of the masculist message to women, i.e. to have their masculist consciousness raised as much as their feminist consciousness, so that woman stop gender oppressing men with their horrible manslavery, and other, decades lasting, gender crimes against men. Women who don’t become biconscious, will be severely punished by men, by being forced to be manless, utterly rejected by men, as bigoted, monoconscious, pariahs, as untermensch.

395 Pondering the Parer (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the details of the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right). It takes the form of a decision tree, where at each node, a question is asked, and depending on whether the answer is yes or no, the next question is found at the left or right hand node. The details of this decision tree will need to be worked out in detail, and policies will need to be decided before the Parer becomes law, as it must, if men are ever to be freed from decades long manslavery at the hands of women who dictate paternity onto them, thus ruining men’s lives. Women have the Marer, men don’t have the Parer, the greatest form of sexual discrimination that exists.

394 Holding the Masculist Knife to the Throats of the Gender Politicians (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts there will be a sex war unless the gender politicians soon menfair the gender laws. In today’s western world, one father in four gets financially crucified and has his life destroyed in the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system. The gender politicians who created these hated gender laws in the first place will be the first targets of the masculist soldier army. Masculist theorists are teaching young women that the primary reason why young quality men refuse to give them their sperm is due to the toxicity of the divorce courts, so that young childless women should join forces with the masculists to express their hatred of and to assassinate the gender politicians and fluffie feminists as readily as men, when the sex war bursts into reality.

393 Why are Women Sexual Cowards? (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that women are sexual cowards, largely for two reasons. One is that women learned many generations ago that it was lethally dangerous to be equally sexually aggressive with men as vice versa, due to men’s three times greater strength across the chest than women’s, plus the fact that men dislike being controlled by women as adults, since it reminds them of the control they felt by femalien giants called mothers when they were small boys, so choose as adults, with full male strength, never to be subjugated that way again. Even the most ideologically aggressive of feminazis are sexually passive, often using fakeup, when it comes to sexually attracting a man she wishes to mate with.

392 The Happy Mix, 4-3ing and MGTOW-Monking (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyers presents my own lifestyle which I claim offers the best of both worlds by combining the positive features of a part time relationship with a woman without the negative traits of a woman, e.g. the manslavery, her sexploitation, her nagging, her controlling, etc., with the positive features of a part time MGTOW monk life style, i.e. not having ones male frontal lobes switched off, so that a man can remain intellectually sharp and creative, producing works that may be useful to humanity.

391 Why Elite Males are Misogynists (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why most elite males have misogynist attitudes, by showing that women are genetically inferior creatures compared to the elite males. Women are both dumber and have a lower IQ variance than men, plus much lower testosterone levels than men, so have greatly inferior track records than men, so such men cannot share their intellectual passions with women, hence their frustration and condescension towards women.

390 Monoconscious Media Bias (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that masculist theory has crystalized, so that the time is ripe for these ideas to be taken to the masses, via the media people, but the problem is that the media people are so monoconsciously biased in favor of feminism, that they are not open to masculist ideas. This flyer suggests ways on how this uphill battle of the masculists can be won.

389 A Boomer Masculist Looks at the Black Pillers (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer looks at the “black pillers” i.e. the young men who have totally given up on getting a date, let alone any sex, from young women, who are now in a position, using e-dating sites like Tinder, Bumble, Instagram, etc., to exercise their hypergamous natures to an extreme degree, swiping right for only the top one in a thousand of males, i.e. the extreme alphas, starving the rest of the more average men of female attention, affection and sex. This flyer gives my boomer masculist advice on how this problem will play itself out.

388 Masculism, LATting, and Love (link) Part1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : “LATting” is “living apart together.” This flyer claims that in the future there will be two main forms of relationship between the sexes, namely, 1) living together full time in one house, for couples with kids, and 2) LATting, for the older generation and for those younger couples who choose not to have kids.

387 Masculists are Abolitionists, Masculist Views on Manslavery (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculists are abolitionists, seeing manslavery as slavery, as something to be hated and removed. It also shows how the fluffie feminist lawyers and judges who have taken over the divorce courts, legally dictate the traditional manslaver role onto divorcing fathers, thus generating tremendous hatred towards them, that if not stopped, by menfairing the gender laws, then large numbers of fluffie feminists will be killed in a sex war.

386 PARERCIDERS, Killers of the Paternity Rejection Right (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pictures a courtroom scene in which an ardent masculist is condemned for contempt of court with the maximum penalty that a real feminazi judge is allowed to impose on him, as she ruins his life by condemning him to manslavery for two decades to pay for a kid he never wanted in the first place, making her a Parercider. He then threatens her with being murdered either by himself or by the M.A.S. (i.e. the Masculist Assassination Squad), which he points out to her, would be just another minor skirmish in the worldwide sex war.

385 Masculist Counter Arguments to Feminist Arguments against Legislating the Parer (Paternity Rejection Right) (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the two main arguments that the masculists will use to counter the arguments that the feminists will use against the masculist push for the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right).

384 Masculism has its William Lloyd Garrison, but not yet its John Brown (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the close historical analogy between the rise of abolitionism in the US in the 1800s and the rise of masculism in the 2000s, by stating that the masculist equivalent of William Lloyd Garrison, who created the first abolitionist newspaper in 1831, already exists, but that the masculist equivalent of a John Brown terrorist gang does not, but will probably exist within a decade, as masculist anger and hatred spread across the world as masculism lashes out at manslavery, the way the abolitionists lashed out at negro slavery a century and a half ago.

383 Women’s Vote and Men’s Parer (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo) (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) will prove to be as big a political fight in the 21st century as was women’s fight for the vote in the early 20th century. Passing the Parer will force women to grow up, to FIP up, by losing their manslaves, a power that women have had for millennia, so women will fight tooth and nail to keep that power by blocking the Parer. Masculists see the passage of the Parer as the “great enabler” of the liberation of men, as much as feminists saw the right to vote as the “great enabler” of all the major feminist reforms that came decades later.

382  Women Shocked by Masculists Anger Towards Them  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why women will be so shocked when masculists express real anger at them, for the ways that monoconscious feminazis feel that gender oppression is a one way street, i.e. thinking that the only gender oppressors are men, against women, whereas the biconscious masculists know from their masculist ideology, that women oppress men far worse, with women’s  manslavery, which generates hatred in masculisted men towards monoconscious feminazi bigots (MFBs).

381  Big Historical Shifts – The Pill, Feminism, Masculism  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculism will create as big a historical shift in society as did the contraceptive pill and feminism. The pill enabled the rise of feminism, and feminism created the rise of masculism, freeing men from manslavery.

380  To Female Masculists  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about the influence of the rising number of biconscious feminists (who are therefore female masculists) on society, as a tipping point is reached, when there are more biconscious feminists than monoconscious feminists. Biconscious feminists will be preaching to young women that they will be happier by becoming biconscious, by becoming female masculists, since that way, they will be far more likely to get a boyfriend, who otherwise will reject them for being an MFB (monoconsciouis feminazi bigot). I use my own girlfriend as an example of how women can become female masculists.

379  Why Women Oppress Men Far Worse than Vice Versa  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo)  (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video imagines a masculist initially speechifying a bunch of monoconscious feminazi bigots, and when that doesn’t work, imagining he’s talking to a more polite mixed audience as to why he claims that women oppress men far worse than vice versa, presenting his well worn masculist arguments, that everyone ought to know in a biconscious society.

378  BitChute Hacked, or BitChute Hypocritical?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Decr : This flyer describes something alarming that happened to me recently. BitChute, which prides itself on its freedom of speech, sent me a permanent channel ban notice, yet in practice I can still upload videos to them from my website, so what is going on? Is BitChute being hacked by perhaps the Jewish elite who may have reacted to a very threatening test comment of mine I put up on a Sandman video recently in a BitChute video of his, to test whether BitChute truly does exercise freedom of speech, or is there something more sinister going on, e.g. behind the scenes, BitChute is controlled by the Jewish elite?

377  Masculist Glossary, Part 3  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)    Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is the third masculist glossary of terms taken from the latest 200 masculist flyers.

376  How Masculism Forces Women to Grow Up  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 3  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 4  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculism is forcing women to grow up, to take responsibility for their own adult lives, not expecting to parasite off the money of a man, not blaming men for women’s inadequacies, etc. A list of points is given which show this masculist forcing of women to grow up, with each point elaborated.

375  Masculism and Global Warming (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video discusses the impact of masculism on the phenomenon of global warming. One major solution to the global warming problem is to radically reduce the global population size. Masculist and MGTOW rejection of marriage and paternity may cause such a massive population decrease, but will men tolerate being screwed financially for several more decades by the gender politicians,  and instead assassinate them in a sex war, along with fluffie feminist divorce court lawyers and judges, etc. Once the population has reached a suggested half a billion, measures will have to be taken to ensure that the replacement rate of the birth rate is achieved. This flyer suggests how this might be done.

374  My Sister Got Divorced Raped  (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at current divorce law that financially massacres men, and increasingly FIP women, who make more money than their ex-husbands. Divorce law needs to be reformed, and in many instances, simply thrown out. Breakup contracts (BCs) for no child couples,  and prenups for childed couples, ought to be strengthened and made legally binding, so as to rid the world of the massive injustices of divorce rape.

373  Seeking the Masculist Wilberforce (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer hopes to inspire some future masculist political legal genius, some 21st century Wilberforce, to devote his life to the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) which will be historically equivalent to the fight of the suffragettes for the vote for women in the early 20th century. Wilberforce fought for decades to abolish the moral abomination of negro slavery in the British empire, and finally succeeded. This 21st century masculist Wilberforce will have to fight women’s evolved instinct to trick men into getting them pregnant, then forcing men to pay for kids they do not want, thus manslaving him for decades. It will be a passionate fight, as women dig in their heals to preserve their evolved desires to sexploit men to pay for them to have babies, and as men express their hatred at women for manslaving them for decades. It will be a bitter fight, requiring a masculist champion, a masculist liberator, a masculist Wilberforce.

372  “Masculism 101” for Female Moderates  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 4 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video spells out the main ideas of the masculists to the more moderate of women, who are less feminazi bitchy, less one eyed monoconscious feminists, and hence are more open to persuasion to the idea that the masculists have very good reason to push their gender political agenda, to liberate men from fluffie parasitism/manslavery, and from fluffie feminist hypocrisy/genocide. Masculists need to educate society, which implies educating women, starting with the more open minded women, the female moderates.

371  The Masculist Tirade of Tens  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides masculists with five scientifically verified facts that can be used to intellectually crush the isscienacy of monoconscious feminazis. These facts, rather curiously, all involve the number ten, i.e. “10 facts”, which all men should memorize to be used as intellectual ammunition against the hated fluffie parasite/manslavers, and against the even more hated fluffie feminist hypocrite/genociders, to help wipe them out.

370  Biconscious Masculists Have Little Patience with Monoconscious Feminists  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that there is a growing impatience and hatred coming from the masculists against monoconscious feminists who lash out at men in public for the ways that men oppress women, whereas to the biconscious masculists, they see that women oppress men far worse, given what the hated fluffie feminists are doing to men in the divorce courts, and the fluffie parasitism of men, manslaving men FOR DECADES, for resisting the legislation of the PARER (paternity rejection right) etc. As millions of biconscious masculists lash out at monoconscious feminists who dump on men in public, these feminists will learn to think twice about doing such a thing again, through fear of being violently harangued by a collective gang of hateful masculists in the audience.

369  The “3-4 Relationship” : A Variant of the “Twaytwef (2A2F) Relationship” (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes a variant of the twaytwef relationship that I am currently having with my new girlfriend. It is designed from the masculist perspective to give a man the benefits of women’s positive qualities, e.g. women’s nurturing, women’s sexuality, etc as well as protecting a man from the negative qualities of women, e.g. their nagging, controlling, etc. as well as benefitting from the usual features of twaytweffing, discussed in several other flyers (e.g. 5, 31, 189, 240, 341.)

368  Why Feminism Had to Precede Masculism  (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why feminism had to precede masculism, using a history of the development of gender roles, showing that it would have been impossible for masculism to have evolved before feminism. It also mentions that the development of masculism is far from complete, and that the rise of masculism will have as profound an impact on both sexes as feminism is having.

367  Biconscious Relationships (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the nature of biconscious relationships, i.e. where both the man and the woman in a couple are biconscious, i.e. they have had both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised. Biconscious relationships are superior to traditional relationships in many ways, as this flyer demonstrates. It also discusses how society will change when there are millions of biconscious relationships.

366  A Masculist/MGTOW Retries e-Dating  (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer relates my experiences in retrying the e-dating scene, and extracts some lessons to be learned, mainly, that if one filters through large number of dating candidates and states ones preferences clearly on one’s profile, then it is sometimes possible to find the jewel one is looking for.

365  The Alternative to Bullets : The Masculist Crushing of Feminazi Ideas (link) Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that there are two main ways to stop the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites from wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men that in many countries now two thirds of young men reject marriage and paternity. Thus these fluffie feminists have become genociders and have to be stopped. One way is with bullets, in a sex war, where masculist soldiers go into the streets and simply shoot these feminazi vermin, then menfair the gender laws so that men are more inclined to be fathers again. The other main way is to destroy belief in the core ideas of third wave feminists, so that the feminazis die off, so making the menfairing of the gender laws easier.

364  Soundbites for Media Masculists  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the core masculist arguments in soundbite format, to be used in either main stream media appearances, or to hurl back at feminazis in public meetings.

363  Defemming the Workplace  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests how men can get feminazi women out of their hair at their workplace. Millions of men are now living the MGTOW or MGTOW monk life style, removing women from their personal lives, but are forced to accept women’s feminazi monoconscious bitchery at their workplace. This is intolerable for such MGTOWs and masculists. Things have to change. This flyer suggests how.

362  Women’s Sexual Selection of Men’s Frontal Lobe Switch Off  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer hypothesizes that women sexually selected the phenomenon of men’s frontal lobe switch off, to women’s advantage, making it easier for women to sexploit men, brainwashing men to provide women with male hunted meat, to keep women, who could not hunt, and their useless infants, alive.

361  Arming Male High Schoolers and Male Undergraduates with Masculist Verbal Weapons  (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : With the rise and rise of feminism in the high schools and campuses, life becomes increasingly miserable for males. This flyers aims to give young men masculist verbal weapons, so that they can more than hit back at the MFBs (monoconscious feminazi bigots) by haranguing them out of the room, with all their monoconscious feminazi hypocrisy.

360  Feminists Provide the Carrot and Masculists the Stick in the FIPping of Fluffies (link)  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that as masculist ideas spread, that the masculist movement should start thinking about creating allies with other like minded groups, e.g. biconscious feminists, since the two groups have something fundamental in common, i.e. both want to see the FIPping of women. The feminists want to see women become FIPs so that women can become financially independent of men, thus liberating women from the subjugation of men’s will, and the masculists want to see the FIPping of women, so that men can be freed from the manslavery of fluffie parasites. This commonality promotes bridge building between the masculists and future potential allies.

359  Feminazi Bashing  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the opinion, that there are now enough masculists and MGTOWs out there for small groups of them to verbally harangue and attack the feminazis at gender political meetings, expressing their hatred against the massive gender injustices committed by the monoconscious feminazis against men, accusing these feminazis that if they don’t become biconscious and help menfair the gender laws, then there will be a sex war in which the feminazis will be killed.

358  Monoconscious Feminazi Bigots(MFBs)  (link) (YouTubeVideo) (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a new term (“Monoconscious Feminazi Bigot (MFB)” that masculists can hurl at monoconscious feminazis, for their callousness towards men, for their ignorance of how women oppress men. There is power in labels. This label is for the masculists today as was the term “Male Chauvinist Pig (MCP)” for the second wave feminists in the 60s and 70s.

357  Why Masculism Threatens Some Men  (link) Part 1 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 3 (YouTubeVideo)  (MindsVideo)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Most of my masculist videos are directed negatively at fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. This flyer is aimed at men who feel threatened by masculism, and why they feel threatened. A dozen suggested reasons are given, firstly in bulleted form, which are then elaborated on later, one by one. This is a rather long flyer, on an important topic, in 3 parts.

356  The Masculist Inquisition (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer anticipates that masculism will turn the tide on the fluffies and fluffie feminists, creating an era in which masculism is the dominant gender political ideology, resulting in the creation of a political, governmental  institution called the Masculist Inquisition, which, similar to the Spanish Inquisition, extirpates  gender political heretics in the form of the hated fluffie parasites and the fluffie feminist hypocrites, by punishing them socially, psychologically, and financially. In the case of extreme zealotry, i.e. the feminazi witches, they will be burned.

355  The Masculist FIPping of Women, is One of History’s Greatest Milestones  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why the masculist FIPping of women will prove to be one of the greatest milestones in history, as masculist moral pressure on women causes millions of them, and later billions of them, to adopt FIP lifestyles, profoundly changing society, comparable to the male invention of the contraceptive pill, that allowed women to take up careers.

354  How Will Widespread Masculism Affect Women?  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Minds Video)  (BitChuteVideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer tries to imagine what life will be like in a culture in which masculist ideas are as widely known as feminist ideas, and how that state of affairs will impact on women. It lists 10 such ways and elaborates on them.

353  A Biconscious Masculist Harangues a Monoconscious Feminist (link) Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part2  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : As masculists solidify their ideology, it is likely that there will be a growing number of bitter verbal and ideological confrontations between monoconscious feminists and biconscious masculists, as masculists assault feminists with feminism’s monoconsciousness, i.e. its utter ignorance of how women oppress men, and far worse. This flyer presents a passionate dialog between a biconscious masculist, and a monoconscious feminist. Guess who wins?!

352  Masculist Sage Duty  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that MGTOW masculists who have a rare talent have a moral duty to develop it to benefit the planet, rather than have that talent wasted by working for some bloody fluffie parasite, who selfishly, solipsistically wants her man to work for her to pay for her kids, and to hell with the benefits of his talent for the world.

351  The Masculist Social Re-Engineering of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the desire of the masculists to socially re-engineer women to make them much nicer towards men. Monoconscious feminazis are repulsive to men, so are ignored by men, who find them unattractive. Men have considerable power, financial, scientific,  ideological, moral, to force women to be nicer to men, to be come “nurturative FIPs” by voting with men to menfair the gender laws or be forced by men to remain babyless, due to so many men rejecting marriage and paternity, due to the hated hypocrisy of the fluffie feminists in the divorce courts. Masculists need to crush the insufferable arrogance of monoconscious feminazis, who feel themselves morally superior to men, as well as being men’s intellectual equals. Both are myths that masculist scientists need to crush by presenting the facts. Masculists want women to be nurturative FIPs. We men have the power to force women to become like that, by being socially re-engineered to be like that.

350  MGTOW Lifestyles : HAMmers Can Do Things Wagers Cant  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that HAMers (health conscious ARCing MGTOWs) will have a huge beneficial impact on society as millions of them take up long term projects, doing what they love, for several decades, i.e. pursuing projects that short term waging men are unable to do, due to the constraints imposed on them by employers. HAMmers will be able to do these things that wagers cant.

349  Masculist Advice to Convert Feminazi Witches into Nurturative FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives masculist advice on how feminazi witches can convert themselves into nurturative FIPs. Masculism is about to go mainstream, so that feminists will become biconscious. Masculists want women who are nurturative FIPs, rejecting women who aren’t both. The sexbots and artwombs will soon be with us, so women will not be able to compete with them, resulting in men ignoring women in the billions, so that those women who want men’s attention, will be forced into being nurturative FIPs. Masculists also want women to VOTE with men to menfair the gender laws, or men will not give women babies. Those women who do become nurturative FIPs will have more chances of being liked and not ignored by men.

348  The Irrelevance of Women to Fourth Quarter Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer states that fourth quarter men (i.e. >65) can be quite happy, fulfilled and productive, by being womanless. Their much lower libidos mean that they are much less driven to women for sex, so provided that they are health conscious and have a strong passionate focus to their lives, they can live another 3 decades, doing what they love doing, woman free.

347  The Monoconscious Biconscious Controversy  Will Split the Feminist Movement  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as more feminists become biconscious, there will be a bitter split within the feminist movement as the biconscious feminists complain to the monoconscious feminists that the latter are killing off the feminist movement, due to most young women siding with the biconscious feminists because these young women want to have relationships with men so that young men can help them pay for them to have babies. Men reject monoconscious misandrist male dumping feminazi bitches. Monoconscious feminazis often use feminism as a crutch to rationalize their anger at men who reject them for being fat four feminazis.

346  Journalists are Indirect Gender Political Genociders  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer claims that if the journalists and media people do not spread masculist ideas quickly enough, then the masculists will accuse them of being indirect genociders, because the journalists will take some of the responsibility for the population crash. The masculists will stop third wave feminism, that has taken over the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that 2/3 and more of young men are now rejecting marriage and paternity, which will wipe out whole populations. Masculists aim to destroy third wave feminism, by either intellectually crushing it with masculist science, or if that fails, by simply shooting the feminazis in a sex war. It is the journalists who have a responsibility to spread masculist ideas, so that the more benign approach to the destruction of the third wave feminists can get off the ground, by the journalists spreading masculist ideas to the public, so that it no longer believes in third wave feminism, so that the gender laws  can be menfaired, so that young men are prepared to be fathers again, before whole populations get wiped out.

345  MGTOW, ARCing, and the 6th Mass Extinction  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how the MGTOWs and masculists can kill two birds with one stone, i.e. to liberate men from manslavery and wageslavery to the hated fluffie parasites who want to manslave men to pay for women to have babies, in a grossly overcrowded world, and to stop the 6th mass extinction of species which are dying out due to their habitats being destroyed so that too many human beings can grow food. MGTOW and masculist rejection of paternity, will cause the world population to be reduced to the Georgia Guidestones recommended level of about half a billion.

344  Masculism Will Hit Women Like a Bus  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that once the masculist virus has infected 100s of millions of men, women will feel like they have been hit by a bus, so strong and vitriolic will be the male backlash against them, against their fluffie parasitism, their fluffie feminist hypocrisy in the divorce courts, their feminazi bitchery, their monoconsciousness ignorance, etc. It will be very painful to be a woman in the coming decades, as masculism fully asserts itself, taking over gender politics.

343  Masculism’s Main Political Goals  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 3 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists the main political goals of the masculists, such as the FIPing of women, the freeing of men from female manslavery, giving men the intellectual tools to hit back at the hated feminazis, pushing for the menfairing of the gender laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right), etc. There are 10 items in this list, which could have been far longer.

 342  Masculist and Mohammedan Awakenings  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer claims that men need a new religion, i.e. a powerful new ideology, that they can use to intellectually crush the feminazis, to restore their self-pride in being males. When Mohammed invented Islam, he galvanized the Arabs, who now had their own monotheism, so could look the Christians and Jews in the eye, as equals. This had a energizing effect on them, which later allowed them to conquer the Middle East, North Africa and even Spain. Masculism is that new ideology, that new religion for men, that galvanizes men, to destroy the feminazis before they wipe out whole populations, with their control of the divorce courts making them so toxic for men, that 2/3 of young men reject marriage and paternity. The feminazis have to be stopped, either via destruction of their ideas via the new masculist religion, or with bullets.

341  Projects that only ARCing MGTOW Monks Can Do  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that ARCers (i.e. after retirement careerers) who are MGTOW monks (i.e. “men going their own way” who are womanless in their daily lives) can do more for humanity than twaytweffing (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs (i.e. financially independent persons)) ARCers, because the former have much larger amounts of mental energy to devote to their ARCing, who do not fritter it away, on chasing their next girlfriend, to get some sex, so are able to focus their minds better on what they have chosen to devote their ARCing lives to. Thus humanity will benefit far more from the MGTOW monk ARCers than from the twaytwef ARCers.

340  The Masculists ‘Feminists as Fools’ Strategy  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents a strategy of the masculists to make feminists look like fools, so as to help destroy the credibility of third wave feminists, as the much more humane alternative to having responsible, masculist soldiers go out into the streets and simply shoot millions of feminazis, to stop them indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to their takeover of the hated fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, which financially massacres and destroys the lives of one father in four, which then motivates 2/3 of young men in many western countries to reject marriage and paternity, which wipes out whole populations, but these young men are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, so it is the feminazis who are the indirect genociders, who have to be stopped, either with bullets or by having their isscienate fairy, PC bullshit ideology destroyed, by destroying its credibility. This flyer lists the core ideas of the third wave feminazis and then destroys them one by one, with masculist science-based arguments, as a contribution towards destroying the credibility of third wave feminazism.

339  Monoconscious Feminism Makes Women Lazy and Obnoxious  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that monoconscious feminists are lazier and more obnoxious than biconscious feminists, because they are less motivated to be nice to men, due to their monoconscious anger bias and gender bias. These monoconscious feminists then tend to become fat and obese, hence make themselves sexually repulsive to men, who in turn reject them and don’t give them babies, making these women miserable later in life. Biconscious women are generally happier and less feminazi bitchy to men, because they can see, thanks to their biconscious awareness that women oppress men too, and more strongly, that they give men their sympathy and vote with men to menfair the gender laws, so that being fathers is much less toxic and risky than it is today, so that women are more likely to be mothers again. One wonders how long it will take for western countries to become biconscious?

338  Masculist Scientists are the Third Wave Feminists Most Formidable Enemy, Intellectually Crushing Them  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that masculist scientists are the most formidable enemy of the hated third wave feminists, who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males that they have become indirect genociders, causing 2/3 of young men to avoid marriage, reject paterity and spend their money on themselves.  These third wave feminazis are indirectly wiping out whole populations, so have to be stopped. One way to do this is with bullets, killing them in a sex war. The other major alternative is to have masculist scientists harangue them with masculist science so that the general public no longer believes in third wave feminism, seeing it as dangerous, based on fictions, that do not stand up to scientific scrutiny. The aim of the masculist scientists is to destroy third wave feminism, so that a sex war, killing thousands/millions of feminazis can be avoided.

337  Monoconscious Feminists will be Seen Increasingly as Bigots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as masculist ideas spread through western countries, and the hatred of young women towards the fluffie feminists grows (who control the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage so toxic for men that 2/3 of young quality men refuse to give young women their sperm) monoconscious feminists (who have only had their feminist consciousness raised and hence are unconscious of how women oppress men, and far worse than vice versa),  will be seen increasingly by society as being bigots. Once the proportion of feminists who become biconscious, i.e. have had their feminist AND their masculist consciousnesses raised, becomes large enough, a tipping point will be reached, when monoconscious feminists will convert themselves into biconscious feminists,  who will then live happier lives, once they lose their monoconscious feminazi bitchiness which comes from seeing gender oppression as a one way street, being ignorant of masculist ideas, which show that gender oppression is definitely a two way street.

336  Converting a Cynical Male Feminist Journalist into a Masculist in Minutes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines an interview of me by a cynical male feminist TV journalist. I suggest to him that I try to convert him into becoming a masculist, and at the same time present the main masculist ideas. If I can influence him, then maybe I can influence millions of men watching too.

335  Causes of the Patriarchy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the two main causes of the patriarchy are – 1) women’s hypergamous instinct to mate up with superior males, to obtain superior genes for their kids, and – 2) the phenomenon of GMV (greater male variance) which this flyer postulates is due to the fact that men have only one X chromosome in their genomes, whereas women have two, hence men express a greater variety of genes than women, hence GMV, and hence the patriarchy since, the genii are males, who create and drives societies, dominating them.

334  Third Wave Feminists Will Either Reform or Die Out  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Decr : This flyer states that third wave feminism will be forced, by the combined moral and political pressure of the masculists and female masculists, to either reform their policy of empowering women, so that they abandon their push for equal outcomes for women (i.e. women quotas) in favor of equal opportunities for women, that don’t discriminate against men’s superior genetic abilities, otherwise the masculists and female masculists, will destroy third wave feminism, by totally discrediting it, with such a hatred that young women will abandon it, because they want to have babies. The masculists are teaching these young women that they are being deprived from having quality babies by the third wave feminazis due to the latter’s takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for men, that young quality men refuse to give young women their sperm.

333  Now That Both Sexes Have a Hatred for Third Wave Feminism, It Will Die within a Decade  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that now both sexes have a hatred for third wave feminism, it will die out within a decade. Masculists hate feminazis because masculists see them as indirect genociders, indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to these fluffie feminist hypocrites having taken over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men that young men refuse to marry and reject paternity, thus directly wiping out whole populations, but these young men are merely reacting to the toxicity of the divorce courts, so the root cause of the paternity rejection are the fluffie feminist hypocrites. Young women are now panicking because they are learning, via the masculists, that the root cause of their babylessness, the refusal of quality young men to give them their sperm, is the toxicity of the divorce courts created by the fluffie feminists. So young women are learning to hate these third wave feminists, these feminazis as well. With both sexes hating them, the feminazis will probably not survive another decade. Third wave feminism will have become unbelievable, in the same the way as witchcraft and negro slavery are no longer believed in.

 332  Defunding Women’s Studies via Feminazi Hypocrisies  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  

Descr : This flyer presents a non violent alternative to a sex war, to prevent the hated feminazis from wiping out whole populations, with their takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for males, that 2/3 of young men reject marriage and paternity. The tactic employed in this flyer is to motivate male university administrators to stop funding the feminazis, by showing these administrators the many hypocrisies in feminazi doctrine. Without women’s studies courses in universities, third wave feminism will die out more quickly, so that the gender laws can be menfaired more easily.

331  Mascunazis (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculists need to become mascunazis, i.e. to be consciously, deliberately, obnoxious, verbally violent and rude towards the hated feminazis, who are indirectly wiping out whole populations, having taken over the divorce courts, making divorce and hence marriage such a shitty deal for men, that 2/3 of young men in many countries, now refuse to marry, reject paternity and spend their money on themselves, making these hated feminazis indirect genociders, who have to be stopped. If a sex ware killing millions of women is to be avoided, milder methods to stop the feminazis, need to be employed. One way may be for masculists to employ mascunazi tactics to cause feminazis to fear mascunazis, so that the feminazis stop their resistance to preventing the menfairing of the gender laws. Mascunazi haranguing of feminazis is preferable to shooting them, but the latter remains an option of the masculists in a sex war, to prevent the feminazis wiping out whole populations as they are indirectly currently doing.

330  The Gender Anger Reversal  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that when large numbers of men have their masculist consciousness raised, i.e. by becoming aware how men are financially massacred and have their lives ruined at a rate of one father in four in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system, no Parer, etc, then men, with their much higher testosterone levels, will be a lot more verbally violent against women in the 2020s than women, i.e. the feminists, have been against men for the past half century, since the rise of the second wave feminist movement. Whether this greater masculist anger at women will turn into a sex war, resulting in the deaths of millions of feminists, will depend on whether women become female masculists in large numbers, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, so that men are prepared to be fathers again, not risking today’s gender oppression of men by women, particularly by the hated feminazis, who abuse men, seeing men only as cash machines to pay for women’s manslavery.

329  Women Oppress Men Far More Than Men Oppress Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how women oppress men far more than vice versa. Men are manslaved by women, and face a one chance in four of being financially massacred and have their lives ruined in the hated fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system. Men are socialized to be manslaves, are cuckoo mothered, nagged to death, have no Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. Women achieved most of their legal rights in the 70s and 80s. Men have yet to go through a similar process, so that there is a greater need now for a masculist movement than a feminist movement. Women have already won most of their gender victories. Men’s war hasn’t really started yet.

328  Masculist Penetration of the Broadcast Media via Major Feminist Events  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes a strategy for masculists to penetrate the broadcast media to spread masculist MGTOW ideas to the general public. It is to attract the attention of the journalists present to report on major feminist media events, e.g. when two prominent feminist intellectuals debate in public. Masculist leaders, the more articulate and charismatic ones, can then pose a masculist oriented question in the Q&A session, that may attract the attention of the journalists, who later contact the masculist and so his masculist message gets reported to the masses, which has to happen if a sex war is to be avoided, when men snap at the massive gender injustices committed against them in the divorce courts, where one father in four is financially massacred and has his life ruined. Women need to vote with men to menfair the gender laws before men can be persuaded to be fathers again, so that our populations do not get wiped out indirectly by the hated fluffie feminist hypocrites, who have taken over the divorce courts.

327  Masculist Rage at the Hated Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites in the Divorce Courts, This is a War Issue!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer asserts that no culture can survive intact when it financially massacres and destroys the lives of a QUARTER OF ITS FATHERS! Sooner or later, men will snap, pick up arms, and go on a sex war, assassinating the gender politicians, who created these massively unjust gender laws, will murder 1000s of feminazi divorce court lawyers and judges, and eventually into the streets and simply shoot these feminazi vermin, who sadistically don’t care about the massive gender crimes they are committing in the divorce courts. This flyer says that if the gender laws are not soon made menfair, there will be a sex war, there will be blood, and many feminazis will be killed. It is a warning that the feminazis do not have the luxury to take lightly. Their very lives are at stake.

326  Ive Had My Fingers Burned by Femaliens Too Often, Becoming a Masculist (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer relates my very negative experiences with 5 of the most significant women in my life, that motivated me to become an angry, hateful, masculist. My story is similar to those of millions of men, which is why we are creating a masculist movement to liberate men from parasitic, immoral, femaliens.

325  A Masculist Rereads Feminist Literature  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my opinions on modern day feminism, after having read recently some dozen feminist books. I was appalled at the level of women’s inability to put themselves into the shoes of men who look at women’s inferior track record and inferior intellectual abilities, and at women’s awful level of isscienacy, i.e. their ignorance of science and their inability to reason scientifically. The irony for the feminazis is that they complain bitterly about the patriarchy, that they hope to remove by legislating women quotas (i.e. equality of outcomes) yet, the patriarchy itself, i.e. male dominance in virtually all fields, is a creation of women themselves, due to women’s hypergamous instinct to mate up, with superior males, whose superior DNA is inherited by the woman’s kids. Thus woman have made men who are bigger, taller, stronger, fiercer, and smarter than women. Thus the feminazis hate something that women themselves created.

324  You Are Gender Politically Ignorant, You Only Know Half the Story  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides a politically, morally, pressuring tactic to shame journalists and feminists, etc into becoming more motivated to study and understand masculist ideas, so that they become more biconscious, being aware that gender oppression is a two way street, so that they demand that society becomes more of a FIP Society, where all adults are FIPs, who don’t manslave men.

323  Masculist MGTOWs Don’t Have to be Nice to Women, Women’s “Masculist Shock”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that masculists who are also MGTOWs, i.e. have no woman in their lives, can attack the fluffie feminist hypocrites and feminazis with much greater intellectual, ideological venom than can most men, since most men are forced to be nice to women, because they want to fuck them. When the masculist MGTOWs get on the broadcast media, to stop the hated feminazis from genociding whole populations,  women will be deeply existentially, shocked by the level of venom of the masculist MGTOW attack on them.

322  My Masculist Annoyance with Turd Flinging Monkey’s (TFM’s) Non Solution to the Feminist Generated Population Crash  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindssvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer strongly disagrees with TFM’s non solution to the feminist generated population crash, i.e. by stripping women of their rights, and pushing them back into the housewife role to have more babies. This is just a return to the old manslavery role for men, so is hotly opposed by the masculists, who aim to free men world wide from manslavery by forcing women to FIP up or to rot on the shelf, totally ignored and punished by men. There are other, smarter, ways to solve the longer term population crash problem, that this flyer discusses.

321  Naffers (Nagging Arrogant Feminazis)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the masculist term “naffer” which is an acronym for “nagging arrogant feminazi.” Today’s women tend to feel they are morally superior to men, due to the influence of feminism, which preaches to women that women are oppressed by men and that men are brutes, so that women feel that their moral arrogance and feelings of moral superiority over men are justified. Masculists know better, being conscious that women oppress men more than vice versa, since women’s gender crimes tend to last decades, e.g. women’s financial parasitism, women’s manslavery, women’s resistance to the legislation of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc. The terms naffer, to naf, naffing, provide ideological ammunition to masculists to hurl back at feminazis when these women naf, with masculist statements such as “Stop naffing, you feminazi bitch!”

320  Accepting the Price I Pay for my Masculist Misogyny against Fluffie Parasites and Fluffie Feminist Hypocrites  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my resignation towards the fact of my universal rejection by women of my masculist misogyny towards fluffie parasites and fluffie feminist hypocrites. I will very probably live the lifestyle of the MGTOW monk for the rest of my life, before masculism is widespread enough in the culture, so that there are enough female masculists for the masculists. That will take a decade or more, so guys, be conscious that if you “come out” publicly as a masculist, that is the price you will pay, until the masculist movement can force women to understand masculist MGTOW ideas. P.S. I tried two different video filmings to get it up on BitChute, but after some minutes of processing, I got both times the message that the video had the wrong format, which it didn’t, so I’m starting to have doubts about BitChute’s so called “Freedom of Speech.”

319  Feminazis Who Remain Monoconscious Will Lose Their Boyfriends Who Become Biconscious  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes one of my better ideas. It provides a strategy to destroy third wave feminism by causing monoconscious feminazis to lose their male feminist boyfriends, as these men become biconscious by being exposed to the media reports on masculist/MGTOW ideas. These men will then see their monoconscious girlfriends as monoconscious bigots, as callous and narrow minded, and will dump them. As millions of men do this, third wave feminism will die out, as biconscious former boyfriends plunge a golden dagger into the heart of third wave feminism, killing it off, seen to be a hated, dangerous, ideology, by both sexes. So as not to lose their male support system for having babies, monoconscious feminazis will convert themselves into being biconscious gender libbers, so that the menfairing of the gender laws for men is made much easier, and whole populations need not be wiped out, as is currently happening, as MGTOW and masculist men reject marriage and paternity, that have been made so toxic by the hated monoconscious feminazis.

318  Thank God for and its Non-Censorship of Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my thanks to for its non-censorship of masculist ideas and not placing time length limits on uploaded videos, unlike which has a 15 minute time length limit. Far worse is YouTube, (JewTube) whose CEO is a Jewish feminazi, who censors masculist videos and channels by either outright deleting them, or, as in my case, de-subscriberizes them, so that in practice, my hit rate on is more than SIX times higher than on JewTube. So, hats off to BitChute! You have my best wishes and my hearty support for what you are doing, i.e. effectively spreading masculist ideas around the world, playing an important role in the liberation of half the earth’s population, and impacting heavily on the other half, who will be forced to adapt to men’s growing gender militancy.

317  Women’s Constant Rejection of my Masculism : Insights for Fourth Quarter Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This video reports on my constant rejection by women, who are appalled by my masculism. I may decide to go full MGTOW monk as a result. It also expresses my anger at the hypocrisy of women towards masculist anger, who totally fail to understand why masculists are so angry. For fourth quarter males (over 60) much lower libidos allow a man to go MGTOW monk rather easily, so that he can ARC (after retirement career) for his final decades, but young men will have problems if they are angry masculists in public, until masculism is so strong and prevalent, that women are forced to react to it and so that many women become female masculists.

316  Becoming Biconscious is Actually Liberating for Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that feminists can liberate themselves more by becoming biconscious, i.e. having both their feminist AND their masculist consciousness raised. The two main benefits of doing this are that biconscious feminists tend to lose their gender bias, their anger bias, and hence become calmer, less stressed, which is better for their longer term health, and the other is that biconscious feminists tend to be less feminazi bitchy, so are more likely to have boyfriends to give them their attention and their penises. The flyer then talks about how to educate women to become more biconscious.

315  The Patriarchy was Caused by Female Hypergamy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at the hypocrisy of 3rd wave feminists who complain about the toxicity of men, at the patriarchy, due largely to their isscienacy, i.e. their ignorance of science, and the dominant role women played in creating the patriarchy in the first place due to women’s sexual preference over 10,000s of generations for men who were taller, bigger, stronger, fiercer, and smarter than they were, i.e. to women’s hypergamy, the female instinct to mate/marry up with a superior male.

314  The Masculist Anti-Nagging-Pro-Nicing Campaign Against Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces a masculist campaign directed against women to force them to nag men less and to become nicer to men, the way they were before monoconscious feminism turned women into misandrist, male dumping, feminazis. Now that men can be armed with masculist ideas, masculist rhetoric, thanks to the existence of masculist text books, men can harangue back at misandrist statements made by women, causing women to fear being harangued by an angry masculist a second time, so these women learn to be nicer to men. Masculists also need to teach women masculism, so that women become biconscious, learning that women oppress men too, so these women lose their anger bias against men, become biconscious, i.e. aware that gender oppression is a two way street, and hence become much nicer to men.

313  The Cultural Cocoon Lifestyle for MGTOW Monks  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the type of lifestyle that I’m currently living, i.e. culturally isolated (the cultural cocoon) and as a MGTOW monk, i.e. no women, doing sage (intellectual, thinker) things that totally engross me, giving me the peace of mind that everyone needs.

312  Why Women’s Instinctive Fear Reaction at Hearing the Word “Masculist” for the First Time?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer asks why women tend to react with fear the moment they hear the term “masculist” for the first time. This fear can be useful to masculist tacticians when the time comes to declare war on the fluffie feminist hypocrites who have taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for men, that 2/3 of young men < 35 refuse to marry, reject paternity, and spend their money on themselves, making these hated fluffie feminists indirect genociders.

311  Masculist Rejection of Princess Snowflakes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my experiences with my first “dating partner” since I returned to Melbourne, i.e. a woman I thought initially, would be quite compatible, since she was very smart, a FIP, an author, whom I respected. However, as she relaxed, her true Princess Snowflake mentality surfaced and as a result we broke up. This first hand account may be useful to younger MGTOWs and masculists, and serve as a lesson as to what not to accept in a woman’s behavior and attitudes.

310  The de Garis Gynandric Brain Scale  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the de Garis gynandric brain scale, a measure of the maleness or femaleness of a human brain, using quantifiable measures taken from near future progress in mapping out the complete connectomes of the human brain, i.e. a list of all interneural connections. This gynandric brain scale may correlate with performance levels, and hence provide ideological ammunition to the masculists to hurl at the feminazis who pretend that women are men’s equals or superiors.

309  Boyfairing (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the concept of boyfairing which is the equivalent for boys of menfairing for men, i.e. creating social customs and gender laws that reduce the level of oppression by women against boys, especially in the female and feminist dominated primary schools, where 90% of teachers are female. Boyfairing legislation needs to be introduced that would create positive discrimination in favor of male primary school teachers by giving them higher salaries until there are roughly equal numbers of male and female primary school teachers. Female broadcast media journalists also need to stop portraying men as bumbling fools so as not to negatively influence boys, crushing their egos, when in reality men are the superior sex. Such male dumping female journalists need to be fined, as well as the media companies that hire them.

308  When Men Get Their Sexbots and Artwombs, they Will Become Much Ruder to Women   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Once men have their sexbots (sex robots) and artwombs (artificial wombs) and are armed with masculist ideas and rhetoric, they will become much ruder to women, utterly rejecting the pretense of the feminazis that women are men’s equals, and will put women in their inferior place, that women have had for millions of years.

307  Compulsory Calculus for all 16 Year Old Soviet Russians, Female and Male : Lessons for Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (mindsvideo)  (bitchutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer sees the fact that in the Soviet Russian era, the study of calculus was compulsory for all 16 year-olds, both male and female, as a powerful historical and realistic precedent for the masculists, who can use this fact when pushing for the creation of a FIP Society.

306  Comparative Hit Rates (YouTube, Minds, BitChute) on My “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” Channel  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives the relative hit rates of some 30 flyers from my “de Garis Masculist MGTOW Flyers” collection of some 300+, to see if YouTube (JewTube) is censoring my masculist opinions., with its much smaller audience, scored a hit rate of 1.6 times that of JewTube.

305  Men Will Dominate Gender Politics  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows why men will dominate gender politics as three factors converge to create a perfect storm of male anger at feminazi hypocrisy, i.e. superior male intelligence and genius, men’s higher performance levels and motivation, due to higher testosterone levels, and as men start using their sexbots and artwombs, they will no longer be motivated to be nice to women, in order to get into their vaginas.

304  “She’s Just Another Monoconscious Feminazi!”  (link) (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the attitudes of most women today towards hearing the term “masculism” for the first time. It is usually hostile and instinctively fearful. The masculists aim to remove the monoconsciousness of women by making them biconscious, i.e. equally aware of how women can oppress men, as vice versa. Those women who remain monoconscious feminazi, and hence feminist bitchy, will not get a man.

303   Now That a Men’s Studies Textbook Exists, Men’s Studies Groups Can Pop Up Like Mushrooms All Over the World  (text)  (YouTubevideo) (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr: This flyer presents ideas on what the world can do now that an e-textbook for Men’s Studies courses exists. It will now be much easier for individual masculists to create a masculist group in every high school, every college, every campus, and in other institutions, e.g. companies, clubs, etc. This e-textbook provides intellectual tools for masculists to lash back at feminazi resistance, and teaches women the advantages of becoming biconscious, i.e. having both their feminist and their masculist consciousnesses raised.

302  Millions of Western Women Will Go Through a Lot of Pain as They Fail to Adapt to Men’s Growing Masculist Anger at Women, so are then Rejected by Men (link) Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo)  (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that in the coming decade or so, millions of western women will go through a lot of pain as they fail to adapt to the rise of masculist anger at women by men, and will be rejected by such men. We will see the equivalent of what happened in the 70s, when millions of western women divorced their traditional husbands who could not adapt to the growing feminist consciousness of their wives.

301  Female Hypocrisy Regarding Masculist Anger  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my masculist anger at the hypocrisy of women regarding masculist expression of anger at fluffies and fluffie feminists. This flyer contains replies from 3 women regarding my masculist views, which make it clear that women do not like these views at all. This makes me think that in the coming decade, millions of women are going to go through a lot of pain as they come to terms with the rise of masculism and MGTOW, as millions of men lash out at the oppression of men by women. This is analogous to what happened to many men in the 70s when many feminist influenced women divorced their husbands because their husbands could not adapt to their wives growing feminist consciousness. Something similar will happen to women as millions of men take up masculist consciousness and force women to FIP up, to grow up and become adults and not expect to parasite off a man, nor be treated as privileged princesses by men.

300 Biconscious Feminists Have an Easier Time Finding a Boyfriend  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that biconscious feminists (i.e. feminists who have had their feminist AND their masculist consciousnesses raised) tend to lose their feminist anger at men, because they can see that women oppress men too. They lose their gender bias, their anger bias, and hence become more approachable by men, because these biconscious feminists are far less bitchy and a lot nicer towards men. Such women are more likely to have a boyfriend, and hence be happier.

299  A Masculist Textbook for Men’s Studies Groups  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer announces my intention of collating my 300+ masculist flyers into a textbook (of 2, perhaps 3, electronic volumes) to be used by men’s studies groups around the world. I plan to have it  done and uploaded for free downloadable distribution before Xmas 2018.

298  An Email Exchange between a Masculist and a Male Feminist Campus Magazine Editor  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer consists of an exchange of three emails between me, the masculist, and the sole male editor (with 3 female coeditors) of Melbourne University’s student monthly magazine. I was knocked back as you will see. As my parting shot, I warned him not to have kids, otherwise he will be playing Russian roulette with only 4 chambers in the barrel. Hopefully this exchange will be enlightening to some male feminists who know nothing about masculist ideas.

297  Mono-Conscious Feminazis : Mono-Conscious Feminists Become Anger-Biased Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why so many feminists become angry at men for men’s oppression of women, but have no clue of women’s oppression of men (e.g. through women’s financial parasitism, their manslavery, their rejection of the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.) Once these mono-conscious feminists (who have had their feminists consciousness raised, but not their masculist consciousness raised) do become conscious that gender oppression is a TWO way street, then they tend to lose their anger, their anger-bias, because they learn that women oppress men badly too, especially with their fluffie parasitism. Raising the consciousness level of women regarding women’s oppression of men, has a sobering effect on them, causing them to be less feminazi and more feminist AND female masculist as they become bi-conscious.

296  “Wesley College Plans to Discriminate against Boys”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Now that I’m starting to settle into my new life in Melbourne Australia, I have the mental energy to reboot my masculist activities. My masculist talents were wasted in the Chinese political shithole, but in Melbourne, I’m in my own linguistic group, and my childhood culture, so have immediate access to the people, and the mentality. I’m now starting a media campaign, to bring masculist thinking to Australia. This flyer is a “letter to the editor” type comment or article on a proposal by the headmistress of my old school, where I spent 11 years of my boyhood, from 2nd grade to 6th form (12th grade). She wants to impose a “girl quota” on her school and went with her lawyer to a tribunal hearing to get an exemption from the anti-discrimination law that exists in the state I live in, Victoria, Australia. I was present at that hearing, presenting the masculist side, telling the presiding judge (female of course) that the headmistress’s girl quota would discriminate against boys, because boys have superior, genetically based, abilities, so that the top scoring boys who would be denied a slot in her expensive elite school, would have superior abilities (be more meritocratic) than the bottom scoring girls who would get a slot. This is discriminatory and should be illegal, but since, I’m getting the impression, Australia is as gynocentric and feminazi infested as the US, the headmistress will probably get her way, at the expense of boys. I will use this letter to approach the newspapers and magazines, i.e. the print and e-zine media in Australia, trying to get a masculist toe hold, to launch a masculist consciousness in this backwater part of the world, that has been so intellectually colonized by America’s overwhelming soft power. (Australia’s population is so tiny, that it doesn’t produce many sages, to have much intellectual impact on the much bigger world.)

295  “MASCULISM : Men’s Rebellion against Manslaving Women”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This is the first de Garis Masculist MGTOW flyer that I have produced since migrating to Melbourne Australia from Xiamen China. I lived 12 years in China. I moved because my second Chinese wife and I lost interest in each other, so I had to move for marriage visa reasons (and increasingly slow Chinese internet speeds, using a VPN). Now that I’m back in my first culture, largely for pension reasons, with immediate access to the culture and the language, I will be able to test whether I am capable of bringing masculist thinking to Australia (that I already did in western Europe in the early 1980s in 7 countries (Belgium, Holland, France, UK, Germany, Denmark, Australia) in 4 languages (English, French, German, Dutch) with over 150 media appearances) , changing the zeitgeist, by bringing the masculist message to the broadcast media, via university student newspapers/magazines. This flyer is an essay that I’m aiming to have published in university campus student newspapers magazines across the country. It is a crystallization of masculist ideas, aimed at university students to teach them that gender oppression is NOT a one way street, and that if women don’t vote with men to menfair the gender laws, then men will punish women severely by refusing to give them babies. Women will then be forced to choose between giving up their privileges in the divorce courts, or having babies. I’m hoping that if my angry masculist approach really flies with the mass media, then I can serve as a model to other masculist leaders in other countries to take the same angry masculist approach, in order to change public attitudes towards two way gender oppression, and then to menfair the gender laws and to create a FIP Society.

294  The Masculist “Freikorps Option”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that the masculists have the “Freikorps Option” i.e. that when push really comes to shove, i.e. when the population really starts to crash, due indirectly to the hated feminazis having taken over the divorce courts and making them toxic for men, resulting in two thirds of young men refusing to marry, refusing to have kids (the critial point) and spending their money on themsleves, then masculist soldiers will go on a sex war into the streets, like the German Freikorps, just after the end of WW1, and shoot the hated feminazi bitches, to stop them from indirectly wiping out whole populations, and then forcing the menfairing of the divorce courts and the menfairing of the gender laws, bringing in the Parer etc.

293  Masculist Lashing of Feminazi Isscienates  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives an example of an angry masculist lashing out at a typical feminazi isscienate, i.e. a woman largely ignorant of science, who believes feminazi garbage that is not based on scientifically verified fact, in fact the opposite. Masculists are out to destroy the feminazis, because feminazis have become genociders, having taken over the divorce courts and made them so toxic for males, that two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. Since feminism is the root cause of this paternity rejection, feminazis are genociders, and have to be stopped. Utterly discrediting feminazi isscienacy is one effective way for masculists to wipe it out.

292  Why are so Many Feminazis Fat Fours?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that a disproportionate number of feminazis are fat fours, because they are using feminism as a form of revenge against men who reject them for being sexually and emotionally repulsive to men. Fat four feminazis are usually not very bright, who tighten the vicious circle they have placed themselves in, by making themselves misandrist, man-dumping, feminazi, bitches, utterly rejected by men. The masculists need to teach society more, that women who aren’t nice to men, WONT GET ONE.

291  Why I Don’t Take Women Seriously  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out why I don’t take women seriously, with opinions appropriate to 6 different categories of women, i.e. women in general, fluffies, fluffie feminists, fluffie FIPs, EMO FIPs, and sage FIPs.

290  How to Destroy Feminism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives two broad approaches on how the masculists, and in time, society as a whole, can destroy feminism, which is now indirectly wiping out whole populations, due to its takeover of the divorce courts, making them so toxic for males that two thirds of young men refuse to marry, refuse to have kids and spend their money on themselves. These two approaches are labeled, a) the Moral Taboo approach, and b) the Intellectual Demolition approach.

289  Fluffies Don’t Get to Vote  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes that fluffies be denied the right to vote as punishment for being child-minded, and irresponsible. Only FIP, adult-minded, responsible women will be given the right to vote. It also discusses how such a scheme could be implemented in concrete terms.

288  Silencing the Feminazis by Intellectually Crushing Them  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes three increasingly violent phases in which masculists aim to stop the feminazis being genociders, wiping out whole populations due to their taking over the divorce courts and making them so toxic for men, that young men refuse to marry, and have kids. The first phase is benign resistance against the feminazis. The second phase is moderate violence against the feminazis. The third phase is an all out sex war in which feminazis are targeted and murdered.

287  With 10 Billion Fewer Neurons in Their Brains, Women Can’t Hope to be Men’s Equals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the strongest simple argument men can use to force women to cease their feminazi delusion of being men’s equals is with the fact that women have 10% smaller brains than men, hence do not invent anything, create anything, build anything. Men build cultures, and women parasite off them. Women will be forced to accept their genetically determined inferior status with men, and vote with men to menfair the gender laws or be treated as children, and stripped of their right to vote.

286  Half Meeting My Nawalt  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer recounts my feelings towards my “half” meeting with a woman I could describe as my nawalt, i.e. for me, a woman I could respect, admire and like.

285  Nurturative FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that it is important for women to be more than FIPs. Women also need to be nurturative FIPs if they are to be attractive to men. The modern feminist woman is often too competitive with her man, even in the home, which is exhausting for the man, who often dumps her, as being insufficiently nurturative towards him. Men want to be nurtured by women the way they were by their mothers as small boys. Women need to be competitive with men in the work place, to be good FIPs, and nurturative at home with their man, if they want to keep him.

284  Feminazi Fairyland  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)   Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer debunks many of the major ideas of feminism, with the aim of causing feminism to stop being believed in, in the same way we stopped believing in witchcraft as we became better educated and lost our old superstitions. Removing the world of the feminazis will go a long way towards liberating men from the oppressions women perpetrate on men.

283  Cuckoo Mothers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer labels a woman who lies to her boyfriend/husband that the baby inside her is his, when in fact it has been fathered by another man, as a “cuckoo mother.” To masculists, cuckoo mothers are criminals, who should be prosecuted. A cuckoo mother parasites off her boyfriend/husband, in expecting his money and labor to pay for the child that is not his. Cuckoo mothers are criminals and should be punished for their crimes. In practice, the Parer (paternity rejection right) should allow the man to reject the pregnancy. If the man believes that the baby is his and the pregnancy goes to term, and he then discovers that the child is not his, and that  his girlfriend/wife has lied to him, then he should have an anti cuckoo mother law he can use to prosecute her.

282  Can Women Grow Up? Male Condescension towards Females  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer asks whether women can truly grow up and behave as responsible adults. With the sexbots and artwombs coming soon, men’s attitudes towards women will harden, and women will be tested to see if they can become responsible adults, by FIPping up, mothering up, voting with men to menfair the gender laws, to stop the population crashing. If not, then men will lose patience, and put their foot down, by stripping women of their rights, and their right to vote in particular. Men will then menfair the gender laws themselves, without women’s help.

281  Male Chauvinism from a Masculist Perspective  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that “male chauvinism” (a feminazi term) or “male dominance” (the equivalent masculist term) is genetically determined, and that masculist scientists should attack fluffie feminist hypocrites to destroy feminazi lies, so that the gender laws can be menfaired, so that men can become fathers again, in order to prevent the genocidal actions of the feminazis who made the divorce courts so toxic for men that 2/3 of young men refuse to marry and refuse to have kids, spending their money on themselves.

280  The Red Pill is Truly Poisonous  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines how relations between the sexes will deteriorate as nearly all men take the red pill, i.e. they learn that women don’t love men, but rather love men’s (s)exploitability. Men will sour at being sexploited and abused by women who evolved to sexploitatively abuse men to extract from them male resources for women’s gain, and their babies. Women will be pushed aside and once again be treated as second class, as has been the norm for thousands of generations.

279  Masculist Riots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that the first MGTOW/Masculist riot will occur before the end of 2020 as dozens of very angry, frustrated, bitter, young men on campus lash out violently against the feminazis, expressing their hatred and intolerance of the increasingly gynocratic society we live in.

278  Experience with as the Preferred MGTOW/Masculist Video Hosting Company (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides pros and cons of using as the preferred video hosting company for the MGTOW/Masculist communities, and argues why, despite its claim to offer freedom of speech, such a reality can only be temporary, before the Jewish Illuminati inevitably take it over.

277  My Men’s Lib Intellectual Trajectory  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my Men’s Lib intellectual trajectory, consisting of 3 phases, 1)the Fluffie Parasite phase, 2) the MGTOW Psychology phase, 3) the Masculist Synthesis phase.

276  Six Wasted Manslave Years  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives my personal history on how and why I become a masculist.

275  Implications of Women’s 10% Smaller Brains and Kurzweil’s 300 Million Pattern Recognizer Hierarchical Brain Model  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that if Kurzweil’s 300 million pattern recognizer hierarchical brain model is correct, then that implies that women have 30 million fewer pattern recognizers than men, hence are incapable of high levels of abstract thought, making them intellectually inferior to men, which is useful for the masculists to prick feminazi arrogance.

274  Masculist Princes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how men can become masculist princes, capable of destroying the princess mentality of many young feminazi princesses today, brainwashed by feminazi rhetoric that is not based on scientific realities, that the masculist princes will blow away.

273  Just How Incapable Are Women? Removing Their Rights?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses how much less capable women are than men, and whether women should be stripped of their rights and sent back to the home to reproduce more, so that our populations do not get wiped out.

272  Masculists Put Enormous Moral Pressure on Women  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)    (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists put such enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up, to become financially independent persons, in order to free men from manslavery, from working for a woman, instead of working for himself, doing what he wants to do with his life. Those women who don’t FIP up are punished by men by being forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, babyless, poor and shunned.

271  Feminists’ Perceived Monopoly of Gender Issues Makes Them Arrogantly Belligerent  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that feminazis are made more belligerent towards men because they believe that gender oppression is a one way street, from men against women. Masculists claim that when feminazis are strongly confronted with masculist ideas, they become more sober, seeing that gender oppression is a two way street. This flyer gives a list of examples of how women oppress men, to enable feminazis to be made more sober.

270, the New Favored Video Hosting Company for the MGTOW Masculist Communities  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests to MGTOW/masculist community content providers that becomes its favored video hosting company.

269  Big John (ex. “MGTOW is Freedom”) Goes Masculist  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer notes that it looks as though Big John, of “MGTOW is Freedom” channel fame, has turned masculist, which opens up the possibility of creating a masculist movement with real political teeth, by combining masculist anger with the threat of manlessness and babylessness against women imposed by the MGTOW boycott of women and paternity, a winning combination.

268  Masculist Defanging of Compulsory Anti-Rape Seminars at Universities for Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a rebellion by masculist freshers who attend a compulsory anti-rape seminar at their university. They attack the fat, ugly, lesbian, women’s studies professor giving the seminar, with a harangue of masculist rhetoric.

267  MGTOW Masculist Video Hosting Company Options  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses video hosting company alternatives to YouTube, now that YouTube is suicidally censoring MGTOW masculist videos and even deleting some MGTOW channels, such as Big John of MGTOW is Freedom. It reviews most of the major hosting companies, and ends up suggesting a compromise combination between Patreon and YouTube.

266  VID.ME, the New Standard Video Hosting Company, Replacing YouTube, for MGTOW, Masculist Videos  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that VID.ME becomes the new standard video hosting company, replacing YouTube, for MGTOW masculist videos.

265  Uploading my Masculist MGTOW Videos to VID.ME  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This brief flyer relates my experience and rationale behind uploading my hundreds of Masculist-MGTOW videos to VID.ME

264  Do FIP (Financially Independent Person) Women Exist?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer rejects TFM’s (Turd Flinging Monkey’s) claim that autonomous self-actualizing women (whom I call FIPs (financially independent persons) do not exist. I give evidence that they do, and emphasize the need that they exist so that the masculists can create a FIP Society, in order to free men from manslavery by wiping out fluffies, converting them to being FIPs.

263  Teaching Feminists Masculism  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo)  (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives a list of reasons why masculists should teach feminists about the main ideas of masculism, and gives suggestions for methods on how to do that.

262  Women as Rights-Given Adults or Rights-Taken Children?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses whether women should be deprived of their rights and particularly their right to vote given their appalling track record that has caused young men to boycott marriage and fatherhood, thus wiping out whole populations. Something has to change. Is there an alternative way to avoid population decline without stripping women of the right to vote?

261  Women’s Hated Amoral Criminality Against Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists some of the main ways women commit amoral crimes against men, making themselves hated by men. These include manslavery, the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts, feminazi man dumping, feminazi doxing of MGTOWs and masculists, and canceling of MGTOW and masculist channels on YouTube.

260  Females Fade Away  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer speculates on the eventual fate of women as several social and technological forces combine to reduce women’s status, e.g. the rise of the sexbots and the artwombs, the spreading of MGTOW red pill knowledge, and the masculist moral pressure on women to FIP up, etc. The future of women does not look bright.

259  Masculists’ Two Main Messages to Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the two main messages masculists push onto women, i.e. 1) FIP up! and 2) Vote with men! (to menfair the gender laws).  If not, then the masculists will use MGTOW tactics to punish women by forcing women to be manless and babyless.

258  Why Do Women Shit-Test Men?  (link)  Part 1  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)   (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer hypothesizes on why women shit test men. It combines modern neuroscience results with evolutionary psychology to posit why women evolved the need to shit test men.

257  Masculists in Women’s Studies Classes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that masculists should attend women’s studies classes on campus to better “know your enemy” when the masculist-feminist gender ideological war heats up, as it must as male students become ever more fed up with the female domination of the universities, and become determined to put their male foot down.

256  MGTOW Channels Platform Migration  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer aims to stimulate a debate as to which video storage platform should become the standard, single alternative to YouTube, now that YouTube has proven itself to be the “platform non grata,” censoring MGTOW/masculist videos. Big John of “MGTOW is Freedom” had his channel terminated by YouTube, and Angry MGTOW has decided to leave YouTube and move to Patreon.  The time is ripe to decide which video platform should become the new YouTube for our two communities.

255  Macro-Social Red Pilling  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts how society will react when most men are red pilled, i.e. they learn that women don’t love them, that they love men’s (s)exploitability. It predicts there will be three phases of reaction, 1) the “Media Catch On” phase, 2) the Politicization of the MGTOWs phase, 3) the Menfairing phase.

254  Feminals : Feminazi Criminals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists the main crimes and transgressions committed by the hated feminazi criminals (feminals) against men and how they can be eliminated.

253  Rethinking Masculist Political Strategy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer irons out some wrinkles concerning masculist political strategy. It spells out how masculists can persuade and force women to become female masculists by threatening them with babylessness or at least manlessness, so that women vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws to free men from manslavery and to remove the current gynocentric society that so oppresses men, particularly in the divorce courts.

252  Masculisting the MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Desr : This flyer imagines a dialog between the author, and a well informed MGTOW YouTube content provider, trying to convert him away from passive apolitical MGTOWism to angry politically active, and effective, masculism. The exchange is rather blunt, pulling no punches.

251  Masculisting the Police  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that the police need to be persuaded by the masculists that it is OK to bitch slap women, particularly feminazi bitches at masculist meetings, that the feminazi bitches are trying to close down, as feminazis become ever more conscious how great an existential threat masculism is, to their feminazi gynocentric agenda, as masculism persuades women to become female masculists to overcome the MGTOW threat of babylessness unless the gender laws are forced to be made menfair by a combined masculist and female masculist combined bloc vote.

250  Masculisting the Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists what the masculists need to do to educate men into the traps of the traditional manslave role, plus related tasks.

249  Masculisting the Companies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculists can defang the feminazis in their companies by haranguing them with masculist rhetoric. Company management needs to recognize that if they don’t put a stop to the feminazification of their companies, their most creative, productive male employees will quit, and the company will not survive the competition in the marketplace. Feminazification is both toxic and dangerous for companies.

248  Masculisting the Teachers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about the alienation of boys in female teacher dominated primary and secondary schools. Male teachers need to be given higher salaries than female teachers so that the ratio of male to female teachers can be made one to one, so that the mental health of boys can be restored. This will require the masculisting of society and the schools.

247  Masculisting the Parents  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives advice on what parents who have been influenced by MGTOW/masculist ideas can teach their children, on how to avoid the traps of a gynocentric society.

246  Masculisting the Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists why masculists have such a hatred of feminazis and how the feminazis can be stopped. Four such reasons are given, 1) feminazi amorality in the divorce courts, 2) fluffie feminist hypocrisy, 3) child minded femaliens, 4) the sex war.

245  Masculisting the Media  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests how the masculists can approach the broadcast media to reach the millions with masculist/MGTOW ideas, so that whole populations can be made menfair.

244  Masculisting the Women  (link)  Part 1 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ( (MGTOWtvvideo) Part 2 (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer lists how masculists need to change women so that women don’t oppress men. There is quite a list.

243  Masculisting the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides ideas on how the masculists can influence the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, particularly menfairing the divorce laws and bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right). The strongest threat against them is assassination. Milder forms, are to convert women into female masculists, so that the combined bloc vote of men and bloc vote of female masculists is 60%. Then the gender laws will be menfaired.

242  Masculisting the Campuses  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives suggestions on how campuses can be influenced by MGTOW/masculist ideas, by setting up masculist groups, and what their goals and activities could be.

241  Masculisting the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents ideas on how the masculists can menfair the feminazi dominated divorce courts, one of the greatest criminal institutions on the planet today.

240  To Twaytwef or to MGTOW Monk?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the decision that many MGTOWs have to face in their lives, namely whether to twaytwef (i.e. have a relationship with a FIP woman, with both the man and the woman having their own apartment, (i.e. 2A2F = 2 apartments, 2 FIPs)), OR, to live the MGTOW monk lifestyle, totally disconnecting from women.

239  Masculisting the MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims the time is ripe for millions of passive apolitical MGTOWs to convert themselves into politically active masculists, by using two breakthrough approaches. One is to threaten young women with babylessness, using the MGTOW paternity boycott, so that they vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws (e.g. divorce laws, bringing in the Parer (paternity rejection right) etc.); and the other is to force women to FIP up (i.e. become financially independent persons) by bothering to get a career competent education to become FIPs as adults, to grow up and take full financial responsibility for their own lives and not parasite off the money of a man, otherwise they are punished by men by not getting one. These two strategies will allow the masculists to fulfill their dream of creating a FIP society, where both men and women are socialized by patents and taught by teachers to be FIPs. The creation of a FIP Society will allow the masculists to achieve their primary political goal of freeing men from manslavery, worldwide, this century.

238  Can Women Fight Their Parasitic Nature?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer questions whether the extensive political agenda of the masculists to create a FIP Society, by forcing women to FIP up and persuading women to vote with men to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, is realistic, given that women evolved to be parasites off men’s resources. Recent evidence is encouraging that the answer is yes. Women may not be happy going against their grain, but at least it looks as though they can do it.

237  Masculist Expectations on Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists the expectations that masculists have regarding women. They include the FIPping of women; forcing women to grow up and behave as responsible adults; voting with men to menfair the gender laws; accepting women’s inferior genetic status; and to be nicer to men or be punished by being manless in the era of sexbots and artificial wombs.

236  Masculist Murderous Hatred of Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer guesstimates that hundreds of feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers are murdered each year in the US, by the ex-husbands they financially massacre and whose lives they destroy, i.e. tens of millions of men over the decades. This flyer predicts that as masculist ideas spread, divorcing men will develop such a hatred against these feminazi butchers, that the murder rate against them will rise to 1000s per year, in the sex war, until the gender laws, especially the divorce laws, are menfaired.

235  The Masculist Tsunami over Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer foresees a situation in a decade or so, when women are drowned by a masculist tsunami that consists of the rise of the art wombs and sex bots, of rejection of relationships with women due to the MGTOWs, of ideological pressure from the masculists, and the general male backlash against feminazi bitches. Combined, these four phenomena will push women into deep existential shock and depression.

234  Masculist Bitch Slapping Guidelines  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents guidelines for masculists on when it is advisable for a masculist to bitch slap a woman or for a group of masculists to collectively bitch slap a group of women, especially feminazis who try to heckle and close down a masculist meeting.

233  Fluffies as Hatable Criminals (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists see fluffies as hatable criminals, as manslavers, as immoral parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out. There are a half billion Chinese women who are still fluffies, expecting their husbands to be manslaves. The world has a long way to go before men are freed from manslavery.

232  A Regendering Plan (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer addresses the problem of population annihilation, due to the MGTOW boycott of paternity and women’s insistence on pursuing their careers into their 30s and only having one kid before they lose their fertility. It suggests measures governments can take by absorbing masculist ideas into their policies.

231  Gender Segregating the Workplace  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer asserts that the MGTOW movement needs to help men go their own way in the workplace as well as in the home, by promoting the idea of gender segregation, i.e. where men and women work in different areas in the company, so that men do not have to put up with femalien feminazi bullshit that so frustrates and annoys them. Those companies not listening to male employees’ growing complaints, risk losing them to other companies, resulting in the risk of bankruptcy.

230  The Most Damning Fact about Femaliens  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims the fact that women have 10% smaller brains in volume is  devastating for women. It means they have 10% smaller neural processing capacity than men, hence are unable to do things that men can. Women invent almost nothing, build almost nothing, create almost nothing, yet expect to be treated with equal respect as men, by men, This is delusional on the part of the feminazis who need to be put in their place. Masculists can hurl this neuroscience fact at the feminazis with devastating effect, due to its enormous ideological power.

229  Why is the U.S. Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) so Impotent?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives my opinions on why I think the US Men’s Rights Movement (MRM) is so impotent. It provides four main reasons.

228  Masculist Militancy  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that masculists need to become a lot more militant to achieve their goals. This flyer suggests militant tactics that could be used, analogous to those used by the suffragettes of a century ago.

 227 Socially Accepting the Masculist Bitch-Slapping of Feminazis  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer claims the feminazis have become genociders. They caused the MGTOWs and masculists to reject marriage and paternity as a reaction against the feminazis having made the divorce courts so toxic for men. These feminazis have to be stopped. This flyer shows this can be done by having masculists bitch-slap feminazis into oblivion, and by having the custom made socially acceptable, because it is needed.

226  Promoting Female Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lays out the reasons why masculists should promote female masculism and gives some concrete tips on how this can be done.

225  Post Gender Lib Male/Female Lifestyles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer depicts a future a few decades away in which nearly all women are FIPs, the gender laws have been menfaired, the Parer (paternity rejection right) has been brought in, the fluffie feminist hypocrites and fluffies in general have been wiped out and men have been freed from manslavery.

224  The Best Masculist Idea I’ve Had in Years  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the best masculist idea I’ve had in years, i.e. the loophole to overcome the “51% female voter argument” which is used to demotivate passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs from becoming angry politically active masculists. The idea is to use MGTOW pressure on women to remain babyless unless women combine forces with men to bloc vote for the menfairing of the gender laws. Once this is achieved, men will be more willing to have kids, since many men want to have kids but don’t dare to in today’s gynocratic world. When 20% of women become female masculists, MGTOW will convert themselves into angry politically active masculists.

223  Masculist Contempt for Women’s Evolved Hypergamous Parasitism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at women’s evolved hypergamous parasitism. Masculists know that women evolved to be parasitic on men, but in today’s contraceptive pill world, women can work, so must work, or be punished by men for being immoral parasitic manslaving vermin, spat at by men and punished by men, by not having one, rotting on the shelf to extinction.

222  Why Masculists Push for Female Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists consider it so important to push women to become female masculists. The main reason is that with women taking the masculists side, then a majority of voters can push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. With millions of female masculists, the passive apolitical wimpy MGTOWs can become angry politically active masculists. The power of the feminazis will be reduced. Women will be nicer to be with, and populations will then not die out.

221  Women Who Dump on Men Don’t Get One  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that young women on campus in the western countries are now learning that “women who dump on men don’t get one.” This lesson needs to be taught to the feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers who are financially crucifying one married father in four. These young women are realizing that they will not be given babies by young men, even if these young women learn to be nice to them, until the gender laws are made men fair, so that young “female masculists” need to combine forces with the masculists to pressure the gender politicians, the divorce court judges and lawyers to menfair the gender and divorce laws.

220  Warning to Feminazi Divorce Court Judges and Lawyers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer warns feminazi divorce court judges and lawyers that if they don’t raise their masculist consciousnesses and menfair the divorce courts, then men will murder them. No culture that financially crucifies a quarter of its married fathers can survive. Men will eventually snap, pick up arms, and murder their oppressors.

219  Bitch Slapping of Feminazi Hecklers at Masculist Talk  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a collective, male, bitch slapping incident at a university talk given by a prominent masculist when feminazi hecklers try to destroy the talk. The men in the audience explode in rage as years of frustration against the feminazi bitches breaks the surface, thus setting a historical precedent, copied around the world.

218  Converting MGTOWs to Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains to MGTOWs that there is a way for them to be active in gender politics without wasting their time and energy. The key idea is to convert women into female masculists by threatening them MGTOW style, with babylessness. For women to have babies the gender laws will have to be menfaired, and that requires women’s help to weaken the female bloc vote by strengthening the male bloc vote by adding to it the female masculist vote.

217  Why Women Need to Become Female Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out why women need to become female masculists, i.e. in order for women to get sperm from men who refuse to marry, who reject paternity in a fluffie feminist hypocrite dominated divorce court system. When women become female masculists and push the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, then men will be more willing to give them their sperm. As many women become female masculists due to the heavy masculist moral pressure on women to FIP up and not be fluffie parasite vermin, then more MGTOWs will convert themselves into angry politically oriented masculists, because it will be realistic and not a waste of time and energy for them to get into gender politics.

216  Female Intellectual Inferiority : Basic Facts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists how men are intellectually superior to women, thus providing intellectual ammunition to be memorized by men who are fed up with the isscienate fairy PC bullshit coming from feminazi propaganda. Men can use their superior intelligences and much more verbally violent abilities to blow away these feminazi bitches.

215  Refuting the MGTOW “51% Female Voter” Argument  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how the standard argument used by the MGTOW to not bother being political, unlike the masculists, can be refuted, by using masculist ideas to so change the gender climate that about 65% of the population votes for menfairing the gender laws, i.e. persuading a lot of women to become female masculists in order to get men’s attention back.

214  The Male Frontal Lobe Switch-Off  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the male frontal lobe switch-off, i.e. the neurophysiological phenomenon of men’s frontal lobes switching off when in the presence of their female sexual partners. The frontal lobes are responsible for longer term planning and critical thinking. Nature has conspired to make men dumbed down when in the presence of their female sexual partners, so men need to know about this and do their critical thinking and make judgements of their female sexual partners when NOT in their presence, so that their frontal lobes are switched ON.

213  From Masculist Vision to Masculist Agenda  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how the main vision of the masculists, i.e. the creation of a “FIP Society” which would solve so many of men’s gender issues, can be achieved through the masculist agenda of putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIP up or be punished by men by not having one, and then menfairing the gender laws in a culture thoroughly educated by masculists into masculist ideas.

212  Men’s Sexbot/Artwomb Revenge on Women (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about the sweetness of the revenge men will feel against the gender crimes committed by women against men, when the sexbots and artwombs come, allowing men to ignore women, preferring to grow their own kids and to sex their bots which will do a better job of satisfying men than women can. Women will then go into deep existential shock and depression as men ignore women in droves.

211  Masculist Ambivalence towards MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer spells out the main differences in approach towards men’s lib taken by the MGTOW and the masculists. MGTOW are largely apolitical and passive. Masculists are warriors, who fight, who are very moralistic and in your face, putting enormous moral pressure on women to FIPup or be punished by men by not having one.

210  FIPping the Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer shows how masculists plan to force women to be FIPs (financially independent persons) by totally ignoring them if they are not. Masculists are very moralistic with women, telling them to FIPup or rot on the shelf, for being immoral, parasitic, manslaving vermin, to be wiped out.

209  MGTOW Castles Masc Cops  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer complains about the political passivity of the MGTOW, who build castles to protect themselves from a gynocentric culture, whereas masculists aim to police the culture so that women are forced to be menfair.

208  Menfairing the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows what needs to be done to menfair the divorce courts.

207  Forcing Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how masculists can force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. If they don’t, then the masculists, and MGTOWs, will continue to reject paternity, and hence wipe out whole populations.

206  Asian Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer relates two of my own very negative experiences with Asian women, both of whom were fluffies in their expectations towards men.

205  Masculist Power  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows the power that men have to force women to FIPup, i.e. become FIPs or be punished by men for being fluffies, who will not get a man, being forced to rot on the shelf, manless, loveless, sexless, childless and spat at.

204  Masculism (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer maps out the main ideas of masculism, i.e. men’s lib, freeing men from the fetters of the traditional man slave role of the male.

203  Grandfather Masc Advice to 17yo Fluffie  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks to a 17 year old fluffie, warning her to study career competent majors at high school and college, else be punished by men, by not having one when she is older.

202  MGTOW are Political Wimps  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how MGTOWs are such political wimps, not bothering to get off their a-political arses and fight for men’s issues, to menfair (the verb) the gender laws, particularly against the financial massacring of men in the divorce courts.

201  Fluffie Moms and Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses the contempt that masculists have towards fluffie moms, who expect to parasite off men’s money, sitting on their fat lazy arses at home with the kids that SHE wants.

200  MGTOWs Lack Solidarity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) ((MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses annoyance at the lack of solidarity towards men shown by MGTOWs, who simply quietly walk away from marriage and fatherhood, who do not act politically to organize a men’s movement with political teeth, to menfair the gender laws that are so unjust towards men.

199  Dead Beat Moms (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideeo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at dead beat moms, i.e. fluffie women who do not bother to get a career competent education, and expect men to pay for them to have babies. Such dead beat moms are definitely the enemy of the masculists.

198  Fluffies, MGTOWs, Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is a long letter to Sandman, a prominent MGTOW, telling him about masculism which differs from MGTOW, in being a lot more political. It was written before I had a good knowledge of the basic ideas of MGTOW, which I later absorbed into masculism as a subset, as a tool to use MGTOW tactics to punish women, if they do not FIP up, i.e. become FIPs (financially independent persons.)

197  The Impact of Women’s Ten Billion Fewer Neurons (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the impact on feminism and for masculist pushback, of the fact that women have ten billion fewer neurons in their brains. It lists, as a result, the many achievement inferiorities of women compared to men, the superior sex.

196  Title : MASCULIST-MGTOW Glossary (Part 2)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is Part 2 of a 2 part Glossary of MASCULIST-MGTOW terms. Anyone who wishes to have a quick overview of the ideas of the Masculists and the MGTOWs can study the definitions of the terms in this 2 Part Glossary. Part 2 consists of terms starting with letter M to Z.

195  MASCULIST-MGTOW Glossary (Part 1)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is Part 1 of a 2 part Glossary of MASCULIST-MGTOW terms. Anyone who wishes to have a quick overview of the ideas of the Masculists and the MGTOWs can study the definitions of the terms in this 2 Part Glossary. Part 1 consists of terms starting with letter A to M.

194  Confronting Feminazis (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a bitter hateful confrontation between a divorced single mother feminazi and a MGTOW/masculist in a hamburger restaurant in the year 2020, once MGTOW/masculist ideas have gone mainstream and women are very aware of the existence and threat of MGTOW/masculist strategies.

193b  MASCULISM, i.e. MEN’S LIB : THE CORE IDEAS (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr: This five minute video gives a brief summary of the core ideas of Masculism, i.e. men’s lib, freeing men from manslavery, and from many legal and societal discriminations against men.

193a Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis Starts His Own “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS” YouTube Channel (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer announces the creation of a new YouTube channel called “de GARIS MASCULIST MGTOW FLYERS” which has me reading aloud some 200 odd MGTOW/Masculist flyers (2-3 page essays) on masculist and MGTOW themes.

192  Title : I Strongly Disagree with You, Howard Dare  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer strongly disagrees with Howard Dare, a well known MGTOW YouTube content producer, who thinks that women “cannot bring home the bacon” i.e. are not capable of being FIPs (financially independent persons). This view of his runs so counter to the core of masculist thinking that it is a red flag to masculists, who push hard, and put strong moral pressure on women to FIPup or be punished by men by not having one. If women want to eat, they will be forced to adapt, and adapt they will.

191 The Hated Frankist Satanist Jewish Banksters Have Destroyed the West More than Fluffie Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)  

Descr : This flyer states that the hated Frankist Satanist Jewish banksters have done more damage to western economies than have the fluffie feminists. It attempts to educate the ignorant on the basics of how the Jewish banksters have destroyed western economies as part of their grand strategy to rule the world from Jerusalem, and later to wipe out the goy, i.e. their NWO (New World Order). This flyer expresses my suspicion that these Jewish banksters have helped engineer the sex war by bribing the gender politicians to pass divorce laws that are toxic for men, causing men to hate women, and thus create a huge distraction, while the Jewish banksters continue to rob the people of half their taxes and push them into paying for endless wars.

190  FIPup or be Manless : The Core Strategy of the Masculists   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer disagrees with Howard Dare, who says that it is not a good idea for women to study STEM (science, tech, engineering, math) majors because they are not built for it. The masculists are pushing for the creation of a FIP Society, in which both sexes, especially women, are socialized and educated to be FIPs, which means studying STEM and the professions to become good FIPs, so that men can be liberated from manslavery, etc. Women are adaptable, and we men have the power to FORCE women to be FIPs or be totally ignored by men, ignored to death.

189 Twaytweffing = The Lifestyle that Gives Men Regular Sex Without Paying the Traditional Price of Being a Manslave to a Fluffie Parasite  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pushes the twaytweffing lifestyle, that allows men to have regular sex with a woman, without having to pay the traditional price of being a manslave to a hated fluffie parasite. MGTOW/masculist men will only twaytwef with women who are FIPs and have their own apartments, hence the lifestyle name (2A2F= two apartments, two FIPs). Twaytweffing forces a woman to remain nice to her man otherwise he can walk away so easily, cost free for him.

188  Suppressing Women’s Parasitic Nature  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Decr :  This flyer emphasizes the idea that even though women evolved to be parasites on men’s resources, women can learn to suppress their evolved parasitic nature by becoming FIPs (financially independent persons) or be punished by men, by simply not having one. The masculist political strategy for forcing women to FIPup is to ignore to death those fluffies who don’t bother to become career competent FIPs, thus wiping them out. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery, world wide, this century, by wiping out the fluffies and fluffie feminists.

187  Masculism is Political  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer complains that both Sandman and the newer Howard Dare do not devote enough time and energy to talking about how to CHANGE the gender status quo, that is so detrimental to men. They both paint a vivid picture of the gender injustices to men, but say almost nothing about how to change the gender climate and the gender laws so that they are fairer to men.

186 MGTOW Political Passivity, Masculist Political Activism (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the difference between the MGTOWs and their political passivity and the more in your face political activism of the masculists. It gives an example of a speech a masculist would hurl at a hypocritical fluffie feminist who tries to shame-language a man into being a manslave to a fluffie parasite.

185  The Feminazis Have Become Genociders : They Have to be Stopped (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : The fluffie feminazis have taken over the divorce courts and imposed their hypocritical fluffie feminist standards onto them, treating men as cash machines, who are the enemy to be abused. With one married father in four being financially massacred in these courts today, 2/3 of young men in the major countries refuse to marry, refuse to have kids, and spend their money on themselves. They are MGTOWs. Thus indirectly, the fluffie feminazi bitches have become genociders because they are causing young men to reject paternity, thus wiping out whole populations.  This flyer pushes men to express their hatred of the fluffie feminazi genocide of whole populations. These feminazis have to be stopped!

184  De-Princessing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Young feminazis behave like princesses, expecting men to cater to their every whim. These princesses are imbibed with feminist rhetoric and treat young men like shit. This flyer gives men a counter ideology, namely MGTOW/masculism, that men can use to lash out against feminazi princesses, deflating their inflated egos and putting fear into their souls of not getting a man to give them babies.

183  Hypergamy is Inherently Parasitic  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer makes the claim that female hypergamy (i.e. women always looking out for a male spouse with higher socio-economic status) is inherently parasitic. Masculists have as their main political goal, the creation of a FIP society, in which all adults are FIPs (financially independent persons) and not parasitic on another person. But women evolved to be hypergamous, to be fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man), to be prostitutes to men, bargaining access to vagina for male protein. Women are being FORCED by the masculists to reject their evolved hypergamy and to become FIPs, as a matter of moral principle, or be left poor and manless.

182  The Hypocrisy of Fluffie-Feminists (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the hypocrisy of the fluffie-feminists, who want equal rights with men, but reject equal obligations with men, i.e. sharing equally the burden of earning the living. Most feminists are still fluffies in their expectations of men, seeing men as cash machines. The divorce courts have been taken over by the fluffie feminists, and are now financially massacring roughly one in four married fathers, which is a massive injustice against men. This flier maps out a political program to FORCE women to be FIPs and to men-fair the gender laws.

181  MGTOW/Masculism, BABY Farms, and Eugenics (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses what governments can do in those modern countries whose populations are dropping due to the influence of MGTOW/masculist ideas on motiving men to reject marriage, paternity, and spending their money on themselves. One idea is the baby farm, where governments give women subsidies to have babies via artificial insemination from quality male donors, thus having a eugenic effect on their populations.

180  Why MGTOWs/Masculists Despise Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why MGTOW/masculists have such a contempt for fluffie parasites, who exploit men as manslaves. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out fluffies by refusing to have anything to do with them, twaytweffing only with FIP women. Fluffies are doomed to die out through moral pressure from men.

179  MGTOW-Masculist Alternative Life Styles for Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer concentrates on MGTOW-masculist alternative lifestyles for men, who reject being manslaves to fluffie parasites and spend their money on themselves, living life styles of their own choice, being free, doing what they love, rather than being manslaves to immoral, parasitic, manslaving fluffie vermin.

178  MGTOW-Masculist Anti-Fluffie Campaign at High Schools  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer pushes for a MGTOW/masculist anti-fluffie campaign in high schools to force young women to become FIPs-EMOs, otherwise they will face enormous moral pressure from their male class mates, who refuse to become manslaves, parasited upon by fluffie crapper females.

177 MGTOW-Masculist Anger at Women Seeing Men as Cash Machines  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer express my anger as a masculist against women’s evolved trait of judging men by men’s EQ (exploitability quotient) i.e. by how much can she extract from him in money terms. MGTOWs/masculists exert enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs-EMOs (financially independent persons) and having equal moral obligations with men, so that women will be forced to suppress their evolved behavior of seeing men as cash machines or be punished by being manless.

176  MGTOW/Masculist Consciousness Raising of High School Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about the need to increase the level of consciousness raising of MGTOW/masculist ideas in high school males around the world, so that young men can avoid the traps set by fluffie crappers to manslave young men to pay for fluffie parasites.

175  Are Women Children or Just Lazy?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer disagrees with the opinion of TFM (Turd Flinging Monkey) that women are children. As he puts it “Women are fuckable children with tits!” If women were children there would be no point to the masculist political goal of creating a FIP society, by forcing women to become FIPs or rot on the shelf. Evidence shows that women can act as responsible adults, but will have to be forced to by men.

174  MGTOW/Masculist Power against Fluffies, Fluffie Feminists, and Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes the power MGTOWs/masculists have to counter fluffies, fluffie feminists and gender politicians, to help liberate men. We have the power to wipe out fluffies, to discredit fluffie feminists for their non EMO (equal moral obligations) hypocrisy, and forcing the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws or we will wipe out whole populations by continuing our paternity strike.

173  EMOs : Women Who Accept “Equal Moral Obligations” with Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that women being FIP is not enough to liberate men from fluffie feminism and the financial parasitism of fluffies. Women also need to be EMO, believing that women have the moral duty to be menfair, and not gynocentric tyrants.

172  Hey Femalien! If you want a kid, you’ll have to pay for it yourself!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that women only have themselves to blame for the paternity strike, having made the divorce courts toxic to men once the fluffie feminists took them over. Women need to not only become FIPs they also need to become EMOs (equal moral obligations) i.e. feel they have a powerful moral obligation to be FIP and NOT parasite off a man. If not, then men will continue to let them rot on the shelf to extinction, which is MGTOW/masculist punishment of women for being fluffies, for not being FIPs, for not being EMOs.

171  A MGTOW/Masculist Talks to a Manslave  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a MGTOW/masculist talking to a manslave who has regrets about locking himself into a financial cage by having a kid with a fluffie wife. It spells out the advantages to men of not being manslaves but rather being MGTOWs/masculists, i.e. men’s libbers.

170  The Coming Civil (Sex) War  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer predicts that if the massive gender injustices against men continue, there will be warfare as militant “John Brown” like MGTOWs/masculists and their disciples take the law into their own hands, since the current law does not look out for them.

169  MGTOW-Masculism : A Decade On  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines where the MGTOW/masculist movements will be a decade from now. It anticipates the broadcast media breakthrough, the establishment of men’s lib groups in every high school and college, the moral pressuring of young women to be FIPs, and the forcing of the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws or the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to reject paternity and hence annihilate the population.

168  My Contempt for MGTOW’s Apoliticality  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my contempt for MGTOW’s apolitical passivity in not getting out there to spread the MGTOW/masculist ideas to the general public, especially to women to force them to stop expecting men to be manslaves to them, to pay for them to live in middle class houses so that women can raise their kids in them. The whole gender political zeitgeist needs to be changed and that will take political action on the part of the MGTOWs/masculists.

167  Using MGTOW’s Strongest Political Argument  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that MGTOWs who have up till now been rather politically passive, should use the “population annihilation argument” to force society and the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws. This argument is the nuclear weapon of the MGTOWs/masculists and should be used to huge effect.

166  Levering Young Women’s FIPification (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo

Descr : This flyer says that it is a good thing that young women are studying FIP majors (e.g. STEM) equally with men but that only half the battle for men’s lib has been won. This flyer concentrates on what needs to be done to win the other half.

165  Female STEM Field Statistics, High School and College  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives percentages of males and females in 12th grade high school and at college who study STEM related fields. Females are studying such fields at about a three quarter rate as males, which is very encouraging for masculists/MGTOWs who are pushing women to be FIPs.

164  MGTOW/Masculist Power  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives four powerful arguments the MGTOWs/masculists can use to help liberate men.

163  MGTOW/Masculist Lifestyles for Fourth Quarter Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as MGTOW/masculist ideas spread to the whole community, fourth quarter males (> 65) will be influenced. Since they have much lower testosterone levels than younger men, they are freer to abandon femaliens and devote the final decades of their lives doing what they love, which will give them real satisfaction and peace of mind.

162  The MGTOWs/Masculists Go for the Broadcast Media Big Hit (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows the email sent to RT (Russia Today) suggesting Sophie&Co to make a program called “The Paternity Strike”. If the host of this interview show, Sophie Shevardnaze, the granddaughter of the famous Russian political leader agrees, then 100s of millions of people world wide would see it. It would truly launch the mens lib movements in the world.

161  MGTOW/Masculist Small Potatoes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the broadcast media will soon latch on to the major message of the MGTOWs/masculists that “If society is not made menfair, and the gender laws are not made menfair, then the MGTOWs/masculists will wipe out whole populations by continuing their rejection of paternity!” Once that happens the prominent MGTOW bloggers of today will have to change their strategies a bit by giving interviews on the media, especially TV, and thus blowing their anonymity.

160  Career Brainwashing, the Paternity Strike, and China  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about the lack of MGTOW/masculist movements (or any movements, for that matter) in China, so that Chinese men remain manslaves to lazy parasitic fluffie wives. When China democratizes, Chinese men will be shocked by western MGTOW/masculist ideas.

159  The MGTOW/Masculist Impact of the Chinese White Dragon Dejewbanksterfication  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about Jim Willie’s claim that the ancient ultra-rich Chinese “White Dragon” families, with 150,000 tons of gold are pushing the Jewish banksters out of power and crashing the dollar as the world reserve currency. If the Jewish banksters leave the western scene, hopefully a new batch of gender politicians, uncorrupted, will menfair society and the gender laws.

158  Seeking the MGTOW/Masculist Broadcast Media Big Event  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that a big media event such as getting on RT’s (Russia Today’s) SophieCo with its billion views would have a major impact on getting MGTOW/masculist ideas across to the general worldwide public. It would be a big event.

157  MGTOW/Masculist Moral Pressure on Women to Adultify  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how masculists particularly, put enormous moral pressure on women to behave as adults, by getting FIP educations, pulling their own financial weight, not being lazy and putting the blame for their inferior female status in society on men. Masculists morally pressure women in order to create a FIP Society, one of the fundamental goals of the masculists.

156  Politicizing MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOW should politicize, now that it is armed with a powerful new idea, namely the “population annihilation argument” which says that if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws and society in general, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipe out the population by continuing to reject paternity. The gender politicians and society will be forced to listen due to the power of this argument/idea.

155  Menfairing Manifesto for Japan  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is indirectly addressed to the Japanese minister for population and gender equality, suggesting measures to persuade men to stop rejecting paternity that has already caused Japan’s population to decline. The two main measures are the push to make Japanese women FIPs and to menfair the gender laws. Then Japanese men will be more inclined to be fathers.

154  My Growing MGTOW/Masculist Souring Towards Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains my growing sourness towards women, as my libido dries up as I approach 70, so I see women more as childlike prattlers whom I cant take seriously nor respect. I may spend the fourth quarter of my life being a full MGTOW, to get some peace and quiet to do what I really love, i.e. advanced math and physics.

153  MGTOW’s Biggest Mistake  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOWs should be a lot more political, by using their strongest argument, i.e. that if society and the gender politicians, do not menfair the gender laws and society in general, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to boycott paternity and wipe out whole populations – the “population annihilation argument.”

152  Women’s Narrower Horizons Make Them Boring  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that women are boring to men, and that men only tolerate women’s much narrower horizons, if the sex is good. But the sexbots are coming, so men will sex them instead and become less tolerant of women’s narrower horizons and many other faults. The result will be that more men will walk away from women.

151  The Sexbot, Artwomb World  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer speculates on what the world will be like after men invent the sexbot and the artwomb (artificial womb). Women will go into deep depression as they lose their monopoly over sex control and having babies. Women will be forced to be FIPs. Men will be freed from the traditional price of being a manslave to a bloody fluffie to get sex and kids.

150  Punishing Female Laziness  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer show how men suffer as a result of female laziness. MGTOWs/masculists put pressure on women to be more energetic, more FIP, etc to liberate men.

149  I’m More Than a Cash Machine, You Bitch!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says it is not enough for a woman to be a FIP (financially independent person) to be considered worthy by a man of having a twaytwef relationship with. She also needs to learn to suppress her evolved mono-dimensional criterion for judging a man, i.e. according to his exploitability by her. Men despise being seen as cash machines for women, and are walking away from such women in droves.

148  The MGTOW/Masculist Combat against Women’s Ingrained/Evolved Expectations that Men Should Pay for Them to Have Babies   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at women’s ingrained/evolved attitude that men are put on this earth to pay for women to have babies. Masculists put enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs and pull their own financial weight, and not see men as cash machines to pay for them to raise kids.

147  MGTOW and Loneliness  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes how a MGTOW can compromise to some extent with a woman by skype-ing her at a distance on a regular basis, thus getting a bit of female company without having a live-in nagging bitch on your butt.

146  Fluffie Divorcee Brainwashing of her Kids   (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer hits out at fluffie divorcees who brain wash their kids about their ex-husband.

145  Massive MGTOW/Masculist Broadcast Media Publicity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests I might be able to do with MGTOW/masculism what I have just done for the issue of species dominance (i.e. should humanity build artilects, artificial intellects, godlike massively intelligent machines, that might decide to wipe out humans when they become a lot smarter than us). I was interviewed for half an hour on RT (Russia Today)’s “Sophie and Co.” so a billion (with a B) people will see the video, she says.

144  MGTOWs Don’t See the (Jewish Bankster) Big Picture  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses frustration that most MGTOWs are unaware that they are being manipulated by Jewish banksters to increase strife between the sexes, to distract attention away from what the Jewish banksters are planning, i.e. the creation of the NWO, a Jewish bankster ruled world government, and then to wipe out the goy, to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy that the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists believe in.

143  Living in the MGTOW/Masculist Generated Population Crash  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer portrays what life might be like during the MGTOW/masculist generated population crash. It presents various attitudes from different groups as the population tumbles.

142  The Pinking of Red Piller Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as millions of men have their MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, those women who express openly their evolved criteria for judging men based on men’s exploitability, will be increasingly rejected and shunned by men, forcing women to suppress their true, DNA based, exploitative, nature regarding men.

141  The FIP Society  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes what is needed to create a FIP society, i.e. one in which all adults are FIPs who do not parasite on the money of another person. So much follows from this masculist vision, that is their main political aim.

140  Gender Crimes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes gender crimes committed by women against men, and how they can be stopped.

139  MGTOW, MRM, Masculism : How Do They Differ?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the similarities and differences between MGTOW, Men’s Rights Movement, and Masculism. It claims that masculism is a super set of MGTOW, and MRM, and a lot more political than both, putting enormous moral pressure on women to be FIPs or they don’t get a man, etc.

138  MGTOW-Masculist Punishment of Second Halver Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is aimed at women, claiming that if first halver women (<40) are not nicer to men, they will be punished by being ignored by men in the second half of their lives. 40% of women over 40 in the US live alone. This flyer explains some of the reasons why.

137  The Core MGTOW/Masculist Problem is not the Fluffie Feminists, but the Jewish Banksters  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer states that the greatest enemy of the MGTOWs/masculists are the Jewish banksters who hate us and are planning to wipe out the goy, once they have taken over the world. These Jewish banksters will not allow their bribed gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because they want to continue their divide and conquer strategy by keeping men and women in conflict, and especially having MGTOWs wipe out the goy population by rejecting paternity.

136  MGTOW-Masculist Punishment of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how women are being punished by MGTOWs/masculists for being fluffie parasites, for being feminazi bitches, for financially massacring divorcing fathers in the divorce courts, etc. Our main strategy is to force fluffies and fluffie feminists to rot on the shelf by being totally ignored by men. Men have the power to force women to be nice to men or they will be punished.

135  MGTOW-Masculism for Second Halver (> 40) Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces MGTOW-Masculist ideas to second halver (> 40) men, dividing this category into two, the third quarter males and the fourth quarter males, which each have their own gender issues, as a function of their age range.

134  Dictatorships, East and West  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is depressing. It shows that the western dictatorships by the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists is worse that the dictatorship of the Communists in China, in terms of the number of people the Jewish banksters have killed. Maybe soon, there will be no freedom of speech anywhere. With the Jewish banksters remaining in power, they will not menfair the gender laws, because the MGTOW/masculist rejection of paternity is a very efficient and cheap method of wiping out the goy, which is what the Jewish banksters want to fulfil their Talmudic prophecy.

133  The Penis as Bargaining Tool  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how men can reverse the traditional strategy of women, i.e. trading use of their vaginas for male protein, by giving women penis and attention, ONLY if they are FIPs. Fluffies are ignored by MGTOWs/masculists, as punishment for being manslavers.

132  The Clashing Agendas of the Jewish Banksters and the MGTOW/Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that the agenda of the Jewish banksters to fulfill the Talmudic prophecy of Jews ruling the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, then wiping out the goy, clashes with the MGTOW/masculist agenda of creating a FIP Society, with menfair gender laws. If the Jewish banksters succeed in creating police states ruled by them in the US, Europe and Japan, then they will continue the massive injustice against men in the divorce courts, so that MGTOWs/masculists continue to reject paternity, thus wiping out the goy, which is what the Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists want.

131  Rejecting the Female Child Mind  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how the MGTOW/masculist rejection of child minded fluffies who don’t take responsibility for their own lives, will cause a genetic filtering of women, resulting in women who are more FIP, more responsible and better suited to MGTOWs/masculists.

130  MGTOW-Masculist Political Agenda  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the idea of POPULATION ANNIHILATION is so powerful (i.e. if the gender politicians don’t menfair the gender laws, and menfair society, then the MGTOWs/masculists will continue to wipeout whole populations by continuing to reject paternity) that it should be the lynch pin of a MGTOW/masculist political agenda to achieve MGTOW/masculist goals.

129  MGTOW’s/MASCULISM’s FORMIDABLE WEAPON  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer aims to persuade MGTOWs that it is NOT a waste of time to try to persuade the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws, because MGTOWs/masculists have a formidable weapon, namely the power to wipe out whole populations by continuing to refuse paternity. The MGTOWs/masculists should push this threat politically onto society, to women, to men, to journalists, to feminists, to the gender politicians, until men get gender justice.

128  MGTOW-Masculism Now Penetrating the Main Stream Media  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives the link to a BBC radio interview of British MGTOWs, the first of its kind, as far as I know. However I felt it lacked punch, so I put into this flyer what I would have said if I had been interviewed.

127  MGTOWs’/Masculists’ Enemies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists the main enemies of the MGTOWs/masculists, and explains why they are enemies – fluffie crappers, fluffies, fluffie feminists, gender politicians, and the worst, the hated Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists, whom everyone hates (if they are informed.)

126  How Do MGTOW and Masculism Relate?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives my thoughts on how the two men’s lib movements MGTOW and masculism relate to each other, their agreements, their differences, their mutual influence, etc.

125  Female Ignorance of MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the fact that women are almost totally ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas, so need to be educated, along with society in general, about MGTOW/masculist ideology, particularly the male rebellion against working for women, being manslaves to women.

124  Should MGTOWs/Masculists Tway with Fluffies? (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses the question whether MGTOWs/masculists should tolerate having a “tway” (2A = two apartment) relationship with a fluffie. What are the pros and cons?

123  Punishing the MOB (Money over Brains) Psychology of Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how the evolved/genetically determined MOB psychology of females can be punished by MGTOWs/masculists, forcing them not to look on males as cash machines and learning to suppress their MOB psychology.

122  Don’t Be the Only MGTOW/Masculist on Campus  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests how a lone MGTOW/masculist on his campus can get his message off the ground amongst the 10,000s of students at his university.

121  Fluffie Criminality  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer gives a handful of examples of fluffie criminality, i.e. ways in which fluffies abuse men by acting criminally towards them.

120  Women’s Hockey Stick Awareness Moment of MGTOW-Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts how millions of women will react when they finally become conscious that they will never have babies due to millions of men having gone MGTOW/masculist, refusing marriage and paternity.

119  MOB Female BOM Male, Oil and Water  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer talks about a type of relationship between a MOB (money over brains) woman and a BOM (brains over money) man that is intrinsically doomed, given the genetic natures of men and women.

118  Women’s Future Massive Inferiority Complex  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that as society becomes MGTOW/masculist dominated, fluffies die out, FIP women cant compete with FIP men, and the sexbots and artificial wombs are invented, then women will fall into a deep collective inferiority complex that they are genetically incapable of getting out of.

117  MGTOW-Masculist Differences Between 1st and 2nd Halver Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists some different options that 2nd halver (>40) MGTOW/masculists have compared with 1st halver (<40) MGTOWs/masculists.

116  MGTOW-Masculist Bullets for High School-College Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer summarizes the main MGTOW/Masculist ideas for high school and college males to change their lives, and to use as bullets against arrogant feminazis.

115  MGMTOW : Men Going Mostly Their Own Way  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my own lifestyle, that is not fully MGTOW, nor purple pill either.

114  MGTOW Avoids the Problem, Masculism Solves It  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer criticizes MGTOWs for their lack of a solution to men’s and society’s gender roles problems. MGTOW is seen as a component to a broader plan to free men and save humanity from wiping itself out due to the paternity strike.

113  How Red is the Red Pill?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer plays devil’s advocate with MGTOW’s most famous idea, i.e. the red pill, that women don’t love men, they love men’s exploitability. It claims that a FIP woman would not be red pill, but my own experience shows that a FIP woman can still be red pill, so the suspicion is that women EVOLVED to be red pill parasites on men.

112  A Gender Political Clash with my Sister over Child “Abandonment”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer describes a gender political clash I have with my sister over who should pay  for the kids after a divorce, she with her “fluffie FIP” attitudes, and I with my masculist attitudes.

111  The “High from Learning” Lifestyle  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes a lifestyle for MGTOWs/masculists who are sages and love learning, getting highs from learning beautiful, powerful new stuff, and want to increase the frequency of these “oh wow!” moments.

110  Inferiorizing High School Females  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides arguments and facts to high school boys to prick the insufferable arrogance of high school feminists, to inferiorize them and bring some reality to their feminist minds.

109  How Many Years Before the Western Gender Politicians Panic?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the western gender politicians will be panicking over the MGTOW/masculist generated paternity strike within 5-10 years as their populations drop by up to 10% over that period. The threat of whole populations being wiped out due to the menunfair gender laws, will FORCE gender politicians to menfair them.

108  The Nawalting of Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains how men can force women to behave as though they are nawalts, even though they aren’t, by forcing women to choose between twaytweffing or being manless. A woman in a twaytwef relationship HAS to behave like a nawalt, or she gets dumped, cost free for the man.

107  What’s the Next Step?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes that the next step for men is to form men’s lib groups in high schools and colleges, now that there are already a ton of MGTOW/masculist videos on YouTube. The time is ripe for the next step.

106  Scaring the Fluffies/Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer claims that the time is ripe for masculists/MGTOWs to get out into the streets (high schools, campuses, media, etc) to preach MGTOW/masculist ideas to change women’s attitudes, so that men can benefit from these changes, particularly when women have the moral expectation to be FIPs and not parasite on a man, and have women put moral pressure, along with men, on the gender politicians, to menfair the gender laws, that today are so biased against men, especially in the divorce courts.

105  Selecting Your Woman with MGTOW/Masculist Criteria  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer ranks various categories of women according to their attractiveness/repulsiveness for having a relationship with, as judged by MGTOWs/masculists.

104  Living Together Apart : A MGTOW Compromise  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes my relationship with my Chinese wife, which may be informative to MGTOWs because it shows a textbook case of female hypergamy.

103  Science is the Greatest Enemy of the Hated Jewish Bankster Satanists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how science might be used to undermine the Satanist beliefs of the hated Jewish bankster Frankists, who are mental slaves to these beliefs. By discrediting these beliefs, hopefully these Jewish bankster Frankist Satanists will stop trying to take over the world, with its capitol in Jerusalem, and then wiping out the goy as prophesized in their Talmud, and made worse by Frankist beliefs that Frankists should commit as much evil as possible to hasten the coming of the Jewish messiah to make the Talmudic prophecy a reality.

102  MGTOW-Masculist (Bumper) Stickers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists some slogans that could be put on stickers and placed all over town, to increase public awareness of the main MGTOW/masculist ideas.

101  The MGTOW-ARCer Educational Revolution  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer shows how education (for the student and the professor) is being revolutionized by the MGTOW-ARCers, who can devote a substantial portion of their lives to free learning and teaching.

100  Degynocentrification Necessitates Dejudaicentrification  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that men will not be able to degynocentrify our culture without removing the MEjew (massively evil Jewish) dictators who control and bribe the gender politicians, who created viciously menunfair divorce laws, which have caused men’s lib groups (MGTOW, MRAs, Herbivores, masculists) to refuse to marry and have kids, thus wiping out whole (goy) populations, which is what the MEjew bankster Satanists want, in order to fulfill their Talmudic prophecy of ruling the world from Jerusalem, and then wiping out the goy (non Jews).

99  Political Phases of MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lists 5 political phases or stages that the MGTOW/Masculism movements will probably have to go through for men’s lib issues to be resolved.

98  Restructuring Universities with MGTOW Principles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer wonders how society would be affected if millions of MGTOW/masculist professors could work part time, spending their free time doing what they love. Society would become hugely more creative, benefitting everyone.

97  Helping College MGTOW/Masculist Groups  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : Men’s Lib groups are now starting up on American campuses. This flyer lists the main ideas of MGTOW/Masculism to help the leaders of these Men’s Lib groups to spread the word to the majority of men on campus who remain ignorant of MGTOW/masculist ideas.

96  ARCing and SeRCing for MGTOWs/Masculists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes life styles for MGTOWs/masculists who refuse to be manslaves to fluffie parasites. They can ARC (after retirement careering), or SeRC (semi retirement careering) and others.

95  Post Pogrom MGTOW/Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer predicts that after the dollar crashes, and the hated Jewish Bankster Frankist Satanists have been pogrommed, MGTOWs/masculists will not return to the traditional male roles. Many will continue to twaytwef and to ARC in midlife, having learned of their advantages pre crash/pogrom.

94  Being Free : The Joys and Impact of ARCing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the joys and the societal, economic impact when millions of MGTOWs/masculists ARC (after retirement careering.)

93  MGTOW Deckchairs on the Titanic : The Coming American Holocaust  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses a frustration with MGTOWs for not being conscious of the impending massacre of millions of Americans that will be unleashed by the Jewish bankster Shabbatean Frankist Satanists when they decide to crash the dollar.

92  Scientizing the Jewish Bankster Satanists to Liberate Men  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that the horrors awaiting American men when the dollar crashes, caused by the Jewish bankster Satanists, may be the price that men pay, to liberate themselves from menunfair gender laws created by these Jewish banksters. The most effective way to remove the Jewish banksters Satanist beliefs is with science, discrediting them. Without these underlying beliefs, Jewish bankster Satanists will  disappear and men will be liberated.

91  Einstein Relationships  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer labels a type of borderline relationship with a woman, in which the man keeps an intellectual emotional distance from the woman due to her femalien nature and lack of interest in his intellectual existential passion(s).

90  Should a Twaytweffer’s Girlfriend be a FIP?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that twaytweffing is superior to twapping (i.e. having a relationship with a fluffie, keeping two apartments.)

89  MGTOWs as Pawns of the Jewish Banksters  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my growing skepticism that the main idea of MGTOW i.e. to avoid fatherhood to crash the population to force society to be less gynocentric, will not work, if the massively unjust divorce laws against men were engineered behind the scenes by Jewish banksters to help reduce the world population to half a billion as stated on the Georgia guide stones.

88  Science’s War Against (Satanist) Judaism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that Satanist Judaism is one of the vilest religions ever invented by humanity, and should be wiped out by being discredited by science, thus ridding the world of the worst criminals against humanity in history, who believe in this satanist garbage.

87  Checklist for Women to Get a Man  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is aimed at women, presenting 3 criteria that women need to meet to have a twaytwef relationship with a man in an increasingly MGTOW/masculist oriented society. Those women failing these 3 will increasingly be manless.

86  MGTOW-Masculism and the American Pogrom  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that MGTOW-masculism will be seen as a frivolous ignorable luxury during the time of the collapse of the US dollar as the world’s reserve currency, that will happen soon, resulting in a pogrom by American goy sages (intellectuals) against the hated Jewish banksters and their cronies.

85  Marxism and Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how fluffie exploitation of men’s labor is worse, i.e. has a higher exploitation rate, than the exploitation of early capitalists against their proletarian employees.

84  What Will Governments Do to MGTOWs/Masculists? (link) (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer reflects on what governments will do to the MGTOW/Masculist movements when push really comes to shove concerning the crash in the population caused by the MGTOW/masculist utter refusal to be manslaves to fluffie parasites.

83  It is Critically Important that MGTOWs/Masculists Educate the Public  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes how important it is for MGTOWs/masculists to educate the public about MGTOW/masculist ideas so that society is made menfair, otherwise the MGTOW/masculists will continue to wipe out whole populations by refusing to marry and have kids, thus crashing the birth rate.

82  Fluffie FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer asserts that it is not sufficient for a woman to be a FIP for a MGTOW/masculist to consider having a relationship with her. She also needs to repress her genetically determined criterion of judging men according to men’s exploitability of their resources by women. To masculists/MGTOWs, fluffie FIPs are nearly as bad as fluffies, and just as rejectable.

81  The Eclipse of MGTOW-Masculism with the Collapse of the West  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that MGTOW-masculism will become irrelevant for several decades during which time, the western countries recover from the economic crash and civil war against and removal of the Jewish banksters who ruled their countries.

80  Combatting Jewish Bankster Control of the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests how the Jewish banksters who (very probably) bribed the gender politicians to pass massively unjust divorce legislation against men, can be removed.

79  Were Jewish Banksters Behind the Misandrist Divorce Laws of the 70s?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer expresses my suspicion that Jewish banksters were indirectly responsible for the creation of the misandrist divorce laws of the 70s that have ruined the lives of tens of millions of US  divorced fathers.

78   Twaytweffing After Gender Law Fairing  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer wonders what will happen to the twaytweffing lifestyle after the gender laws have been made menfair. Will it die out? I doubt it, so the population will continue to fall, forcing the gender politicians to adopt other measures to increase the birth rate.

77  Giving MGTOW-Masculist Talks at High Schools  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that the “fluffie crapper” problem needs to be solved by educating high school young men not to marry and have kids, and by educating high school young women to be FIPs if they want at least to have a (twaytwef) relationship with a man.

76  Allying with Female FIPs to Pressure the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that more FIP women are complaining about palimony laws that allow their fluffo (male equivalent of fluffie) ex boy-friends to rob them of their money. Masculists and FIP females thus have a common interest to get rid of unfair gender laws, so should combine forces to pressure the gender politicians.

75  ARCing WGTOWs?!  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer poses the question whether women could be ARCers (after retirement careerers) mimicking male ARCers. Yes, they could. They would need to be FIPs, and to have saved hard in the first half of their lives and then ARC freely in their second half.

74  Modifying Females’ Hypergamous Psychology  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as most males become masculists/MGTOWs, women will be forced to hide their true hypergamous nature and present only their FIP side to men, otherwise they will not get a man.

73  Why Masculists Look Down on MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists look down on MGTOWs for their apolitical attitudes, thus greatly decreasing the efficiency with which the MGTOW/masculist ideas could be spread, to create a FIP society, with menfaired gender laws.

72  Twaytweffing and Kids  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses what the impact will be on childraising when twaytweffing becomes very popular with the majority of first halver (i.e. < 40) males.

71  FIP Boy Meets Fluffie Girl and then …  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer imagines a conversation between a young FIP boy and his fluffie girlfriend as the boy wakes up to the manslave role his girlfriend wants him to have.

70  The Masculist-MGTOW Bashing of (Fluffie) Feminists in Public  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that the time is ripe for masculists/MGTOWs to attack fluffie feminists in public, presenting an imaginary attack on the feminazi who attacked President Summers of Harvard.

69  What Masculists/MGTOWs Expect from Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains what masculists/MGTOWs want women to do, to free men from manslavery, i.e. become FIPs, that parents should socialize their daughters to be FIPs, that the fluffie feminist lobby be removed from the divorce courts.

68  Understanding AND Loving Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer argues that it is possible and very important that new attitudes and institutions be set up by MGTOWs and masculists, that make it possible for men to both understand the negative, inherited attitudes of women towards men, AND to love women, if populations are not to be wiped out by the man-strike.

67 Masculist Contempt for Lazy-Bum Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out a the lazy-bum, attitudes of fluffies and emphasizes that the political effort of the masculists needs to be aimed at the high schools where the real “fluffie damage” is done.

66  MGTOW-Masculist Message to Fluffie Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is directed at fluffie feminists, explaining why MGTOWs-masculists have such a hatred of them, refusing to be their manslaves, and forcing them to become FIPs or be manless.

65  Female Absorption of MGTOW/Masculist Ideas  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer anticipates how women will behave, a few decades from now, towards a male population which has had its MGTOW/masculist consciousness raised, i.e. made aware of female hypergamous, genetically programmed, nature.

64  Converting Fluffies to FIPs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer maps out ideas on how MGTOW/masculists can convert fluffies to FIPs as a vital stepping stone to liberate men

63  The “Fuck Only FIPs” Campaign  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer proposes to masculists/MGTOWs to only fuck FIPs as a tool to scare more fluffies into becoming FIPs, so that fluffie manslavery is wiped out by wiping out the fluffies.

62  What is to be done ?  (Men’s Lib)  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer maps out the major steps in a political program to free men from the traditional manslaving role of working for women. The initial step is education, to be followed by political action to get the gender laws made “men-fair.

61  Masculism as Heavy Moralistic Pressure on Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as more MGTOW/masculist influenced men become disgusted with fluffie financial parasitism on men, they will refuse to fuck them, thus setting up a positive circle for men, as the moral pressure on fluffies forces more of them to become FIPs. Men will increasingly fuck FIP women only, pushing up the moral pressure on fluffies even more until they get wiped out, the primary political masculist goal.

60  Feminism as a Quasi-Religion  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that third wave feminism (3wf) has many characteristics in common with religion, so sage masculists/MGTOWs need to discredit them so that men can be liberated from the consequences of 3wf isscienate fairydom that harms men’s lives, e.g. the divorce courts.

59  Feminist Globaciders  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at the third wave feminist globaciders who are wiping out the world population by having made the divorce courts toxic  to men who subsequently boycott marriage and fatherhood, crashing the world population

58  Promoting the “Fluffie Graveyard”  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer aims to promote the concept of the “fluffie graveyard” i.e. the lifestyle that awaits 40% of women over 40, i.e. living alone, punished in many cases by men for not bothering to become FIP and abusing men financially.

57  Femaliens and Sexbots  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer considers how revolutionary the sexbot industry will become in less than a decade, when men prefer to sex their bots rather than women. Women’s alien nature will create for them a deep existential crisis as men ignore them in droves, forcing women to fend for themselves by becoming FIPs.

56  MGTOW/Masculist Strategies Towards the Journalists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer talks about strategies that MGTOWs/masculists can use to approach the journalists to motivate them to write/film pieces about MGTOW/masculist ideas, to spread the word to the 100s of millions.

55  Fluffie Crappers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the term “fluffie crapper” i.e. a young woman who studies fluffie crap (i.e. a non FIP major) at high school or college. Hopefully this humorous derogatory label will catch on, so that masculists/MGTOWs will have a new verbal weapon to help ratchet up the moral pressure against fluffie parasites.

54  Can FIP Women Love Men?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer poses the question whether FIP women under or over 40 are capable of loving men, rather than seeing men as exploitable assets. Second halver(> 40) FIP women are probably more capable of truly loving a man than a first halver (<40) fluffie.

53  The Childish Sadism of Divorcing Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer decries the childish sadism of divorcing fluffies and threatens women that if they do not pass the “FIPtest” i.e. learning to be FIPs and behaving as responsible adults, then men will take away women’s power to contribute to the creation of the gender laws.

52  Why is the FIPping of Fluffies so Important to Masculists?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)   (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer explains why masculists place such enormous importance on the FIPping of fluffies, namely because with nearly all women as FIPs, most of men’s gender role problems would be solved.

51  Getting the MGTOW/Masculist Word Out  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer says that there is plenty of MGTOW/masculist content now, so that the next step can be taken, i.e. getting the MGTOW/masculist word out to the general public. This flyer suggests things that MGTOWs/masculists can do towards that end.

50  Female Adaptation to Uncontrollable Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer discusses how women are adapting to a higher proportion of men becoming wise to genetically based female parasitism on men’s resources. Men are putting new financial and moral pressures on women to become FIPs and behave as responsible adults.

49  Female Laziness and its Implications  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer decries female greater laziness levels and their impact on males, namely greater levels of female parasitism on men.

48  Smashing Feminist Arrogance  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer lashes out at third wave feminism that it gynocentric, arrogant, treating men as exploitable vermin. It shows how such feminists can be wiped out with a combination of science education to discredit them, and real male verbal violence based on masculist/MGTOW ideas.

47  The FIPping of High-School/College Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how high school and college males who are fed up with feminazi bitching and feminist put downs can scare women to be nice to men, by telling women about the main ideas of MGTOW and masculism, and that these women will not have a baby nor get a man.

46  Scientizing MGTOW  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests there is a second major difference between MGTOW and masculism and that is masculism is more ethical, more moralistic, whereas MGTOW is more empirical, making psychological claims about women’s nature that now need to be scientifically tested.

45  Can Men Love Women Knowing that Women Don’t Love Men? (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer claims that as more men are influenced by MGTOW ideas like the red pill and female hypergamy, men will fall out of love with women and protect themselves more against parasitical female nature.

44 Spelling It Out to Teenage Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is addressed to 16 year old girls. Its spells out clearly that if they don’t study FIP major topics (calculus, the sciences) in their final 2 years at high school they will end up being manless, loveless, babyless and poor in their 30s when they are unable to find a manslave to parasite on.

43  Looking Poor is an Effective Fluffie Repellent  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests that looking poor is an effective way for MGTOW/masculist men with money to repel fluffie parasites.

42  The New Gender Politicians Will FIPpress the Fluffies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer claims as the population crash continues, caused by young men refusing to marry and have kids, due to the toxicity of the fluffie feminist dominated divorce court system, a new batch of gender politicians will come out of the woodwork, who will FIPpress fluffies into becoming FIPS to get the birthrate back up.

41  The FIPping of Females Will Not Be Enough  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer explains that having most women being FIPs will not solve all men’s gender issues. FIP women are still women, so will judge men’s sexual attractiveness by male wealth, but MGTOWs and masculists are choosing to spend much less on women, so women will be forced to change their sexual attractiveness criteria towards men.

40  After the Gender Dust Settles  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer paints a picture of society after the MGTOWs/masculists feel that they have gotten what they wanted from society, where women accept that men outperform women, that the genii are males, and women  accept that men should have equal rights with women.

39  Women’s Growing Inferiority Complex  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer considers the idea that there will be such massive negative opinion of women’s immorality and women’s inferior performance abilities, coming from men in the next decade or two, that women will develop a severe inferiority complex.

38  The Evolution of Female Nagging  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer theorizes on how women evolved their nagging of men, and how in today’s twaytweffing world, a nagging female will probably end up living alone.

37  Countering Feminist Attitudes with Masculist Attitudes  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes how young feminist-influenced princesses in the western countries can have their arrogance pricked by confrontation with MGTOWs/masculists.

36  MGTOW-Masculist Education of Parents  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer suggests MGTOW/masculist topics that parents can teach their kids with  the intention of forming a FIP Society.

35  FIPpressing the FEMALES  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer emphasizes the need for MGTOWs and masculists to educate society that women must be FIPs or be manless. MGTOWs and masculists need to put powerful moral pressure on women by educating parents, teachers, professors, the media etc to FIPpress young women to be FIPs so that men can be freed from fluffie manslavery.

34  The Criminal Ethics of Gender Politicians (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer tries to explain why the male-feminist, man-traitor, gender politicians have been so criminal in their ethics towards men. It claims that it is largely because these gender politicians were utterly bought and selected by the banksters, which ensured that they have no conscience about destroying millions of men’s lives.

33  MGTOW-Masculist Dusting Campaign  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer introduces the concept of “dusting” i.e. cleaning away the fluff, i.e. wiping out fluffiedom from the earth, by forcing women to become FIPs, or they don’t get a man. Fluffiedom is to removed in the 21st century, the way negro slavery was removed in the 1800s and belief in witchcraft died out in the 1700s.

32  Hypergamous Males  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer encourages males to be a lot more hypergamous, putting strong moral pressure on women to be FIPs so that more men can twaytwef (see above flyers) and hence get regular sex without being a manslave to a bloody fluffie.

31  MGTOW/Masculism, FIP Females, Twaytweffing, and Babies  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows that there is a third option for MGTOWs/masculists besides A) marrying and risking being financially massacred in a divorce, B) being a MGTOW monk, and that is C) “twaytweffing” (i.e. 2A2Fing – see an earlier flyer on this.)

30  Ideological Ammunition for MGTOW/Masculist High Schoolers  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides ideas to high school MGTOWs/masculists they can use to morally pressure their female classmates against choosing the soft option majors instead of the hard option of math and the sciences that are necessary to become FIPs as adults and hence not parasite on a man.

29  How Will the Gender Politicians React Towards the MGTOWs/Masculists Wiping Out the Population?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer contrasts the two broad approaches to solving the MGTOW/masculist annihilation of the population problem, i.e. the feminist “manup” approach and the MGTOW/masculist “woman up” approach, i.e. creating a “FIP Society.”

28  A Tale of Two Movements : The Price of MGTOW Anonymity  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer reflects on which approach will be more effective in getting the MGTOW/masculist message out, the broadcast media approach of the boomer masculists, or the pseudonymed YouTube video approach of the MGTOWs in their 30s.

27  MGTOW/Masculist Poisoning of Men’s Minds  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describes a (hetero) fluffie feminist’s conception of how poisonous MGTOW/masculist ideas are, which threaten to make her poor and childless because she wont be able to find a robot male to parasite on.

26  Converting Male Feminists to Masculists/MGTOWs  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer lists the factors that are driving male feminists to become masculists/MGTOWs, i.e. the impact of masculist/MGTOW ideas, the experience of financial slaughter in the divorce courts, and the repulsiveness of feminazis.

25  Ammunition for Heckling Fluffie Feminists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer provides suggested statements that MGTOWs and masculists can use in public when fluffie feminists are dumping on men.

24  Teaching Women to Hate the Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer aims to persuade FIP women that they can increase the chances of persuading men to give them babies, if these FIP women join forces with the masculists to force the gender politicians to menfair the gender laws.

23  Masculist-MGTOW Advice to Japanese Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer offers advice to Japanese gender politicians on how to avoid the catastrophic decrease in the Japanese population by pushing for the creation of a “FIP Society”, advice that applies not only to Japan.

22  Why is there no Parer (Paternity Rejection Right?) (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how society would be different if there were a Parer. Women would have to be FIPs, be responsible for their own lives and not expect to parasite on men. They would have to grow up. Women don’t want this, so they fight tooth and nail to stop the legislation of the Parer, despite its massive hypocrisy, given the existence of the Marer for women.

21  Men’s Growing Hatred of (Fluffie) Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer estimates that about ten million US divorced men have been financially massacred over the 40 year period since the divorce courts were taken over by the fluffie feminists and their male feminist gender politician stooges. This figure is far worse than any war the US has been in. It is the Sex War, so millions of men are learning to hate (fluffie) women and are going to war against them, killing them by neglect and killing fluffiedom with violent words.

20  The SEX WAR  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows that a sex war is going on, when a thirdof married women are financially massacring their husbands. After the gender laws are made menfair, relations between the sexes will remain permanently soured as men realistically adopt new lifestyles to accommodate women’s parasitic nature.

19  The Politics of Baby Calculus, Making 12th Grade Calculus Compulsory for High School Seniors  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This in your face flyer proposes making 12th grade calculus and a science compulsory for high school seniors to ensure that they can become FIPs as adults and not parasite on another person.

18  MGTOW/Masculist PRESS RELEASE for Male Journalists  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This 6 page flyer is a PRESS RELEASE to male journalists which explains why men are abandoning marriage and having kids, thus wiping out whole populations, the dominant issue of our time.

17  Title : Suggested Masculist Political Actions  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo)

Descr : This flyer contains 10 suggestions for political actions that masculists and masculist MGTOWs can perform.

16  So You’re a MGTOW/Masculist High School Kid, What Can You Do?  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo(MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer is addressed to high school guys giving ideas on how to set up a Men’s Lib group at your high school and what it could do.

15  Gender Roles 2050  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer takes a futuristic look at how gender roles, feminism, masculism, MGTOW, etc will play out over the next few decades.

14  Why Masculists/MGTOWs Hate Fluffies and Gender Politicians  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  This flyer gives the main reasons why masculists/MGTOWs have such hatred against fluffies and the gender politicians in the growing sex war.

13  ARCing (After Retirement Careering) , The True Focus of a MGTOW’s Masculist’s Life  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer describe ARCing (After Retirement Careering) which is the main focus of a MGTOW’s/Masculist’s life, free from wage-slavery to an employer, and from man-slavery to a fluffie.

12  The FIP Society  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer presents the primary goal of the masculists, i.e. to create the “FIP Society” where all adults (male and female) are FIPs (financially independent persons), its advantages, and how to achieve it.

11  Primal Parasites (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how a fluffie who accuses a  MGTOW/masculist of being selfish is a hundred times more selfish by wanting a man-slave to pay HER to have kids that SHE wants.

10  Secondhalver FIP Women Can be Quite Nice  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer shows how a man can get along quite well with a FIP woman over 40.

9  Men-Fairing the Divorce Courts  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This flyer makes concrete proposals on how the gender politicians can reform the divorce courts to make them men fair, and how to address other critical masculist-MGTOW issues.

8  Baby Calculus (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : To get a man to give a woman babies, the woman needs to be a FIP, which means she has to study a FIP major in college, which has as a prereq, 12th grade high school calculus, so “no calculus, no babies.”

7  MGTOW YouTube Channel Video Links (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : A file containing links to MGTOW YouTube Channel videos.

6  Agenda for University MGTOW-Masculist Groups (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  A flyer suggesting what MGTOW-masculist groups can do.

5  “TwayTweffing” : The “2A2F” Lifestyle for the Modern Man  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : A flyer presenting to  MGTOWs and masculists a lifestyle that allows men to get regular sex and that forces women to be nice to them, without any toxicity that comes from a traditional man-slaving marriage.

4  To the Gender Politicians : Genocidal Criminals  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : A flyer explaining to the gender politicians why they are indirectly wiping out the American population, by having allowed the fluffie feminists to take over the divorce courts.

3  You are a Fluffie Student  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : A flyer aimed at fluffie students who study career incompetent subjects at university so that in their 30s they will look around for a man-slave to pay for the middle class house they want to raise their kids in.

2  MGTOW-Masculism for Women  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr : This is a 21 slide PPt presentation for women who want to understand why 70% of men in the US and Japan refuse to marry and have kids, spending their money on themselves.

1  The ABCs of MGTOW and Masculism  (link)  (YouTubevideo)  (Mindsvideo)  (BitChutevideo) (Odyseevideo) (MGTOWtvvideo)

Descr :  A 22 slide PPt presentation on the main ideas of MGTOW and masculism.